"Independent Voters"

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Most people are either going to vote for the GOP candidate or the sleaze ball Democrat hack candidate who is living on borrowed time as he/she awaits his/her next indictment. But neither of these two groups alone produce a majority of voters so as to enable a victory in a presidential election. Thus, each must cultivate votes from the rest of the eligible voters are are not already dedicated to one side or another. These are called "Independents". Personally, I think they should be called "Morons", as the term "independent" connotes one who can walk alone in this world. But independent voters are notoriously stupid. The term an its connotation in the context of politics do not comport.

It is hard to imagine someone vacillating between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Such a person really ought not even be registered to vote. They should instead be registered in a mental facility. Granted, there are "Independents" that may sway right or left. Plus, if these people do not have their choice as nominee, then they may just not vote, thereby shirking their duty altogether in a childish show of ignorance and stupidity. But there will be a certain percentage of dummies out there that will be thinking, "Uh, we had better times under Trump, errrr.... but DemOkriSseY... It is such a hard decision...". Further, a lot of these so-called "Independents" are not even regular voters and will only vote in the general election, as they don't even know who the primary candidates are. Some of them voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, then voted for Trump in 2016, then Biden in 2020. How do you square something like that other than assessing such a voter to be completely retarded?

It strikes me as really a shame that the identity of the next U.S. president is going to come down to these morons who are too ignorant to know where they stand on political issues. Hell, our nation's future may come down to who wins. I will hand it to the Dem sludge, as they clearly know they are dealing with morons when they blather all the hyperbolic lies into the media. They know who they are playing to influence. They are way ahead of the GOP in this regard. Of course, most of this is not because they are keen politicians so much as just horrible people who are perfectly fine with lying if they think it will result in what they want.
Most people are either going to vote for the GOP candidate or the sleaze ball Democrat hack candidate who is living on borrowed time as he/she awaits his/her next indictment. But neither of these two groups alone produce a majority of voters so as to enable a victory in a presidential election. Thus, each must cultivate votes from the rest of the eligible voters are are not already dedicated to one side or another. These are called "Independents". Personally, I think they should be called "Morons", as the term "independent" connotes one who can walk alone in this world. But independent voters are notoriously stupid. The term an its connotation in the context of politics do not comport.

It is hard to imagine someone vacillating between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Such a person really ought not even be registered to vote. They should instead be registered in a mental facility. Granted, there are "Independents" that may sway right or left. Plus, if these people do not have their choice as nominee, then they may just not vote, thereby shirking their duty altogether in a childish show of ignorance and stupidity. But there will be a certain percentage of dummies out there that will be thinking, "Uh, we had better times under Trump, errrr.... but DemOkriSseY... It is such a hard decision...". Further, a lot of these so-called "Independents" are not even regular voters and will only vote in the general election, as they don't even know who the primary candidates are. Some of them voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, then voted for Trump in 2016, then Biden in 2020. How do you square something like that other than assessing such a voter to be completely retarded?

It strikes me as really a shame that the identity of the next U.S. president is going to come down to these morons who are too ignorant to know where they stand on political issues. Hell, our nation's future may come down to who wins. I will hand it to the Dem sludge, as they clearly know they are dealing with morons when they blather all the hyperbolic lies into the media. They know who they are playing to influence. They are way ahead of the GOP in this regard. Of course, most of this is not because they are keen politicians so much as just horrible people who are perfectly fine with lying if they think it will result in what they want.
Last election I voted 6 Republicans and 2 Democrats. And I made a good choice with the Democrats because their Republican opponent was arrested by the FBI just after the election. Voting straight party line seems to be the moron thing to do.
Do your research and vote for the best candidate for the position. I have never seen any candidate I agree with on issues 100%
When it comes to Party affiliation according to research I am about 48% in agreement with the Democrats and over 60% with Republicans.
I have to admit it. If I vote for any candidate (for any office) who accepts the label of “Democrat,” I do feel a bit dirty.

I will cross Party lines for a good and compelling reason.

But it would be reprehensible to put a Democrap into the White House.
Well in Virginia you can't even register in the state as gop, dem, or Independant. All state conducted primaries are open.

A party can conduct a "firehouse primary" for their members only.....That's how Youngkin was picked.
Who am I supposed to be carrying water for?

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