
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Consumption tax a tax break for the high income households and the wealthy.

GOP want to eliminate income taxes and put in place a consumption tax on products and services we buy. Consumption tax only will not generate enough revenue for the Government to run efficiently. More Government spending will have to be cut and the cuts usually affect the poor, elderly and children. Million of Americans have already paid in taxes on the income they are using to live off and consumption tax would mean they would be taxed again. Consumption tax would open the good for a big Black Market business with inferior products. People like me on a fixed income would buy on the Black Market and their safety would be compromised.
Income tax have worked for thousands of years and was first put in place by Jesus because it is still the best source of revenue that support our Government. Consumption taxes will alter spending habits considerable.
Another GOP brilliant idea to destroy this country. We finally got a healthcare program that works for all and they want to take that away. The donut hole work for millions of seniors. My daughter who changed jobs and her new insurance do not cover her pre-existing heart condition and she will have to pay for a Echocardiogram. Under Obamacare she would not have to pay anything except a co-pay. Healthcare mandate is comparable to auto insurance mandate. It is needed for the betterment of the healthcare system and for those who own and drive a car on public roads.
Consumption tax a tax break for the high income households and the wealthy.

GOP want to eliminate income taxes and put in place a consumption tax on products and services we buy. Consumption tax only will not generate enough revenue for the Government to run efficiently. More Government spending will have to be cut and the cuts usually affect the poor, elderly and children. Million of Americans have already paid in taxes on the income they are using to live off and consumption tax would mean they would be taxed again. Consumption tax would open the good for a big Black Market business with inferior products. People like me on a fixed income would buy on the Black Market and their safety would be compromised.
Income tax have worked for thousands of years and was first put in place by Jesus because it is still the best source of revenue that support our Government. Consumption taxes will alter spending habits considerable.
Another GOP brilliant idea to destroy this country. We finally got a healthcare program that works for all and they want to take that away. The donut hole work for millions of seniors. My daughter who changed jobs and her new insurance do not cover her pre-existing heart condition and she will have to pay for a Echocardiogram. Under Obamacare she would not have to pay anything except a co-pay. Healthcare mandate is comparable to auto insurance mandate. It is needed for the betterment of the healthcare system and for those who own and drive a car on public roads.

How original....


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