Income disparity? Tim Cook's sweet 378 million 2011 salary..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
What income disparity?

Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock
By Associated Press, Published: January 9 | Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 1:00 AM
LOS ANGELES — Tim Cook could well end up being the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, after Apple Inc. granted him a million restricted stock units last August for taking the reins shortly before co-founder Steve Jobs died.

An Associated Press review of a securities filing shows Cook’s pay package was valued at $378 million. The vast majority came in a grant of a million restricted stock units worth $376 million at the time. Half of the stock units will vest in August 2016, the other half in August 2021.
Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock - The Washington Post

BAU baby!
What income disparity?

Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock
By Associated Press, Published: January 9 | Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 1:00 AM
LOS ANGELES — Tim Cook could well end up being the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, after Apple Inc. granted him a million restricted stock units last August for taking the reins shortly before co-founder Steve Jobs died.

An Associated Press review of a securities filing shows Cook’s pay package was valued at $378 million. The vast majority came in a grant of a million restricted stock units worth $376 million at the time. Half of the stock units will vest in August 2016, the other half in August 2021.
Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock - The Washington Post

BAU baby!

Does 'vest' mean he can't sell them until then?

If so, worry not. The book value of this package is closer to 80 million, and I don't think the hype is going to continue for 4 more years, let alone 9 more years. He'll likely cash out for a lot more than $80 million, but nothing approaching $378 million.
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What income disparity?

Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock
By Associated Press, Published: January 9 | Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 1:00 AM
LOS ANGELES — Tim Cook could well end up being the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, after Apple Inc. granted him a million restricted stock units last August for taking the reins shortly before co-founder Steve Jobs died.

An Associated Press review of a securities filing shows Cook’s pay package was valued at $378 million. The vast majority came in a grant of a million restricted stock units worth $376 million at the time. Half of the stock units will vest in August 2016, the other half in August 2021.
Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock - The Washington Post

BAU baby!

Does 'vest' mean he can't sell them until then?

If so, worry not. The book value of this package is closer to 80 million, and I don't think the hype is going to continue for 4 more years, let alone 9 more years. He'll likely cash out for a lot more than $80 million, but nothing approaching $378 million.


In any case..what exactly does this guy do to justify a salary like that? What value does he add to the company?
As far as I am concerned, it is not my business how much a private company pays its employees. Jealousy is such a sad thing.
Little history..


Unix (officially trademarked as UNIX, sometimes also written as Unix) is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs, including Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Brian Kernighan, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. The Unix operating system was first developed in assembly language, but by 1973 had been almost entirely recoded in C, greatly facilitating its further development and porting to other hardware. Today's Unix system evolution is split into various branches, developed over time by AT&T as well as various commercial vendors, universities (such as University of California, Berkeley's BSD), and non-profit organizations.

The Open Group, an industry standards consortium, owns the UNIX trademark. Only systems fully compliant with and certified according to the Single UNIX Specification are qualified to use the trademark; others might be called Unix system-like or Unix-like, although the Open Group disapproves[1] of this term. However, the term Unix is often used informally to denote any operating system that closely resembles the trademarked system.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, the influence of Unix in academic circles led to large-scale adoption of Unix (particularly of the BSD variant, originating from the University of California, Berkeley) by commercial startups, the most notable of which are Solaris, HP-UX and AIX. Among all variants of Unix, the most widely used are Linux[citation needed], which is used to power data centers, desktops, mobile phones, and embedded devices such as routers, set-top boxes or e-book readers, and Mac OS X[citation needed], as the underpinnings of Apple's desktop and mobile phone operating systems.
Unix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...what exactly does this guy do to justify a salary like that? What value does he add to the company?
--any how can you 'justify' your posting that comment considering in the half hour since you made it over four thousand people in the world have died? Maybe we need to just accept the reality that you don't have to 'justify' your comments to me and Apple's stockholders don't have to 'justify' their CEO salaries to you.
As far as I am concerned, it is not my business how much a private company pays its employees. Jealousy is such a sad thing.
Covetous envy is an age old poison, and imho it's the route of the suffering the world's been enduring these past few years.
As far as I am concerned, it is not my business how much a private company pays its employees. Jealousy is such a sad thing.
Covetous envy is an age old poison, and imho it's the route of the suffering the world's been enduring these past few years.

Yep. I'm struggling with the concept that this is anyone's business other than the company's shareholders.

I don't buy Apple products so I don't care. I ain't paying.
...struggling with the concept that this is anyone's business other than the company's shareholders. I don't buy Apple products so I don't care. I ain't paying.
--and I do care about my fat profits from having been an Apple stockholder:

I got no problems with my paying high CEO salaries. Not for a second.
Conservatives never understand liberals, mainly because when we're talking about principle, they make the mistake of thinking we're making a personal complaint. Hence, in this case, the insertion of the words "envy" and "covetousness" where they have no place.

What happens at Apple matters because it's not just at Apple, it's throughout our economy: more and more of the company income goes to the top, less and less to the employees. That's why the middle class is shrinking (fewer and fewer jobs pay enough money to belong to it). It's why the economy is so shaky (imbalance between productivity and consumer demand). It's OUR problem, whether or not it is MY problem.

We really are all in this together, hard as that is for some to understand.
...Apple matters because it's not just at Apple, it's throughout our economy: more and more of the company income goes to the top, less and less to the employees...
That post is disconnected from reality because that statement is false to fact. If the statement had been true then the tread should have started out with facts about employee pay in general. It didn't. It started out with facts about Apple's CEO pay in particular.

If you want, we can hijack this thread and switch the discussion to average incomes, but we'd have to stick with reality though...
Moonbats are always whining about what someone else has, what a bitch ass way to live your life......
As far as I am concerned, it is not my business how much a private company pays its employees. Jealousy is such a sad thing.
Covetous envy is an age old poison, and imho it's the route of the suffering the world's been enduring these past few years.

Yep. I'm struggling with the concept that this is anyone's business other than the company's shareholders.

I don't buy Apple products so I don't care. I ain't paying.

What's really sad to me is the amount of emphasis placed on a few thousand people making more money than they should instead of the millions who are unemployed or underemployed. Instead of working on long term solutions that actually address the problem, short term programs are proposed and vigorously supported that only provide a temporary bounce.
...people making more money than they should...
Prices agreed upon by people legally exchanging value are always what they "should" be. Sure, we all hear some moron say "HAW HAW HAW YOU PAID TOOOO MUCH FOR THAT!!!" but critics aren't doers and no matter how much they want to impress us with their supposed wisdom, they never accomplish anything.
Covetous envy is an age old poison, and imho it's the route of the suffering the world's been enduring these past few years.

Yep. I'm struggling with the concept that this is anyone's business other than the company's shareholders.

I don't buy Apple products so I don't care. I ain't paying.

What's really sad to me is the amount of emphasis placed on a few thousand people making more money than they should instead of the millions who are unemployed or underemployed. Instead of working on long term solutions that actually address the problem, short term programs are proposed and vigorously supported that only provide a temporary bounce.

Make more than they should? According to whom? Why shouldn't a private company choose how much to pay their employees? It's not your business, or mine. The way I see it, in this case, there is a successful CEO managing a very profitable company - if Apple see that as worth the money they pay him, that's their decision.
...what exactly does this guy do to justify a salary like that? What value does he add to the company?
--any how can you 'justify' your posting that comment considering in the half hour since you made it over four thousand people in the world have died? Maybe we need to just accept the reality that you don't have to 'justify' your comments to me and Apple's stockholders don't have to 'justify' their CEO salaries to you.

If you are going to make comments..try to make sense.
What income disparity?

Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock
By Associated Press, Published: January 9 | Updated: Tuesday, January 10, 1:00 AM
LOS ANGELES — Tim Cook could well end up being the highest paid CEO in America in 2011, after Apple Inc. granted him a million restricted stock units last August for taking the reins shortly before co-founder Steve Jobs died.

An Associated Press review of a securities filing shows Cook’s pay package was valued at $378 million. The vast majority came in a grant of a million restricted stock units worth $376 million at the time. Half of the stock units will vest in August 2016, the other half in August 2021.
Apple CEO Cook pay could lead in 2011 with $378 million pay package due to restricted stock - The Washington Post

BAU baby!

I rather doubt that $387 million is even CLOSE to the highest payment given to managers in the USA.

If one includes bonuses I'm informed the top 25 HEDGE FUND CEOs averaged over a billions dollars a year in 2009.

7 of those Hedge fund managers took home more than 1 BILLION per year.

I doubt they're making less now than in 2009.
...Apple matters because it's not just at Apple, it's throughout our economy: more and more of the company income goes to the top, less and less to the employees...
That post is disconnected from reality because that statement is false to fact. If the statement had been true then the tread should have started out with facts about employee pay in general. It didn't. It started out with facts about Apple's CEO pay in particular.

If you want, we can hijack this thread and switch the discussion to average incomes, but we'd have to stick with reality though...

The post is on point. Given the income disparity in this country..and given the power that wealth's a problem.

There's been an erosion of the rights and wages of the average joe..and that's directly tied to the influence corporate cash has in politics.
...what exactly does this guy do to justify a salary like that? What value does he add to the company? don't have to 'justify' your comments to me and Apple's stockholders don't have to 'justify' their CEO salaries to you.
If you are going to make comments..try to make sense...
Not sure which part of 'justify = stupid' you don't understand...
...we can hijack this thread and switch the discussion to average incomes, but we'd have to stick with reality though...
...Given the income disparity in this country..and given the power that wealth's a problem. There's been an erosion of the rights and wages of the average joe..and that's directly tied to the influence corporate cash has in politics.
Ah, so we all agree now that justifying someone else's wages is stupid and we're now switching the thread to income inequality. Good. I like income inequality because trying to make incomes equal is stupid. We all agree on that too don't we?
What income disparity?

BAU baby!

Does 'vest' mean he can't sell them until then?

If so, worry not. The book value of this package is closer to 80 million, and I don't think the hype is going to continue for 4 more years, let alone 9 more years. He'll likely cash out for a lot more than $80 million, but nothing approaching $378 million.


In any case..what exactly does this guy do to justify a salary like that? What value does he add to the company?

He employs a lot of Chinese to make his products. "Race to the bottom" Its the capitalist (Republican) way :)

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