Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
Trolling/No Content
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country. This report covers the full week (Wednesday Nov. 9 to Wednesday Nov. 16) since the presidential election.

The SPLC collected reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions from the #ReportHate intake page. The SPLC made efforts to verify each report but many included in the count remain anecdotal.

While the total number of incidents has risen, the trend line points to a steady drop-off. Around 65 percent of the incidents collected occurred in the first three days following the election.

Other patterns pointed out previously are holding too, notably that anti-immigrant incidents remain the top type of harassment reported and that nearly 40 percent of all incidents occurred in educational (K-12 schools and university/college) settings.

Before getting too far in the data, listen to this to get a better understanding of the nature of these incidents. We were forwarded this voicemail left on the emergency line at a Denver-based immigration law firm. Warning, it includes racial slurs and adult language:





Read some of the reports across the country here:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

Welcome to Trump's America. Absolutely sickening.
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country. This report covers the full week (Wednesday Nov. 9 to Wednesday Nov. 16) since the presidential election.

The SPLC collected reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions from the #ReportHate intake page. The SPLC made efforts to verify each report but many included in the count remain anecdotal.

While the total number of incidents has risen, the trend line points to a steady drop-off. Around 65 percent of the incidents collected occurred in the first three days following the election.

Other patterns pointed out previously are holding too, notably that anti-immigrant incidents remain the top type of harassment reported and that nearly 40 percent of all incidents occurred in educational (K-12 schools and university/college) settings.

Before getting too far in the data, listen to this to get a better understanding of the nature of these incidents. We were forwarded this voicemail left on the emergency line at a Denver-based immigration law firm. Warning, it includes racial slurs and adult language:





Read some of the reports across the country here:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

Welcome to Trump's America. Absolutely sickening.

Interesting that according to your charts, the top areas of harassment are left-wing bastions like California, and schools and universities.

Again, the problem is, you have accused everyone of doing all those things for the last decade.

In short.... we still don't care. Trump is president. Sucks to be you.

Maybe you shouldn't have been such a jerk to everyone for the last 10 years.
Why is it the left is promoting all this hate? Constantly making divisions. Over turning civil society in favor of lawlessness?
Why is it the left is promoting all this hate? Constantly making divisions. Over turning civil society in favor of lawlessness?

It's what the Leftists do, if they can't get their way they become thugs and encourage people to get onto the streets to cause trouble, destroy property, throw missiles at the police and burn things down.

The Leftists have always been the greatest haters and there's nothing tolerant about Leftists and the SPLC itself hopefully will be put under intense surveillance with regard to being declared a Race Baiting and Subversive organisation, ditto BLM who the SPLC can't lick their buttocks enough.
Just because you cry liberal tears doesn't mean you've actually been harassed.

Suck it up buttercup.
Haha it's hilarious just how all the Trump supporters have become exactly what Trump is, trolls. Trump trolled the other candidates against him throughout the primaries and elections... and it won him the election. The South Park episode on this is dead on.
Haha it's hilarious just how all the Trump supporters have become exactly what Trump is, trolls. Trump trolled the other candidates against him throughout the primaries and elections... and it won him the election. The South Park episode on this is dead on.

It's funny how two people can see the same shit, and come out with two entirely different conclusions on what they saw.

Haha it's hilarious just how all the Trump supporters have become exactly what Trump is, trolls. Trump trolled the other candidates against him throughout the primaries and elections... and it won him the election. The South Park episode on this is dead on.

It's funny how two people can see the same shit, and come out with two entirely different conclusions on what they saw.

The series of episodes was literally about how Mr. Garrison could say the most hateful troll things, and the crowds still cheered him. How no matter what he said, he still got elected.
The series of episodes was literally about how Mr. Garrison could say the most hateful troll things, and the crowds still cheered him. How no matter what he said, he still got elected.

Is that all you saw?

Watch it again.
The series of episodes was literally about how Mr. Garrison could say the most hateful troll things, and the crowds still cheered him. How no matter what he said, he still got elected.

Is that all you saw?

Watch it again.

That wasn't ALL of what was in that episode... but it was the major part of it. Hell at one point when Mr. Garrison sees he is going to win, he tries to figure out something bad he can actually say to get people to quit supporting him.
Are you counting this one? How classy? Deface a kid's mural!

‘Get Over It!’: 79-Year-Old Trump Supporter Arrested for Allegedly Vandalizing Children’s Mural[/QUOTE
I saw that. This is so discouraging. But if you will notice the Trump-ers responses, they are either supporting it or blaming it on liberals. I thought we faced up to this back in the 60s, but we only succeeded in submerging the hatred. Now our new President-Elect has stripped the shame from malevolence and it emerges with a sense of righteousness, it appears. sigh
Why is it the left is promoting all this hate? Constantly making divisions. Over turning civil society in favor of lawlessness?

Typical RWNJ response -- blame the left for the right's hateful harassment.

Conservatard logic.

PS: Go fuck yourself, scumbag.
This is the second update from the Southern Poverty Law Center's effort to collect reports of hateful incidents of harassment around the country. This report covers the full week (Wednesday Nov. 9 to Wednesday Nov. 16) since the presidential election.

The SPLC collected reports from news articles, social media, and direct submissions from the #ReportHate intake page. The SPLC made efforts to verify each report but many included in the count remain anecdotal.

While the total number of incidents has risen, the trend line points to a steady drop-off. Around 65 percent of the incidents collected occurred in the first three days following the election.

Other patterns pointed out previously are holding too, notably that anti-immigrant incidents remain the top type of harassment reported and that nearly 40 percent of all incidents occurred in educational (K-12 schools and university/college) settings.

Before getting too far in the data, listen to this to get a better understanding of the nature of these incidents. We were forwarded this voicemail left on the emergency line at a Denver-based immigration law firm. Warning, it includes racial slurs and adult language:





Read some of the reports across the country here:

Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701

Welcome to Trump's America. Absolutely sickening.
. This is horseshit. Liberals are going into hysterics over fake stories of Trump supporters harassing Faggots and liberals. Winners don't riot. ,losers do, liberal ones.

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