CDZ In their minds...

Yeah but some of the crap I've seen is just totally outrageous. Someone literally and unironically attempted to use "it just is" in an effort to suggest that statistics provided were wrong. I mean I hope that here on CDZ we all know why "it just is" is a rather objectionable line of thought.
Yeah but some of the crap I've seen is just totally outrageous. Someone literally and unironically attempted to use "it just is" in an effort to suggest that statistics provided were wrong. I mean I hope that here on CDZ we all know why "it just is" is a rather objectionable line of thought.
this is what happens when you ask for a link and either the person is to lazy or finds nothing but links that back your assertion.

so they are stuck.
how do you think people justify making arguments which contain flagrant fallacies?

I wish I knew because if I did, I'd partner with a pharmaceutical company to invent a cure for it.

It is variously frustrating and boring to find oneself in a political forum aiming to have a substantive discussion about XYZ topic that captures one's interest, only to find that some of the folks who are most willing to participate in the discussion routinely make remarks that show they need to be educated on the topic before either of you can get to having a meaningful debate/discussion. I'm not referring to learning what opinions are held by this or that proponent/opponent of a given policy; I mean just knowing the basic facts that have been long established and proven.

As goes the matter of applying fallacious thinking, well, that's annoying when one thinks one is conversing with other mature adults. What's more disturbing to me is the misrepresentation of simple and easily checked facts and poor reading comprehension in general. I don't mind it when I know the other person is a minor, although I don't generally on the WWW engage in conversations with minors.
It only gets worse when I start pointing out fallacies and then get fed more fallacies. It's as if they think I can be overwhelmed by some sort of fallacy spam. Very frustrating.


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It only gets worse when I start pointing out fallacies and then get fed more fallacies. It's as if they think I can be overwhelmed by some sort of fallacy spam. Very frustrating.

Well, you can use my tactic if you think it'll help.

When you click on a user's name, a black box appears on the near-upper right side, you'll find the word "Ignore." It works really well, except that it doesn't work if the person is a moderator.
it all starts with wanting something. every time. i want you want we want they want. why let logic get in the way of getting it, otherwise logic gets everything and nobody gets nothing, and why should logic even get anything at all? the path of least resistance is what matters to people.
Part of the problem is a big chunk of people never learned to discuss concepts at all. They keep busy doing things that make them feel good. When a chance to consider their position on something comes up, they don't want to make the effort. Research, consideration, learning, are inconvenient and cause a reduction in feeling good. It's just easier to repeat what they heard someone else say. When challenged, they may realize that they can't back up that position, but are still not willing to put in some effort. So they revert to childish responses like you're wrong! you are a ^&*$##! you are a hater! shut up!

Logic does not work on petulant brats.
how do you think people justify making arguments which contain flagrant fallacies?
If someone makes a statement that supports your argument why bother to make the effort to verify it. Leave that to your opponents and just pass on the statement. You can always disavow it later or better yet accuse your accuser and his evidence of being partisan.
Part of the problem is a big chunk of people never learned to discuss concepts at all. They keep busy doing things that make them feel good. When a chance to consider their position on something comes up, they don't want to make the effort. Research, consideration, learning, are inconvenient and cause a reduction in feeling good. It's just easier to repeat what they heard someone else say. When challenged, they may realize that they can't back up that position, but are still not willing to put in some effort. So they revert to childish responses like you're wrong! you are a ^&*$##! you are a hater! shut up!

Logic does not work on petulant brats.
THESE kind of people are REALLY STUPID.

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