In Leftist Land, a Lie is as good as gold


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
let's post all the links with the left's lies.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
The more likely reason, as we have seen from Trump’s past behavior, is that he is just plain lying. A pattern has long been established with Trump lying about facts and events. As of April 2019, Trump has lied over 10,000 times while in office. If you're of the "everyone lies" camp, consider the scope of what Trump lies about.

Trump wrote a tweet stating, “Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars [sic] for the hurricane, more money that has ever been gotten for a hurricane before…” Both of these statements are false.

At a rally in El Paso, Trump said Beto O’Rourke had only “200 people, 300 people” at a speech he was giving, in the same city, the same night. Trump said this The Texas Tribune reported that O’Rourke had 7,000 people at his speech.

In a State of the Union address, Trump said, “The border city of El Paso, Texas…considered one of our nation’s most dangerous cities…Now immediately upon its building, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of the safest cities in America….” El Paso was never one of the nation’s most dangerous cities. Its crime rate is significantly below the national average. The crime rate actually went up in El Paso after a border fence went up.

When gaslighters/narcissists are caught on video saying something that they swore they didn’t say, instead of a mea culpa, they go on the attack. They will tell you that you heard them incorrectly; and the latest excuse, that the audio was digitally manipulated. A gaslighter/narcissist may also tell you that, yes, he said it, but it was taken “out of context.” He may also choose to continue lying without compunction. One thing he will not do — a gaslighter/narcissist never apologizes. An apology is a sign of weakness.

Why is it so effective when gaslighters/narcissists continue their lie, even when there is evidence to the contrary? Because it tends to work. First, you get confused as to why someone would blatantly lie. It goes against what you know as normal human behavior. Most people, when confronted with something, will admit to it and apologize. (Most people also tend to not blatantly lie in the first place.) The more confusion you feel upon hearing the gaslighter/narcissist's blatant lie, the more you start to remember the gaslighter's defense or continued lying, not the actual truth that he is lying about. This is exactly how propaganda is spread — repeat something long enough and people start to believe it.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

How do you handle a news source that lies about saying something? Publish the interview, showing the context in which the comment was said. Also, do not shy away from saying that a person is lying. People generally say, “That is not true,” or “that is false,” in response to someone lying. However, gaslighters/narcissists are pathological liars. Their behavior needs to be called out directly — again, a simple “you are lying," and then stating the facts is sufficient. Expect the gaslighter/narcissist to retaliate by calling you names, or one of their other personal favorites, ignoring you all together — even if it is in the middle of an interview. However, at least you have stated the truth, on record.

If you work with a gaslighter/narcissist that constantly lies, keep documentation. Record date, time, and direct quotes. Don't keep this information on a company-owned device, however. Many have realized too late that when they leave a company, the employer-issued device stays. If you are having a meeting with a gaslighter/narcissist, make sure there is an impartial witness in the room. Also consult with your company guidelines and superiors as to how to handle a gaslighting employee, especially before the point of costing you good employees, clients, and money. Because it will happen — it's just a matter of time.
This is why Republicans on USMB hate when I dig up old threads. They literally get mad when I dig up their words to use against them. To show them that when Bush was in office they loved illegal immigrants and cheap shit from China. Republicans have flip flopped on a lot of things in recent years.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
No, when he does it, it is called altering reality. Being president, he has that power.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?
it is the, it takes a village, concept they made up. fk families, tear the family down and grow it to a village. It's how they reach, you didn't build that mentality. they are dangerous socialists. they have infiltrated our government facilities now and folks like the Young Turks are looking to overthrow our government. Lie, lie, lie, lie. It is really the Charlie Manson playbook.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?
it is the, it takes a village, concept they made up. fk families, tear the family down and grow it to a village. It's how they reach you didn't build that mentality. they are dangerous socialists. they have infiltrated our government facilities now and folks like the Young Turks are looking to overthrow our government. Lie, lie, lie, lie. It is really the Charlie Manson playbook.

In a nutshell, yes . . . postmodernism is at its core a sociopathic view of the human world. Postmodernism holds that there are an infinite number of ways to interpret, engage and run the world of mankind around us. What postmodernism fails to take into account is that yes, true while there are an infinite number of ways to interpret our world and the human condition, only a few of those interpretations are good for humanity as a whole. Not killing each other on sight everyday is one of those interpretations. Minimizing our own suffering and the suffering of others is another "good" interpretation, as is taking personal responsibility for our own actions and not being afraid to tell each other the truth. However, postmodernism would have us believe that any number of world/moral/life strategy interpretations are equally good, even though many of them--such as Marxism--have oppressed and murdered tens of millions of people.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?
it is the, it takes a village, concept they made up. fk families, tear the family down and grow it to a village. It's how they reach you didn't build that mentality. they are dangerous socialists. they have infiltrated our government facilities now and folks like the Young Turks are looking to overthrow our government. Lie, lie, lie, lie. It is really the Charlie Manson playbook.

In a nutshell, yes . . . postmodernism is at its core a sociopathic view of the human world. Postmodernism holds that there are an infinite number of ways to interpret, engage and run the world of mankind around us. What postmodernism fails to take into account is that yes, true while there are an infinite number of ways to interpret our world and the human condition, only a few of those interpretations are good for humanity as a whole. Not killing each other on sight everyday is one of those interpretations. Minimizing our own suffering and the suffering of others is another "good" interpretation, as is taking personal responsibility for our own actions and not being afraid to tell each other the truth. However, postmodernism would have us believe that any number of world/moral/life strategy interpretations are equally good, even though many of them--such as Marxism--have oppressed and murdered tens of millions of people.
because, no one will stop them. that's what they bank on. It's why trump is called out as a liar. trump did nothing other than beat the swamp or the postmodernists. They fking hate it, they will not stand idly by and allow it. It is the reason for the russia hoax, it was the insurance policy. I created this thread for this reason!!! it's all a lie all of it, every fking piece of it, it is to silence the man that took out the postmodernists. It's why they complain overseas, because this has turned global thanks to obammy.
My theory is that it's entirely possible that hardcore partisan ideologues often don't even realize they are being intellectually dishonest.

Read a book on the subconscious. A symptom of this affliction is the ability to instantly talk yourself into actually believing whatever you are predisposed to believing, or what your ideology instructs you to believe, regardless of how farfetched or bizarre it may be.

As a part of this instant process, the afflicted (1) avoids, ignores, dismisses and/or diminishes all information and data that is contrary to their predisposed position, and (2) isolates and inflates that information and data that supports their position and their ideology. So it's a form of confirmation bias on subconscious steroids.

To a person who is not afflicted with the same ideology, that behavior seems like a lie. But if a person doesn't even consciously realize they are doing it, is that a lie, or just a symptom?
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My theory is that it's entirely possible that hardcore partisan ideologues often don't even realize they are being intellectually dishonest.

Read a book on the subconscious. A symptom of this affliction is the ability to instantly talk yourself into actually believing whatever you are predisposed to believing, or what your ideology instructs you to believe, regardless of how farfetched or bizarre it may be.

As a part of this instant process, the afflicted (1) avoids, ignores, dismisses and/or diminishes all information and data that is contrary to their predisposed position, and (2) isolates and inflates that information and data that supports their position and their ideology.

To a person who is not afflicted with the same ideology, that behavior seems like a lie. But if a person doesn't even consciously realize they are doing it, is that a lie, or just a symptom?
you mean like gender? that boy isn't a boy and girl isn't a girl? dude, it's too special. this is a thread that has a heart beat, it can grow and grow! all that is evil is from a leftist. All of it! It began with them. It has been in our world for millennium. The US of A stole their thunder and they have been beating at the bit to get it back, infiltrate schools, and government and take it down. now they're moving to end the country through illegal entry.
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One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber

Great post, but you're missing the most crucial point. What we're dealing with on the American Left these days, what has taken over the modern Democratic Party, is postmodernism, a direct derivative of Marxism and the Hegelian Dialectic. Right, so get this. See, postmodernists believe that every aspect imaginable of the human condition is a social construct, meaning it (anything) can be simply re-defined to suit their philosophy, ethos or way of life. What that means, my friend is that even TRUTH is relative, even TRUTH is a social construct and that no TRUTH whatsoever is absolutely true all of the time. Personally, I don't think most of the junior, wannabe postmodernists haunting this discussion board realize or understand their subscription to the "mother" philosophies of postmodernism, rather they just parrot MSM and social sciences talking points. But gee whiz, folks. If there can be no absolute truth . . . how the fuck can you expect to run a civilization on series of fluctuating realities?

It's gonna suck for you when we win this next election. At least you'll have the turtle to protect you

fk, they lied so much about the wall it's hilarious. everyone of them has stated years ago the need for the wall. any, and I mean any mention of a wall not working makes them all liars. so guess what, they are, they're liars.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
He said he didn't know she was nasty.
You take that as saying she was nasty.
You can't be honest because you need to lie to us and yourself to keep from feeling like your liberal world is crashing down around your ears. Everything you believe in is a lie or an omission of the truth. You can't afford to be honest because the truth destroys your world.
One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
He said he didn't know she was nasty.
You take that as saying she was nasty.
You can't be honest because you need to lie to us and yourself to keep from feeling like your liberal world is crashing down around your ears. Everything you believe in is a lie or an omission of the truth. You can't afford to be honest because the truth destroys your world.
dude, your signature is to die for.
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One doesn't need to be correct with a lie.

One doesn't need facts to lie

One doesn't need any supporting data to lie

Once the lie is out, it ain't ever coming back

It's why leftist lie about everything, there are no repercussions, zip.

It's why they lie about Trump's supposed lies. They never say what the lie is, but that that is all he does. The throw it out there and let it hit the airwaves philosophy.

The Left, the Wall, the Truth | RealClearPolitics
The Left Lies about Trump-Russia Collusion | National Review
One Year Later, The Left’s Net Neutrality Lies Look Even Dumber
Classic projection

Projection ; the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person. ... The person accusing you also could be a narcissist. They often accusepeople of doing things that they themselves are doing as a form of deflecting To control the conversation. It can be a form of abuse.

Trump has made over 1900 false claims

Why Narcissists And Gaslighters Blatantly Lie -- And Get Away With It

In a tweet, Donald Trump wrote, “I never called Meghan Markle ‘nasty’. [sic] Made up by the Fake News Media…” He then goes on to ask if CNN and The New York Times will apologize to him. However, there are audio recordings by the Sun showing that he did, in fact, refer to Markle as "nasty." Trump's lying should come as a surprise to no one at this point.
He said he didn't know she was nasty.
You take that as saying she was nasty.
You can't be honest because you need to lie to us and yourself to keep from feeling like your liberal world is crashing down around your ears. Everything you believe in is a lie or an omission of the truth. You can't afford to be honest because the truth destroys your world.

Yes we hear a lot of cons here projecting today with that talking point. It's sad. We smell the desperation.

census population projections confirm the importance of racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth, countering an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population. The new statistics project that the nation will become “minority white” in 2045. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations

The shift is the result of two trends. First, between 2018 and 2060, gains will continue in the combined racial minority populations, growing by 74 percent. Second, during this time frame, the aging white population will see a modest immediate gain through 2024, and then experience a long-term decline through 2060, a consequence of more deaths than births

If we are to remain great we need to invest in the growing population not the declining/aging/dying whites who aren't breeding.

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