In Illinois, dead people not only can vote, but can get free medical care

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Illinois clearly is the pioneer in the not yet existent deceased rights movement, which I have heard is having trouble with turnout for its rallies. But if the dead ever do rise from their graves in a zombie apocalypse, as so often dramatized on cable television, they will no doubt demand that other states follow the lead of Illinois.

They're not dead, they're a constituency:

Illinois Policy reveals that the state has spent $4.6 million on Medicaid for dead people:

An audit by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Inspector General, or OIG, found Illinois spent $4.6 million on Medicaid coverage for dead people.

From October 2015 to September 2017, Illinois made 84 insurance payments for 80 deceased individuals that the state did not recover, according to OIG's audit. The state now owes the federal government $3.2 million – the portion of the $4.6 million Illinois received from the federal health department.


Well, the RATS have every other combination and perversion of sexual content on the ballot....might as well put ZOMBIE on there too.
Not the worst example of The Prairie State pissing away money.
When I die I'm moving there so I can still vote and drive and if my old bones get ill I'm covered.....
Illinois clearly is the pioneer in the not yet existent deceased rights movement, which I have heard is having trouble with turnout for its rallies. But if the dead ever do rise from their graves in a zombie apocalypse, as so often dramatized on cable television, they will no doubt demand that other states follow the lead of Illinois.

They're not dead, they're a constituency:

Illinois Policy reveals that the state has spent $4.6 million on Medicaid for dead people:

An audit by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Inspector General, or OIG, found Illinois spent $4.6 million on Medicaid coverage for dead people.

From October 2015 to September 2017, Illinois made 84 insurance payments for 80 deceased individuals that the state did not recover, according to OIG's audit. The state now owes the federal government $3.2 million – the portion of the $4.6 million Illinois received from the federal health department.


Well, the RATS have every other combination and perversion of sexual content on the ballot....might as well put ZOMBIE on there too.
I have to presume dates of service were listed AFTER death in this audit. I do not know protocols for hospital and doctor billings, but I do notice that my medicare payments are listed months after date of service. I once got notification of a pneumonia shot payment 8 months later.
Illinois was corrupt and crooked long before California and New York got into the act. Some things never change.
As long as dead illegal immigrant transvestites can get free abortions I guess its ok
Sheesh, ozro, all you left out was colored in your adjectival list of objectionable souls. Sounds like a major case of Trumpitis to me!
$2 million in Texas Medicaid benefits went to dead people | The Texas Monitor
$2 million in Texas Medicaid benefits went to dead people
Steve Miller
December 13, 2017
no need to move to Illinois, dead people in every state I suspect are on Medicaid and medicare.

I really doubt dead people vote in any state.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what did the money go towards exactly? A dead person can not do anything with anything after they have died, so was the money spent on whatever was done to try and keep the people alive?

God bless you always!!!

Illinois clearly is the pioneer in the not yet existent deceased rights movement, which I have heard is having trouble with turnout for its rallies. But if the dead ever do rise from their graves in a zombie apocalypse, as so often dramatized on cable television, they will no doubt demand that other states follow the lead of Illinois.

They're not dead, they're a constituency:

Illinois Policy reveals that the state has spent $4.6 million on Medicaid for dead people:

An audit by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Inspector General, or OIG, found Illinois spent $4.6 million on Medicaid coverage for dead people.

From October 2015 to September 2017, Illinois made 84 insurance payments for 80 deceased individuals that the state did not recover, according to OIG's audit. The state now owes the federal government $3.2 million – the portion of the $4.6 million Illinois received from the federal health department.


Well, the RATS have every other combination and perversion of sexual content on the ballot....might as well put ZOMBIE on there too.

This needs to be moved to Conspiracy. Since it hasn't then you win a prize.

Waste fraud and abuse are the lifeblood of socialist entitlement programs

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