In Celebration Of Winning

rumputin has yet to win anything.
Are you trolling or just giving an empty opinion?
I am simply stating my view of his highness. I can not see where he has won anything, as everything he is accused of doing is paid for by someone else.

Pathetic. Here refute this from CNN,
"Trump will become an undeniably consequential President with the Senate due to vote Saturday to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, consecrating the conservative majority that has long been the impossible dream of the GOP.

On Friday, Trump had celebrated the best jobs data for 49 years as the unemployment rate dipped to 3.7%, offering more proof of a vibrant economy that the President says has been unshackled by his tax-reduction program and scything cuts to business regulations.
rumputin has yet to win anything.
Are you trolling or just giving an empty opinion?
I am simply stating my view of his highness. I can not see where he has won anything, as everything he is accused of doing is paid for by someone else.
Then it is an empty opinion, if you look at his record so far in office, he has accomplished quite a bit.....which is winning.

If you want to see a really good read, check out the NYT article on how Trump really got his money.
It's a WHOLE LOT OF BIG WORDS which is SO hard for Trumpanzees.
But it's chock full of photocopies of tax records, filings, court documents and real estate records showing that Donald got $413M from his dad.
Not $1M as stated by the Liar in Chief.
Go ahead, I dare you to read it.
It's proof that Trump is nothing but a con man.
He even conned his own father into signing codicils to his will that screwed his brothers and sisters.
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
The "tax reform" for individuals is a scam, too.
Wait until you file your 2018 taxes next year and see how he's gutted deductions.
That's how he's paying for it, that and ballooning the national debt out of sight.
The only winning is that of his supporters making more noise than larger crowds of his non supporters making waves.

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