In case you've ever wondered where your tax dollars go...

Funny how you don't account for the national debt. It really doesn't matter where our federal income taxes go.............the national debt alone is so out of control that servicing the INTEREST on that debt crushes economic growth and any semblance of economic recovery.
Funny how you don't account for the national debt. It really doesn't matter where our federal income taxes go.............the national debt alone is so out of control that servicing the INTEREST on that debt crushes economic growth and any semblance of economic recovery.

If you'd bothered to read the chart it shows you how much of your taxes goes to paying interest on the debt.
This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.
Social Security benefits 20.3% of my Tax Dollar

SS was a Government Promise that is would be Self Sufficient

I bet 100.00 Obamacare will not be Self Sufficient as Promised either

This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.
Romney will promise whatever he thinks will get him elected and deal with the consequences then.
This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.

We need to cut defense spending and social security. Social security has morphed into something it wasn't meant to be, I mean foster kids, for example, get social security from the day they are born until they day they die. What the hell for? And that's just one example.
Here's where your tax dollars go.

GOP blasts $1 million Hawaii conference for judges in wake of GSA scandal - The Hill's Floor Action

Two senior Senate Republicans on Monday blasted plans by judges in the 9th Circuit to hold a conference in Hawaii this August that they said could run up a tab of $1 million or more, and includes a schedule of sport fishing, yoga, surfing lessons and Zumba dancing lessons.

According to a website announcing the conference, the meeting is authorized by law to consider "the business of the courts and advising means of improving the administration of justice within the circuit." According to the schedule, it opens Sunday, Aug. 12, with a golf tournament, and includes a tennis tournament on Tuesday and an ice cream social and garden tour on Wednesday
Social Security benefits 20.3% of my Tax Dollar

SS was a Government Promise that is would be Self Sufficient

I bet 100.00 Obamacare will not be Self Sufficient as Promised either

With the exception of 1994, 2009, and 2010, S.S. tax collections have exceeded benefits paid for each year of the last two decades. Also the total S.S. tax collections have exceeded benefits paid for the two decades. The future of course does not look as bright as the past.

OASI Trust Fund, a Social Security fund
This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.
Romney will promise whatever he thinks will get him elected and deal with the consequences then.

Like Obama?!

I'll have a lot more leverage AFTER the election.

I will close gitmo
Immigration reform will be w top priority
Superpacs are a threat to our democracy
Bain capital is the devil "except for when they donate millions to me
You can keep your current healthcare and prices will go down
My administration will be the most transparent ever
You will have 5 days to read EVERY bill online before i sign it

All gems and all Obamaturd
This calculator is ample proof that Mitt Romney is full of shit when he promises to balance the budget after cutting taxes and increasing defense spending,

by cutting everything else.

We need to cut defense spending and social security. Social security has morphed into something it wasn't meant to be, I mean foster kids, for example, get social security from the day they are born until they day they die. What the hell for? And that's just one example.
Cutting Social Security would make little difference in the deficit because you would have to cut S.S. payroll taxes which are paying 96% of the cost of the benefits paid. In 2010 637 billion was collected in S.S. taxes and 701 billion was paid out in benefits. Over a 20 year period more money has been collected in S.S. taxes than paid out in benefits.

Social Security Trust Funds
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I like this one the most.

"If I haven't gotten this done in 3 years, well....It'll be a one term proposition"

I'm going to try to help him ACTUALLY KEEP HIS WORD ON THAT ONE.
I will cut the deficit by half in my first term.

June 1, 2012

Debt +$1.59T
Under GOP House


"The Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which took office in January 2011, has enacted federal spending bills under which the national debt has increased more in less than one term of Congress than in the first 97 Congresses combined.

In the fifteen months that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives--led by Speaker John Boehner--has effectively enjoyed a constitutional veto over federal spending, the federal government’s debt has increased by about $1.59 trillion."

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"I have previously spent a lot of time blaming Barack Obama and the Democrats for this, but the truth is that they could not have spent a single penny without the approval of the U.S. House of Representatives. So the Republican Party is complicit in this crime against the American people. If there was ever a mandate to take a stand against runaway government debt, it was after the 2010 election, and the Republican Party has failed miserably."

June 3, 2012

This Republican Economy

"What should be done about the economy? Republicans claim to have the answer: slash spending and cut taxes. What they hope voters won’t notice is that that’s precisely the policy we’ve been following the past couple of years. Never mind the Democrat in the White House; for all practical purposes, this is already the economic policy of Republican dreams.

So the Republican electoral strategy is, in effect, a gigantic con game: it depends on convincing voters that the bad economy is the result of big-spending policies that President Obama hasn’t followed (in large part because the G.O.P. wouldn’t let him), and that our woes can be cured by pursuing more of the same policies that have already failed."


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