In 1996 Clinton signed a tax law that doomed Puerto Rico.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
To be fair the GOP had a hand in this as well, but Clinton could have stopped it. But he wanted the corporate tax breaks phased out even sooner than the GOP. As a result, the economic boom that was occurring in P.R. came to a grinding halt and their fate was sealed. Then when the hurricane hit last year, it exposed just how weak and antiquated P.R. was.

Given that America 'owns' Puerto Rico, do we 'owe' anything to the citizens of that small nation to reinstate the same corporate breaks that stimulated their growth in the past? I think we do. In a limited sense, Puerto Ricans are American citizens and deserve at least as much attention as we pay non-citizen illegal immigrants.

Here's how an obscure tax change sank Puerto Rico's economy
Actually it shows how greedy corps are, only out for themselves.
To be fair the GOP had a hand in this as well, but Clinton could have stopped it. But he wanted the corporate tax breaks phased out even sooner than the GOP. As a result, the economic boom that was occurring in P.R. came to a grinding halt and their fate was sealed. Then when the hurricane hit last year, it exposed just how weak and antiquated P.R. was.

Given that America 'owns' Puerto Rico, do we 'owe' anything to the citizens of that small nation to reinstate the same corporate breaks that stimulated their growth in the past? I think we do. In a limited sense, Puerto Ricans are American citizens and deserve at least as much attention as we pay non-citizen illegal immigrants.

Here's how an obscure tax change sank Puerto Rico's economy

It’s not 1996.

Clinton isn’t president.

As conservatives become more desperate to deflect from the Trump disaster they become more pathetic and ridiculous.
To be fair the GOP had a hand in this as well, but Clinton could have stopped it. But he wanted the corporate tax breaks phased out even sooner than the GOP. As a result, the economic boom that was occurring in P.R. came to a grinding halt and their fate was sealed. Then when the hurricane hit last year, it exposed just how weak and antiquated P.R. was.

Given that America 'owns' Puerto Rico, do we 'owe' anything to the citizens of that small nation to reinstate the same corporate breaks that stimulated their growth in the past? I think we do. In a limited sense, Puerto Ricans are American citizens and deserve at least as much attention as we pay non-citizen illegal immigrants.

Here's how an obscure tax change sank Puerto Rico's economy
As a start, dropping the trade barriers the U.S. inflicts on the island would be good. Also putting an end to the predatory bond market the U.S. allows there would be an even bigger help. Or shit, with this President, even just convincing him that he shouldn’t let American citizens die to rally his base would be better than how things are now.

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