
liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky
Hillary attempting to immunize herself from her own sins.
Claiming Europe is going to far while she's busy trying to do exactly the same thing in America.
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

What do you have against Brown people?
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

What do you have against Brown people?
Every brown neighborhood in America is high in crime. Are you promoting a police state?
There are two aspects to immigration that should be taken into account. The first of these is whether or not the immigrant wishes to become a functioning member of their new home by adopting their culture. The second factor is the sheer number of immigrants being allowed in.

The problem with Europe is mainly the extremely rapid rise in their Muslim population where people who wish to REPLACE the culture of the various countries with their own are allowed in willy nilly.

We have long been a melting pot society rather than multiculturalist so the question is still this -- are people arriving to partake in the American dream or to destroy it? If a person's first allegiance is to a totalitarian supremacist ideology masquerading as a religion, they should not be allowed entry. If they are fleeing persecution FROM this evil ideology, then I would say yes.
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

The last I heard was that if Hillary had become president she was ready to bring in 500,000 refugees into America sap. That does not sound like someone who is fighting against mass immigration and fighting against the weakening of western democracy. Massive immigration from non-western countries will destroy democracy because most of the countries in the West are taking in too many immigrants from the non-western world. A prescription for western racial suicide if there ever was one.
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

Far right populists are doing their best to destabilize this country as well. It appears that the problems arise as a result of people's reaction to the immigrants driven, in my estimation by racism and nativism rather than any tangible threat.

Your link states the 63 % of the French say there are too many immigrants in their country my this says that most people are ok with immigration, in many countries including France


Majorities of publics in top migrant destination countries say immigrants strengthen their countries, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey of 18 countries that host half of the worldā€™s migrants.
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

What do you have against Brown people?
Every brown neighborhood in America is high in crime. Are you promoting a police state?
Not every one Slick, You just made that lie up See the 10 Most Affluent African-American Neighborhoods in America

Secondly, while there may be a correlation between ethnicity and neighborhood crime rates, the reasons are just a little more complicated than your dumbed down suggestion that minorities commit more crimes just because of who they are

Ethnicity and Crime
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

What do you have against Brown people?
Every brown neighborhood in America is high in crime. Are you promoting a police state?

Lower demand for housing near brown folks explains a lot. Here failure to launch white stoners are racist against even their Indian Doctors. Its hilarious.
'Within a decade, the foreign-born percentage of the U.S. population will surpass its previous all-time peak ā€” and then keep rising.'

Interesting read on a tough topic.

"But large-scale immigration also comes with considerable social and political costs, and those must be accounted for. In November 2018, Hillary Clinton delivered a warning to Europeans that mass immigration was weakening democracy. ā€œI think Europe needs to get a handle on migration, because that is what lit the flame,ā€ Clinton said, referring to the upsurge of far-right populism destabilizing countries such as France and Hungary. ā€œI admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken, particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear messageā€”ā€˜We are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and supportā€™ā€”because if we donā€™t deal with the migration issue, it will continue to roil the body politic.ā€"

If Liberals Wonā€™t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will

"We should put hardworking families first by voting on legislation to create jobs, raise wages, provide equal pay for women, invest in education, protect voting rights, and pass comprehensive immigration reform." Jan Schakowsky

Immigration for America is fine, I don't have a problem with it and neither does President Trump.

The problem is, however, in getting the kinds of immigrants that we need. America already has more than our share of people to work in construction and laboring jobs- what we really need are immigrants who are highly trained in technical fields like STEM, or are willing to move here with their fortunes and be willing to actually INVEST in America. Currently laws can help those folks coming from China or elsewhere in the Orient who want to buy apartments and get involved in business.

Liberals want immigrants that will be a burden to the taxpayers, but what we really need are immigrants who will be creating jobs for all of us and increasing America's national wealth
Like a normal human, I go to Denver DNV . I wait in line to renue my license like a normal yutze. But three mexicans, clearly violating the posted rules (only One person per booth ) they got away with it...because, well...racism?

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