Immigration, the end game


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Could we just have a discussion on what is the US's end game with the southern border?

First of all do you think that the US can absorb so many low skilled low educated people with medical problems? Or do we just absorb them because it is the right thing to do?

Second, if you are for amnesty then what is the end result? More immigration or less?

What do you think will happen in central America and Mexico? What better place to empty out the prisons, mental hospitals, unemployment lines then in America.

Do you see the influx of low skilled low educated people a boom or a bust for those already US citizens that are low skilled and low educated?

Do you believe Obama when he says that the border s more secure then ever when there is such a influx of people? Can both be true? That the border is secure but Obama is letting truck loads of people cross?

Again, what is our end game????
Overload the social system and bankrupt it. Bring in a permanent socialist voting block to remove Constitutional Protections and give Government even more power.

Erase the borders, bring in the North American Union. Get rid of the Constitution completely

THEN, cut off social programs as a system of control. The people can't fight back when their entire existence is dedicated to just surviving.
Just sit back and let it deserve everything coming over all this

Overload the social system and bankrupt it. Bring in a permanent socialist voting block to remove Constitutional Protections and give Government even more power.

Erase the borders, bring in the North American Union. Get rid of the Constitution completely

THEN, cut off social programs as a system of control. The people can't fight back when their entire existence is dedicated to just surviving.

If we assume all of that to be true then what is the motive for doing so? Power just to wield power? Is it an attempt to bring the poor people up and the dragging down of other is just an required outcome?
Just sit back and let it deserve everything coming over all this

Very well then, what do you propose we do? Do we completely shut the border and watch children and adults die at the border? As misguided as it was apparently the government has given a whole lot of folks promise of a better life in the US then they do in their respective crap holes.
Just sit back and let it deserve everything coming over all this

Very well then, what do you propose we do? Do we completely shut the border and watch children and adults die at the border? As misguided as it was apparently the government has given a whole lot of folks promise of a better life in the US then they do in their respective crap holes.

we shouldn't even bother having a border
just let everyone come in we have so much money to give, the hell with our families
Just sit back and let it deserve everything coming over all this

Very well then, what do you propose we do? Do we completely shut the border and watch children and adults die at the border? As misguided as it was apparently the government has given a whole lot of folks promise of a better life in the US then they do in their respective crap holes.

we shouldn't even bother having a border
just let everyone come in we have so much money to give, the hell with our families

Really, what do we do?
Why doesn't the USA just quit South and Central American countries?

Let them all self determine their own forms of government.
Very well then, what do you propose we do? Do we completely shut the border and watch children and adults die at the border? As misguided as it was apparently the government has given a whole lot of folks promise of a better life in the US then they do in their respective crap holes.

we shouldn't even bother having a border
just let everyone come in we have so much money to give, the hell with our families

Really, what do we do?

First things we stop this invasion of country ..IF that means putting the national guard there, let go for it..Just letting anyone cross our borders isn't a good thing for us or our country..these people are BREAKING OUR LAWS not going through what immigrants who came before them did in order to become a citizen of the United States
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we shouldn't even bother having a border
just let everyone come in we have so much money to give, the hell with our families

Really, what do we do?

First things we stop this invasion of country ..IF that means putting the national guard there, let go for it..Just letting anyone cross our borders isn't a good thing for us or our country..these people are BREAKING OUR LAWS not going through what immigrants who came before them did in order to become a citizen of the United States

What if it is, as I suspect, the federal government letting these people flood in? My thoughts are is that has to be what is happening and it certainly sounds that way from the news. They are "doing it for the children."
we shouldn't even bother having a border
just let everyone come in we have so much money to give, the hell with our families

Really, what do we do?

First things we stop this invasion of country ..IF that means putting the national guard there, let go for it..Just letting anyone cross our borders isn't a good thing for us or our country..these people are BREAKING OUR LAWS not going through what immigrants who came before them did in order to become a citizen of the United States

Stop them at the border

Give them humanitarian aid

Ensure that those trying to get it know it won't be easy.

Seems like a logical end game. We may not stop them all but the most determined but making it easy has created a man made disaster at our border. But that does not seem to be even close to what we are doing.
The end game is to dumb down the nation as a whole.

Bringing is tens of millions of people that don't speak English and many of whom hate Americans is a quick way to do just that.

Education will only continue to deteriorate. HC quality will keep getting worse and care for things people need will simply disappear as hospitals either price people out of the market or simply ditch unprofitable medicine.

SS, lol.... yeah I think we all know what will happen when you dump 20 million people into a system they paid nothing into for most their life.

This will of course create a permanent voting block for the 2 useless parties of America, the Democrats and the Republicans.

The real question is what is the point of allowing massive immigration when our country does not need it but furthermore can't really handle it?

We are only letting in less than .01% of the people that want to be here, while other countries only allow wealthy, educated people to fill their immigration roles we have to accept people that have no interest in our language, having decent HC, education or "becoming american."

The bigger question is after you allow massive immigration what do you do then??? Do you simply shut it off??? Would the mindless aholes that pushed for a new voting block because they think illegals will vote Dem make a 180 and support limiting immigration, a securing of the boarder and calling people that come here without permission "illegal" as well as deport them?

The answer is no. Because outside of wanting more votes they have no plan of critical thinkling skills.
Just sit back and let it deserve everything coming over all this

Very well then, what do you propose we do? Do we completely shut the border and watch children and adults die at the border? As misguided as it was apparently the government has given a whole lot of folks promise of a better life in the US then they do in their respective crap holes.

Completely shut the border. If anyone dies at the border, they voluntarily came to the border and refuse to leave. They could stay home. They could work to make their homes better places. Instead they want to come here and make this country the same kind of crap hole they came from.
Could we just have a discussion on what is the US's end game with the southern border?

First of all do you think that the US can absorb so many low skilled low educated people with medical problems? Or do we just absorb them because it is the right thing to do?

Second, if you are for amnesty then what is the end result? More immigration or less?

What do you think will happen in central America and Mexico? What better place to empty out the prisons, mental hospitals, unemployment lines then in America.

Do you see the influx of low skilled low educated people a boom or a bust for those already US citizens that are low skilled and low educated?

Do you believe Obama when he says that the border s more secure then ever when there is such a influx of people? Can both be true? That the border is secure but Obama is letting truck loads of people cross?

Again, what is our end game????

Alreadt announced, DEPORTATION. Here are some facts on what the President asks the 3.7 billion be spent on:

1. Deterrence: Increased detainment and removal of adults with children and increased court capacity. That means being able to put more people through the system more quickly. That, though, would mean more judges. It’s not clear, however, where those judges would come from. The White House points to the Justice Department and says it would have to decide how that happens.

2. Enforcement: Enhanced interdiction and prosecution of criminal networks. That would include increased surveillance and an expansion of law enforcement cooperation across borders, as well as within the U.S. to root out drug gang violence.

3. Foreign cooperation: Get the children to safe environments in their home countries, or improved repatriation. That means foreign aid to help the countries — where the children are coming from — improve their systems. It also means that the Obama administration wants Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where the children are mostly coming from, to run public-information campaigns that tell people not to come to the U.S. or send their kids.

4. Capacity: More detainment facilities and increased capacity to provide care for the children. This includes identifying appropriate locations and providing resources for the particular care needed for children. Will this mean more money for local municipalities where children will be off loaded? Individual agencies will, when appropriate, partner with state and local agencies, said White House Deputy Press Secretary Shawn Turner.

How Obama would use $3.7 billion on border crisis
Uh Mexico is theoretically our ally. WTF are they doing to resolve this and if the answer is nothing isn't it time we stop rewarding them? Does Kerry not know how to apply diplomatic pressure on them ?

hold it never mind I know that answer to the last one. :lmao::lmao:

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