Immigration Statistics: Accident or Agenda?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This is the information age.....everywhere and about everything.....except for immigration.
If you want to engage in a real chore, try finding statistics on illegal alien criminality.
Or, any negative data related to immigration.
Try it.

What you'll find is Hillary Clinton's response to the cause of Benghazi massacre....
"What Difference Does It Make????"

Well, for one thing, it would inform Americans' attitudes about the magnitude of the problem.
Ya' think?

1. [While there] "are regular reports of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens – horrific gang-related murders have occurred recently in New York, Washington, D.C., and Houston – but the true crime rate among illegal aliens is not known. Most states do not keep those records for reasons we can only guess, plus there is no way of knowing the real number of illegals in the country."
Derek Hunter - For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough?

2. But....there are hints.
Check out the Los Angeles Police Department's recent list of "Most Wanted:"

Monarrez, Jesse Enrique

Nistal, Cesar Augusto

Padilla, Jose A.

Reyes, Ramon

Vargas, Victor

Villa, Ruben

Alvarado-Monasterio, Julio Cesar

Araiza, Gustavo

Araujo, Fernando

Avila, Guillermo Lua
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Getting the drift???

3. You'd have to guess as to the immigration status of the above, as it is a politically-incorrect no- no to ask any if they were illegal.
Here's the scenario that leads one to ask whether the obfuscations are an accident or an agenda:

"A Lansing man pleaded not guilty Wednesday morning in Leavenworth County District Court to several traffic violations in connection with a Valentine's Day three-vehicle accident that claimed the life of a Tonganoxie woman.... The defendant, 21-year-old Ricardo DeLeon Flores, appeared in court for failing to yield at a stop sign, excessive speed and having no valid driver's license." Driver in accident that killed Amanda Bixby pleads not guilty |

"Asked whether Flores was a U.S. citizen, Deborah Owens of the Leavenworth County Attorney's Office said she had no knowledge of his citizenship status."
Plea entered in fatal accident; federal officials take suspect |

Ya' think there was a Spanish translator in attendance???

Don't know...or don't wanna know?

Accident or Agenda?

4. "....the prosecutor refused to tell a reporter that Flores was an illegal immigrant. Owens must have felt a warm rush of self-righteousness, thinking how much better she is than all those blood-and-soil types who want to know when foreigners kill Americans."
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

Ya' think Democrat voters want to know?
interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!
This is by design. Snowflakes are all about optics and not about the actual truth.

The misinformation is big in Sweden with regards to immigrant crime.

Idiot Swedes would rather destroy their own country than to be considered xenophobes by other idiot snowflakes.

Odd, there are a TON of stats about the temperature of a Woolley Mammoths asspipe from 10 million years ago, but not much on immigrant crimes in 2016.

interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!

Simple amazing!

...Trump asked for a fund to aid those victims of violence by illegal the Democrats boo.
All in the hall applaud except for the Democrats.

Everyone can hear the response from Liberals/Democrats at 49 minutes in...

"I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. The office is called VOICE --- Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests."
This is by design. Snowflakes are all about optics and not about the actual truth.

The misinformation is big in Sweden with regards to immigrant crime.

Idiot Swedes would rather destroy their own country than to be considered xenophobes by other idiot snowflakes.

Odd, there are a TON of stats about the temperature of a Woolley Mammoths asspipe from 10 million years ago, but not much on immigrant crimes in 2016.


An Agenda, and no Accident.
5. Time and again we find officials in the "Justice" system in league with illegal immigrants, and functioning against Americans.

a. "A Multnomah County Judge Allegedly Helped an Undocumented Immigrant Escape ICE Through Her Courtroom Door .... court referee Monica Herranz is under internal review and the target of complaints from a federal prosecutor after allegedly helping the undocumented immigrant elude ICE last month by exiting the courtroom through an employee door." A Multnomah County Judge Allegedly Helped an Undocumented Immigrant Escape ICE Through Her Courtroom Door

b. Then, there is an illegal alien indicted for child rape, who was released by the Essex County prosecutor, and who then went on to murder three teenagers. Prosecutor Paula T. Dow refused to answer questions about the release of Jose Carranza.

" NEWARK, N.J. – A Peruvian national in the U.S. illegally and who was previously charged with raping a 5-year-old girl pleaded not guilty Friday in the execution-style slayings of three young college students, a day after he surrendered to the Newark mayor.

.... Carranza, who has a fake Social Security number, had been arrested on charges of raping a 5-year-old girl and then threatening the child and her parents. In that case he faced a 31-count indictment.

In another, he was arrested on assault charges stemming from a bar fight." Suspect Pleads Not Guilty in New Jersey Students' Execution-Style Deaths

"The assistant prosecutor....responded to media inquiries about the decision to release an illegal alien child rapist, saying, 'our focus hasn't been his immigration status." Coulter, Op. Cit.

Wanna take a guess at these officials' voting patterns????
6. One can only wonder at the reason for the "Justice System" standing up for illegals over Americans.

Especially in the light of stories like this:

"One County Saw a 27% Drop in Assaults After It Helped Enforce Immigration Law.
In July 2007, the elected board of a growing county in Northern Virginia adopted a controversial resolution requiring the police department to partner with the federal government to help deport illegal immigrants.... to remove criminal illegal aliens so they couldn’t commit crimes, and to reduce illegal immigration to Prince William County,” Stewart recalled in an interview with The Daily Signal.

In President Barack Obama’s second term, however, his administration curtailed the 287(g) program,.... The board implemented a revised policy in July 2008.

Under the change, police officers could inquire about immigration status only after arresting someone and taking him or her to the county jail—not during interactions on the street before making an arrest..... credits the change with helping reduce serious crimes in Prince William County, such as aggravated assault—which declined 27 percent after announcement of the original policy in July 2007—while also respecting residents."
How One Virginia County Helps Enforce Immigration Law

Now, why would Obamunists put roadblocks in the way of identifying illegal aliens?

Oh....right....because they're Democrats, and need the illegal alien votes that Obama told them to cast.
And...when you try to find the find lies.

"Barack Obama: The deporter-in-chief... more than every single US president of the 20th century combined."
Barack Obama: The deporter-in-chief

Not hardly.

It's Aljazeera advancing the lie for the crypto-Islamist, Obama.

7. The lie that Obama enforce immigration law, and the even greater lie that he deported more than even his predecessor, Bush did, is being shredded.

"And with the Trump administration intent on sweeping perhaps millions of immigrants without legal status out of the country, the White House has not had to look far to make a quick mark. Because people with deportation orders have had their day in court, most of them can be sent out of the country without seeing a judge, sometimes within hours of being arrested.

In a significant break from his predecessor, Mr. Trump is directing immigration agents to go after virtually anyone who is in the United States illegally, ...."

“What has been lacking, up until a month ago, is a willingness and a commitment on the part of the administration to actually do it,”...."

Here is the sort of excuse acceptable to Liberals/Democrats: "She had been ordered deported two years before that arrest, after she missed an immigration court hearing. Her lawyers said she could not read the notice, which was in English." Ibid.
8. The Obamunists....the Democrats, ...never any intention of removing their illegal voters from the country.
If they did, they'd lose millions of votes.

" Interior removals—deportations of illegal immigrants who are not residing at or near the border—decreased by 71 percent during Obama’s presidency, from 237,941 in fiscal 2009 to 69,478 in fiscal 2015, according to ICE data.

The Obama administration had instructed local law enforcement officials to follow the narrow priorities set by the federal government." How One Virginia County Helps Enforce Immigration Law

9. And this...

a. From the LA Times.....
"...the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that
immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data.

Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.

On the other side of the ledger, the number of people deported at or near the border has gone up — primarily as a result of changing who gets counted in the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's deportation statistics."

High deportation figures are misleading

Remember....Obama actually told illegal aliens to go and vote during the presidential election.

10. While the reason that Democrats love or otherwise, is that they desire the votes.....there is a corollary to the immigration tale.
Unrestrained immigration is deleterious to the American culture.

Many....or most.....of the cultures that Democrats entice into flooding these shores are corrupt, and based on illegality. In other words, the more third world immigration, the less principled our society will be.

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

Why is this an example of a change in society for the worse? Nigeria is a criminal society, from internet scams, car-theft, piracy and kidnapping. There are more Nigerians in American than there are in any other country in the world...except Nigeria.

".... the so-called Nigerian 419 scam, named after the fraud section of the Nigerian penal code, never turns out that way.... The 419 scam reached such epidemic proportions in recent years that Congress proposed legislation, the State Department issued travel warnings and the Secret Service launched "Operation 419" to fight a scourge that has cost Americans at minimum $100 Daniel J. Smith, associate professor and chair of anthropology at Brown University, spent years in Nigeria observing the 419 scam up close, insights he shares in his book, "A Culture of Corruption: Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria." million."

a. "The Nigerian mafia is well organized and sophisticated. Investigators have uncovered 'classes' where earlier Nigerian settlers train newcomers to the U.S. in the subtle arts of credit card, banking and insurance fraud and keep up to date on new techniques. " The Social Contract - The Nigerian Crime Network

b. "In Mexico, every transaction between a citizen and a government official involves a cash bribe." Coulter, Op.Cit.
11. Here's the way Liberals/Democrats support their desire for illegal immigrant votes: they lie.

Like this: ".... innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. This holds true for both legal immigrants and the unauthorized, regardless of their country of origin or level of education." The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

The lie is based on ignoring that there are far more native-born than there are immigrants. It's the proportions of criminals, not the numbers, of each category that prove the lie.

"All of the main immigrant groups to the United States commit a wildly disproportionate amount of crime compared with native-born Americans.
Russians specialize in financial fraud, arms dealing, and drug smuggling;
Albanians prefer ATM thefts, home invasions, gambling, and drugs;
Chinese go in for human smuggling, human trafficking, and document fraud." Coulter, Op. Cit. and

There is one reason for the demand by Liberals/Democrats to allow the tidal wave of immigration.....

Blah blah blah republicans are awesome democrats suck blah blah blah
Republicans don't want to know either. Besides, they are too busy drafting our next amnesty law.
11. Here's the way Liberals/Democrats support their desire for illegal immigrant votes: they lie.

Like this: ".... innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. This holds true for both legal immigrants and the unauthorized, regardless of their country of origin or level of education." The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

The lie is based on ignoring that there are far more native-born than there are immigrants. It's the proportions of criminals, not the numbers, of each category that prove the lie.

"All of the main immigrant groups to the United States commit a wildly disproportionate amount of crime compared with native-born Americans.
Russians specialize in financial fraud, arms dealing, and drug smuggling;
Albanians prefer ATM thefts, home invasions, gambling, and drugs;
Chinese go in for human smuggling, human trafficking, and document fraud." Coulter, Op. Cit. and

There is one reason for the demand by Liberals/Democrats to allow the tidal wave of immigration.....


If you would break out of your partisan hack shell, you would do so good!
interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!

Rightfully so. It's a well known nazi tactic to invent these hit lists .
interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!

Rightfully so. It's a well known nazi tactic to invent these hit lists .

While I do so enjoy producing, constructing, unassailable threads which prove both the ignorance and dishonesty of Liberals and Democrats, none do so in fewer words than your posts.

And, in appreciation for your proving said ignorance and dishonesty, let me give you your history lesson for today.

It is Liberals and Progressives that are descendants of the Nazis.....

All six of these are interrelated and work toward the very same ends:






interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!

Rightfully so. It's a well known nazi tactic to invent these hit lists .

While I do so enjoy producing, constructing, unassailable threads which prove both the ignorance and dishonesty of Liberals and Democrats, none do so in fewer words than your posts.

And, in appreciation for your proving said ignorance and dishonesty, let me give you your history lesson for today.

It is Liberals and Progressives that are descendants of the Nazis.....

All six of these are interrelated and work toward the very same ends:







Who's acting like facists ? The GOP and trump . Scapegoating immigrants and minority groups! That's nothing new. They are easy pickings .
VOICE will just be reporting the Truth on immigrant caused crime and the fureign criminals that do the crimes Timmy .
Both Dem and Rep establishments avoid compiling illegal crime statistics like the plague, because its a horror story. Illegals have killed more American citizens than were killed on 911. The number of crimes by illegals is off the chart, because government refuses to compile statistics Fox paid to gather them in Texas and the number of crimes by illegals was horrific.

Illegals kill, rape, torture, assault, rob, American citizens and our own government has enabled it by not securing the borders and not deporting their asses the hell out of our country.
interesting that the Presidents newly announced office of VOICE may advertise and provide information on 'immigrant' caused crime . Much to the groans of democrats when Trump announced the new 'DHS' office when he gave his speech the other night PChic !!

Rightfully so. It's a well known nazi tactic to invent these hit lists .

While I do so enjoy producing, constructing, unassailable threads which prove both the ignorance and dishonesty of Liberals and Democrats, none do so in fewer words than your posts.

And, in appreciation for your proving said ignorance and dishonesty, let me give you your history lesson for today.

It is Liberals and Progressives that are descendants of the Nazis.....

All six of these are interrelated and work toward the very same ends:







Who's acting like facists ? The GOP and trump . Scapegoating immigrants and minority groups! That's nothing new. They are easy pickings .

"Who's acting like facists ? The GOP and trump . Scapegoating immigrants...."

This is why I love your posts!

You're so stoooopid!!!!

You post in a thread that PROVES how deleterious (better look that up) immigration is...and you post this!

Don't ever change.
Both Dem and Rep establishments avoid compiling illegal crime statistics like the plague, because its a horror story. Illegals have killed more American citizens than were killed on 911. The number of crimes by illegals is off the chart, because government refuses to compile statistics Fox paid to gather them in Texas and the number of crimes by illegals was horrific.

Illegals kill, rape, torture, assault, rob, American citizens and our own government has enabled it by not securing the borders and not deporting their asses the hell out of our country.

But put the blame where it belongs.....Democrats control the judicial system.

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