Immigration questionaire


Jul 20, 2014
1. Are you of Native Western European blood ?
Yes / No

2. Are you age 21 or older ?
Yes / No

3. Are you a College or University Graduate ?
Yes / No

4. Are you qualified for anything OTHER than Menial jobs, or jobs that require little or no socialization ?
Yes / No

5. Are you qualified for anything OTHER than Blue collar jobs ?
Yes / No

6. Are you qualified for Service based Jobs ?
Yes / No

7. Have you served in a Military before ?
Yes / No

8. Do you gave greater than a U.S. Bachelor's Degree ?
Yes / No

9. Do you have One Million United States Dollars or greater consisting of visible cash ?
Yes / No

10. Do you earn Two Hundred, and Fifty Thousand United States dollars per year or greater ?
Yes / No

11. Can you understand or Identify reasons for rules, OTHER than simply to oppress you ?
Yes / No

12. Can you obey a law that you immediately disagree with, without passion or prejudice because somebody way smarter than you, and wiser created the law for the common good ?
Yes / No

13. Can you understand or "get it" that somebody elses economic success isn't YOUR failures, but rather IS your opportunity calling you ?
Yes / No

14. Did you grow up with both parents, and More than zero -to- two siblings from birth to age 18 or older ?
Yes / No

15. Have you ever violated a law or have been convicted of a crime ?
Yes / No

16. Can you understand that everybody has a BOSS, and it isn't YOU ?
Yes / No

17. Can you serve atleast 4 years in one of these institutions ? University, Military, Peace Corps, or Job Corps ?
Yes / No

18. Do you have an IQ greater than 130 ?
Yes / No

19. Do you Understand that ONLY bad things happen to bad people, and that sometimes, bad things happen to good people (sometimes everybody) and there is nothing that can really be done about it, other than to correct the situation ?
Yes / No

20. Do you understand that your parents cannot ever be replaced, and WILL never be replaced ?
That there is NO GANG, NO CLUB, NO AGENCY that will replace your parents or love you at all ?
Yes / No

21. Do you understand that drugs do not solve problems, they only take your mental ability, Inside your head, and ONLY inside your head... to deal with life's problems away from YOU and ONLY YOU ? and that there is NO safe way to mess with the Brain ?
Yes / No

22. Do you understand that alcohol impairs ? and Can you accept regulation of alcohol Manufacturing, Sales, Consumption and Usage, and these laws are not about YOU and they were never made with YOU in mind because we don't care about YOU, because scientists, doctors and the government have bigger fish to fry than YOU?
Yes / No

23. Do you understand that if we allow YOU to do something, then In fairness, we must allow ALL to do what YOU did ? do you understand that concept ? Do you understand that this is why the LAW is the LAW and its not about YOU ?
Yes / No

24. Do you have any psychiatric, psychological, neurological, or neuropsychiatric, neuropsychological, or intellectual impairments, deficiencies, diseases or defects or other abnormalities ?
Yes / No

That would be my questionnaire for immigrants who apply to become citizens of the United Republic.
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