

Jul 23, 2014
I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?


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There are precedents in Mexico for refugee camps...

Mexicans weigh the daunting prospect of deportee camps
Feb 22,`17 -- Mexicans fear deportee and refugee camps could be popping up along their northern border under the Trump administration's plan to start deporting to Mexico all Latin Americans and others who entered the U.S. illegally through this country.
Previous U.S. policy called for only Mexican citizens to be sent to Mexico. Migrants known as "OTMs" - Other Than Mexicans - got flown back to their homelands. Now, under a sweeping rewrite of enforcement policies announced Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, migrants might be dumped over the border into a violence-plagued land where they have no ties while their asylum claims or deportation proceedings are heard in the United States. U.S. officials didn't say what Mexico would be expected to do with them. The only consensus so far in Mexico about the new policies of President Donald Trump is that the country isn't remotely prepared. "Not in any way, shape or form," said the Rev. Patrick Murphy, a priest who runs the Casa del Migrante shelter in the border city of Tijuana, which currently houses about 55 Haitian immigrants. They were part of wave of thousands who swarmed to the border in the closing months of the Obama administration in hopes of getting asylum in the U.S.

Tijuana was overwhelmed, and while the government did little, a string of private Christian groups pitched in to open shelters with improvised bedding, tents and sanitary facilities. Donated food kept the Haitians going. Mexicans quake at the thought of handling not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of foreigners in a border region already struggling with drug gangs and violence. "Just look at the case of the Haitians in Tijuana, what were they, seven or eight thousand? And the situation was just out of control," said Alejandro Hope, a Mexico City-based security analyst. "Now imagine a situation 10 or 15 times that size. There aren't enough resources to maintain them."

It's unclear whether the United States has the authority to force Mexico to accept third-country nationals. The DHS memo calls for the department to provide an account of U.S. aid to Mexico, a possible signal that Trump plans to use that funding to get Mexico to accept the foreigners. "I hope Mexico has the courage to say no to this," Murphy said. Victor Clark, director of Tijuana's Binational Center for Human Rights, said Mexico can simply refuse to accept non-Mexican deportees. "They come through one by one, and when the Mexican immigration agent sees a person who isn't Mexican, he tells the ICE agent, 'I can't accept this person, he's not Mexican,' and they return him to the United States."

Hope said the new U.S. policy could create an "explosive situation," noting that some anti-foreigner sentiment already exists in Mexico's northern border region and that Central American migrants have been recruited, sometimes by force, into drug gangs like the Zetas and the Gulf cartel. The United States could pay to build the needed facilities. There would be precedents for such a deal. Turkey has agreed to house Syrian refugees headed for the European Union in exchange for at least $3 billion in aid. "For this to be politically acceptable in Mexico, it would have to be paid," said Hope. "No Mexican administration could accept this kind of thing unless it were accompanied by billions of dollars."

Best way to keep the immigrants out is quick giving them free health places to lives and free phones....once this is stopped the immigrants will find another country to live.

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With all the money we spent on immigrants our veterans could be taken care of better and plus the cost to our taxpayers that are paying for there free Heath care and free housing and many other free thing they come here to get.

When my grandparents came to this country they had to work or go Hungary and my grandmother died at a early age because she could not afford health care...not a thing was giving to them like it is today, when Obama was president and when the illegals came across the boarder they where given a ride to anywhere in the USA they would want to live for free.
And ones that do work sends most of there money back home which does not help our economy and the state where I live the illegals are having there baby's at a alarming rate which also on the backs of the taxpayers.
I say get them out of this country even if it takes the national guard.
Now we have a president that's not afraid to get that wall build to protect us.
I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?
There is no food of legal immigrants except in your head. Last year there was a million new legal immigrant who came to the US. That is one new immigrant for every 300 people living in the US. Our population is growing faster do to births in the US than immigrants (1.6 to 1).

In spite of popular beliefs, a majority of studies in the U.S. have found lower crime rates among legal immigrants than among non-immigrants, and that higher concentrations of immigrants are associated with lower crime rates.

The education level of legal immigrants is very similar to US general population. 29% of have bachelors degrees vs 30% for the general population. The unemployment rate for the foreign born is 4.9% very near the national unemployment rate. Immigrants also create new businesses faster than the native born population and they founded 51% of the US billion dollar startups. The above and other reasons are why the US needs more legal immigration.

The US has an illegal immigration problem, not a legal immigration problem. Racist and xenophobes try to blend the two together but facts speak for themselves.

Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia
Immigration and crime - Wikipedia
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States
There are precedents in Mexico for refugee camps...

Mexicans weigh the daunting prospect of deportee camps
Feb 22,`17 -- Mexicans fear deportee and refugee camps could be popping up along their northern border under the Trump administration's plan to start deporting to Mexico all Latin Americans and others who entered the U.S. illegally through this country.
Previous U.S. policy called for only Mexican citizens to be sent to Mexico. Migrants known as "OTMs" - Other Than Mexicans - got flown back to their homelands. Now, under a sweeping rewrite of enforcement policies announced Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, migrants might be dumped over the border into a violence-plagued land where they have no ties while their asylum claims or deportation proceedings are heard in the United States. U.S. officials didn't say what Mexico would be expected to do with them. The only consensus so far in Mexico about the new policies of President Donald Trump is that the country isn't remotely prepared. "Not in any way, shape or form," said the Rev. Patrick Murphy, a priest who runs the Casa del Migrante shelter in the border city of Tijuana, which currently houses about 55 Haitian immigrants. They were part of wave of thousands who swarmed to the border in the closing months of the Obama administration in hopes of getting asylum in the U.S.

Tijuana was overwhelmed, and while the government did little, a string of private Christian groups pitched in to open shelters with improvised bedding, tents and sanitary facilities. Donated food kept the Haitians going. Mexicans quake at the thought of handling not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of foreigners in a border region already struggling with drug gangs and violence. "Just look at the case of the Haitians in Tijuana, what were they, seven or eight thousand? And the situation was just out of control," said Alejandro Hope, a Mexico City-based security analyst. "Now imagine a situation 10 or 15 times that size. There aren't enough resources to maintain them."

It's unclear whether the United States has the authority to force Mexico to accept third-country nationals. The DHS memo calls for the department to provide an account of U.S. aid to Mexico, a possible signal that Trump plans to use that funding to get Mexico to accept the foreigners. "I hope Mexico has the courage to say no to this," Murphy said. Victor Clark, director of Tijuana's Binational Center for Human Rights, said Mexico can simply refuse to accept non-Mexican deportees. "They come through one by one, and when the Mexican immigration agent sees a person who isn't Mexican, he tells the ICE agent, 'I can't accept this person, he's not Mexican,' and they return him to the United States."

Hope said the new U.S. policy could create an "explosive situation," noting that some anti-foreigner sentiment already exists in Mexico's northern border region and that Central American migrants have been recruited, sometimes by force, into drug gangs like the Zetas and the Gulf cartel. The United States could pay to build the needed facilities. There would be precedents for such a deal. Turkey has agreed to house Syrian refugees headed for the European Union in exchange for at least $3 billion in aid. "For this to be politically acceptable in Mexico, it would have to be paid," said Hope. "No Mexican administration could accept this kind of thing unless it were accompanied by billions of dollars."

No, it is perfectly clear that Mexico does not have to accept deportees from other countries. The transport document listing the deportees and their place of origin goes to the Mexican government for approval before transport begins. At the boarder the bus or van surrenders the document to the Mexican immigration officials who checks and admits Mexicans. If there are people from other countries, they don't get off the bus.

It's absurd to think ICE agents are going to dump families off in the desert. If they did there would certainly be reprisals from Mexico and other countries as well as legal action brought before the UN.

Currently Mexico works closely with US immigration usually turning deportation document approval around within 48 hours. That is just one of the many ways border personnel of the two countries work closely together on everything from illegal border crossings, tourist accommodates, ease of law enforcement movement across the boarder, emergency fire and rescue, drug seizures, water management, and extradition.

It's absurd to think ICE agents are going to dump families off in the desert. If they did there would certainly be reprisals from Mexico and other countries as well as legal action brought before the UN.....

None of that means a damn thing. We won't dump families off in the desert because, despite what a few idiots who post here would have you believe, we are a decent and compassionate people. The UN can go shit in a hat, they have nothing to do with it.

It's absurd to think ICE agents are going to dump families off in the desert. If they did there would certainly be reprisals from Mexico and other countries as well as legal action brought before the UN.....

None of that means a damn thing. We won't dump families off in the desert because, despite what a few idiots who post here would have you believe, we are a decent and compassionate people. The UN can go shit in a hat, they have nothing to do with it.
On one point I disagree. There are plenty of those idiots that would be happy to see undocumented immigrants dump off in the desert. You can hear a lot of this and worst in barbershops and bars in white blue collar neighborhoods.

It's absurd to think ICE agents are going to dump families off in the desert. If they did there would certainly be reprisals from Mexico and other countries as well as legal action brought before the UN.....

None of that means a damn thing. We won't dump families off in the desert because, despite what a few idiots who post here would have you believe, we are a decent and compassionate people. The UN can go shit in a hat, they have nothing to do with it.
On one point I disagree. There are plenty of those idiots that would be happy to see undocumented immigrants dump off in the desert. You can hear a lot of this and worst in barbershops and bars in white blue collar neighborhoods.

That is a mental case minority.
Flopper wrote: No, it is perfectly clear that Mexico does not have to accept deportees from other countries.

But yet they expect us to to accept their 'refugees'.
I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?
We are a Country made up of every other Country in the world. These days we see a big difference in those immigrating to America. They appear to be leaving their homes and coming to America to live the dream and prosper in the USA. The difference is they do not respect America and do not want to leave their homeland traditions. They do not want to speak, write or understand our chosen language English. Our soft government has written legal forms for elections, government and driving in foreign languages. The new immigrents protest to stop our way of life in America. Like no Santa Claus so as to not offend Muslim, Jewish and whoevers religion. That is a big right to believe and say what you want in America. Those that come into America should do so legally. They should want and respect our beliefs and holidays. Nobody should get assistance if they are not American. Lets spend funds on Vets, not non citizens.
I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?
... These days we see a big difference in those immigrating to America. ... The difference is they do not respect America and do not want to leave their homeland traditions. They do not want to speak, write or understand our chosen language English.....

I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?
We are a Country made up of every other Country in the world. These days we see a big difference in those immigrating to America. They appear to be leaving their homes and coming to America to live the dream and prosper in the USA. The difference is they do not respect America and do not want to leave their homeland traditions. They do not want to speak, write or understand our chosen language English. Our soft government has rewritten legal forms, for elections, government documents, driver license, in foreign languages. They protest to stop our way of life in America. Like no Santa Claus so as to not offend Muslim, Jewish and other beliefs. That is a big right to believe and say what you want in America. Those that come into America should do so legally. They should want and respect our beliefs and holidays. Nobody should get assistance if they are not American. Lets spend funds on Vets, not non citizens.
I apologies to families that struggled to get to America legally and illegally that love the opportunities America affords them. BUT do not come to America illegally expecting a hand out. We do give a helping hand, all to often. We need to give that helping hand first, to our citizens in need.
Immigrants today are assimilating just as those who came before did.
Flopper wrote: No, it is perfectly clear that Mexico does not have to accept deportees from other countries.

But yet they expect us to to accept their 'refugees'.
Most of those applying for refugee status are not Mexican, but from Guatemala, Honduras, and other countries. The Mexican government doesn't care who we accept as a refugees. However, they certainly do care who is allowed into their country.
Hispexican drug ring busted in California...

55 charged in meth, heroin, firearm crackdown in California
March 2, 2017 -- The U.S. Department of Justice charged 55 people with crimes ranging money laundering to trafficking heroin, methamphetamine and firearms in California.
The people charged, including known drug dealers and gang members, are accused of supplying a "substantial portion" of the heroin and methamphetamine distributed in North County, Calif., the Justice Department said. Forty-six of the 55 charged are in either federal or state custody. Authorities arrested 14 on Wednesday, while the rest were arrested either earlier in the week or were already in custody. Officials are still searching for seven people who face charges, two of whom are in Mexico, including the alleged ringleader. Officials said the arrests on Wednesday amount to "one of the most significant crackdowns in recent memory." Charges range from drug distribution, firearms trafficking, robberies, vehicle thefts, burglaries and assaults.


Fifty-five people have been charged with trafficking heroin, methamphetamine and firearms in North County, Calif., near San Diego, the U.S. Department of Justice announced on Wednesday. Seven people, including the alleged ringleader, are still on the loose.​

In the crackdown, authorities seized heroin, methamphetamine and 25 firearms, including handguns, revolvers and assault rifles, the Justice Department said. "Today we've taken out one of North County's largest heroin suppliers," Acting U.S. Attorney Alana Robinson said in a statement. "This crackdown is our most significant response to date to the heroin epidemic ravaging our communities. We anticipate seeing a huge impact now that these defendants are removed from our community, particularly in the North County cities of Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos and other areas plagued by gangs."

The trafficking organization was allegedly led by Yadira "Pini" Villalvazo, a Mexico-based woman linked to Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán's Sinaloa Cartel who used dozens of street gang members to distribute heroin, the Justice Department said. "This drug trafficking organization supplied at least 25 percent of the heroin sold and consumed in North County and grossed tens of thousands of dollars in proceeds that were sent back to Mexico," the Justice Department added.

55 charged in meth, heroin, firearm crackdown in California
I don`t like that we have such a flood of immigrants here. They are so uneducated, criminal and ill. They`re working here at service sphere. A lot of them are cooking our fast-food. :eek:

Actually, you can easily assimilate here if only they are keen on America.
Otherwise, if they don`t like both Mexico and the USA, they are tend to live in their diaspora below the poverty level.

What do u think `bout it?
We are a Country made up of every other Country in the world. These days we see a big difference in those immigrating to America. They appear to be leaving their homes and coming to America to live the dream and prosper in the USA. The difference is they do not respect America and do not want to leave their homeland traditions. They do not want to speak, write or understand our chosen language English. Our soft government has written legal forms for elections, government and driving in foreign languages. The new immigrents protest to stop our way of life in America. Like no Santa Claus so as to not offend Muslim, Jewish and whoevers religion. That is a big right to believe and say what you want in America. Those that come into America should do so legally. They should want and respect our beliefs and holidays. Nobody should get assistance if they are not American. Lets spend funds on Vets, not non citizens.
There is a huge difference between undocumented immigrants and legal immigrants. Unlike undocumented immigrants, most legal immigrants have made a significant investment in their migration to the US. This means applying for visas, waiting months or even years, giving up your job or business, your home, friends, selling property, buying plane tickets, arranging for a place to stay in the new country, and finding a job before your money runs out.

There are other major differences. Legal immigrants are far better educated than undocumented immigrants. 29% of legal immigrants have college degrees, almost the same percentage as native born Americans. They also have much better job skills. They start new business at a rate 28% higher than native born Americans. Over the last 10 years native born American business startups have dropped by 10% while startups by immigrants have increased by 50%.

It is almost impossible for most undocumented immigrants to really assimilate into our society. They are always in fear of being arrested and deported so they limit their contacts to others like themselves. They avoid the police and goverment agencies. Even when Bill Clinton offered amnesty to illegal immigrants, only 1 in 10 took advantage of it because they didn't trust the government. They in effect live in shadows, taking jobs that are safe, living in neighborhoods where no one will question their citizenship.

By contrast, most legal immigrants want to assimilate American culture. However assimilation does not mean giving up who you are and all that you have learned and loved. Some people believe that if you immigrate to America, you should transform yourself into an American indistinguishable from other Americans. That is just not possible. 2 million Americans live permanently in Mexico, and millions live in Europe. They don't consider them selves Mexicans or Germans, or Spanish. The same is true for immigrants to the US. To assimilate is not giving up anything but taking in new information, ideas, and culture.
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