Immigrants: A Net Good

Some immigrants are helpful, others are certainly not. Multiculturalism is the failure of assimilation and an ticking time bomb.
"Multiculturalism" is a White Nationalist (Nazi) fearmongering word that has leaked into right wing rhetoric in the past decade or so.
Legal immigration is good. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that.

Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Illegal means AGAINST THE LAW.

What part of that is so confusing?

Numerous studies have found that immigrants bolster growth by increasing the labor force and consumer demand. Rather than being a drain, immigrants generally pay more in taxes than they claim in government benefits. Even a large influx of immigrants does not mean fewer jobs for the existing population, since economies do not have a finite number of jobs. Immigrants often bring skills with them, and some start new businesses, creating jobs for others. The less skilled often take jobs that are hard to fill, like in child care, for example, which allows more parents to work.

A working paper published last year by four economists found that immigration benefited local populations in 19 of the 20 industrialized countries they studied.

Another study found that an influx of refugees into Denmark in the 1990s led native workers to switch to more skilled jobs and away from jobs that were mostly manual labor. As a result, some local workers earned higher wages.

Immigrants can be particularly important for countries like Germany that have low birthrates and aging populations.

How about those leeches we hear so much whining about?

Some officials in Europe, particularly in Britain, have raised another objection to immigration: “benefits tourism,” the idea that immigrants will move simply to take advantage of generous government benefits. But there is little evidence to support this claim.

In Britain, for example, immigrants from the rest of Europe pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits, according to an analysis by two economists.Another study found that reducing immigration to Britain by 50 percent, along the lines of what Prime Minister David Cameron has advocated, would actually reduce the country’s gross domestic product and force the government to raise tax rates to keep its budget balanced.


It's a mixed bag. Legal immigrants are more likely to be a benefit where illegals are more likely to be a drag on the system. Illegals pay less in taxes and most likely consume more in benefits. Even with that though, illegals create a demand for more goods and services, which does lead to a need for more jobs.
If we offer a path to citizenship or legal status to illegals, then they can start providing the same net benefits other immigrants do.

They can start up businesses, pay taxes, and contribute to increasing wages for native workers.

when has it EVER worked that way and not simply led to more illegal immigration you self-deceiving idiot?

how did we get to have about 20 MILLION?
Some immigrants are helpful, others are certainly not. Multiculturalism is the failure of assimilation and an ticking time bomb.
"Multiculturalism" is a White Nationalist (Nazi) fearmongering word that has leaked into right wing rhetoric in the past decade or so.

again with the race-baiting because you dont have a case

Numerous studies have found that immigrants bolster growth by increasing the labor force and consumer demand. Rather than being a drain, immigrants generally pay more in taxes than they claim in government benefits. Even a large influx of immigrants does not mean fewer jobs for the existing population, since economies do not have a finite number of jobs. Immigrants often bring skills with them, and some start new businesses, creating jobs for others. The less skilled often take jobs that are hard to fill, like in child care, for example, which allows more parents to work.

A working paper published last year by four economists found that immigration benefited local populations in 19 of the 20 industrialized countries they studied.

Another study found that an influx of refugees into Denmark in the 1990s led native workers to switch to more skilled jobs and away from jobs that were mostly manual labor. As a result, some local workers earned higher wages.

Immigrants can be particularly important for countries like Germany that have low birthrates and aging populations.

How about those leeches we hear so much whining about?

Some officials in Europe, particularly in Britain, have raised another objection to immigration: “benefits tourism,” the idea that immigrants will move simply to take advantage of generous government benefits. But there is little evidence to support this claim.

In Britain, for example, immigrants from the rest of Europe pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits, according to an analysis by two economists.Another study found that reducing immigration to Britain by 50 percent, along the lines of what Prime Minister David Cameron has advocated, would actually reduce the country’s gross domestic product and force the government to raise tax rates to keep its budget balanced.


It's a mixed bag. Legal immigrants are more likely to be a benefit where illegals are more likely to be a drag on the system. Illegals pay less in taxes and most likely consume more in benefits. Even with that though, illegals create a demand for more goods and services, which does lead to a need for more jobs.
If we offer a path to citizenship or legal status to illegals, then they can start providing the same net benefits other immigrants do.

They can start up businesses, pay taxes, and contribute to increasing wages for native workers.

when has it EVER worked that way and not simply led to more illegal immigration you self-deceiving idiot?

how did we get to have about 20 MILLION?
The 20 million figure is made up.

I actually have debunked that lie.

Want to see me do it again? Let's start by you providing your evidence there are 20 million illegals.

Is it Ann Coulter who fed you that bullshit?
you need to post propaganda because youre unable to make a common-sense case for illegals or a "path to citizenship"

Numerous studies have found that immigrants bolster growth by increasing the labor force and consumer demand. Rather than being a drain, immigrants generally pay more in taxes than they claim in government benefits. Even a large influx of immigrants does not mean fewer jobs for the existing population, since economies do not have a finite number of jobs. Immigrants often bring skills with them, and some start new businesses, creating jobs for others. The less skilled often take jobs that are hard to fill, like in child care, for example, which allows more parents to work.

A working paper published last year by four economists found that immigration benefited local populations in 19 of the 20 industrialized countries they studied.

Another study found that an influx of refugees into Denmark in the 1990s led native workers to switch to more skilled jobs and away from jobs that were mostly manual labor. As a result, some local workers earned higher wages.

Immigrants can be particularly important for countries like Germany that have low birthrates and aging populations.

How about those leeches we hear so much whining about?

Some officials in Europe, particularly in Britain, have raised another objection to immigration: “benefits tourism,” the idea that immigrants will move simply to take advantage of generous government benefits. But there is little evidence to support this claim.

In Britain, for example, immigrants from the rest of Europe pay more in taxes than they receive in government benefits, according to an analysis by two economists.Another study found that reducing immigration to Britain by 50 percent, along the lines of what Prime Minister David Cameron has advocated, would actually reduce the country’s gross domestic product and force the government to raise tax rates to keep its budget balanced.


It's a mixed bag. Legal immigrants are more likely to be a benefit where illegals are more likely to be a drag on the system. Illegals pay less in taxes and most likely consume more in benefits. Even with that though, illegals create a demand for more goods and services, which does lead to a need for more jobs.
If we offer a path to citizenship or legal status to illegals, then they can start providing the same net benefits other immigrants do.

They can start up businesses, pay taxes, and contribute to increasing wages for native workers.

when has it EVER worked that way and not simply led to more illegal immigration you self-deceiving idiot?

how did we get to have about 20 MILLION?
The 20 million figure is made up.

I actually have debunked that lie.

Want to see me do it again? Let's start by you providing your evidence there are 20 million illegals.

Is it Ann Coulter who fed you that bullshit?

how could you POSSIBLY know the exact number of people who BY DEFINITION live in the shadows???

"it's made up"

see what a child-like loser you are?

your "studies" are to be taken as the gospel truth; everything you dont want to admit is "made up"
Number Of Homeless Public School Students Hits Record High. Here's Who's Helping

If you want me to agree to immigration and refugees then the American citizens need to be taken care of first.

We have areas with a huge homeless problem. We have an under employment problem. These people need to be taken care of FIRST.

When wages for Americans increase, I can applaud immigration and refugees. American citizens come first.
You clearly did not read the first two posts of this topic.

Immigration increases the wages of native workers.

In one study it increased the wages of some workers that left manual labor.

It doesn't. Further, it sure as hell didn't do that here.
Legal immigration is good. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that.

Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Illegal means AGAINST THE LAW.

What part of that is so confusing?
The nativist bigots pretend they are only opposed to illegal immigrants, but they have tipped their hand. The same people who rant about illegals are bigoted against Muslims. The same people who rant about illegals are opposed to taking in Syrian refugees. The same people who rant about illegals rant about negroes on food stamps.

This isn't just about illegals, but they like to pretend it is.

I know better. It's about darkies in general.

And now I have provided evidence that not only are immigrants a net positive, but so are refugees.
"it's made up"

see what a child-like loser you are?

your "studies" are to be taken as the gospel truth; everything you dont want to admit is "made up"
Provide a link for your claim. You have not done so. Until then, your claim is unsupported.

I provided a buttload of links to back up my claim that immigrants and refugees are a net positive.

Provide a link to support your claim there are 20 million illegals here. Something on the same level as a study by four economists, mm-kay?
5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

The number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. has stabilized in recent years after decades of rapid growth. But there have been shifts in the states where unauthorized immigrants live and the countries where they were born.


There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2014. The population has remained essentially stable for five years, and currently makes up 3.5% of the nation’s population. The number of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2007 at 12.2 million, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.
I have just provided evidence there are about 11 million illegals in the US.

bedowin has provided zero evidence there are 20 million.
Number Of Homeless Public School Students Hits Record High. Here's Who's Helping

If you want me to agree to immigration and refugees then the American citizens need to be taken care of first.

We have areas with a huge homeless problem. We have an under employment problem. These people need to be taken care of FIRST.

When wages for Americans increase, I can applaud immigration and refugees. American citizens come first.
You clearly did not read the first two posts of this topic.

Immigration increases the wages of native workers.

In one study it increased the wages of some workers that left manual labor.

It doesn't. Further, it sure as hell didn't do that here.
Ipse dixit. You are making a bare assertion. Basically responding to evidence which has been cited by saying, "Nuh uh!"
Legal immigration is good. I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that.

Illegal immigration is ILLEGAL. Illegal means AGAINST THE LAW.

What part of that is so confusing?
The nativist bigots pretend they are only opposed to illegal immigrants, but they have tipped their hand. The same people who rant about illegals are bigoted against Muslims. The same people who rant about illegals are opposed to taking in Syrian refugees. The same people who rant about illegals rant about negroes on food stamps.

This isn't just about illegals, but they like to pretend it is.

I know better. It's about darkies in general.

And now I have provided evidence that not only are immigrants a net positive, but so are refugees.

Once again you are projecting your own bigotry onto others. The words you use reveal far more about you than you realize - Darkies?

There are some bigots in this country, but the majority of people that oppose ILLEGAL immigration are not bigots. They are just normal Americans who want to see our laws obeyed. A large percentage of Black folks are opposed to illegal immigration. - are they all "nativist bigots"? What about legal immigrants- they are OVERWHELMINGLY against illegal immigration- bigots too? Of course not. It's ridiculous trolling and it fails on every level.

Personally, I don't care if they are Canadian, Australian, English, Mexican, Guatemalan, or Syrian. Illegal is illegal.

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