Immigrant children = "highly trained as warriors".

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Iowa Republican Immigrant Children May Be Highly Trained Muslim Terrorists Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum
Even as the right wing is taking great pains to remind the black community why no black person should ever vote for Republicans, Tamara Scott, a committeewoman of the Iowa RNC also wants to remind the Latino community that Republicans hate them just as much as they hate blacks.

During her weekly radio show, Scott took a few minutes to plop this gem on her no doubt aging, white and very angry audience:

“When we see these kids, you and I think young kids, we think maybe 12-year-olds, maybe even homeschoolers — excuse me, middle-schoolers. But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution. And for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.”

Before anyone says that this idiot can't possibly have said something this stooopid and that they don't trust the source, there's video. Yes, she really did say it.

Be sure to read the entire article.
just going by the post excerpts in your opening post I see no problem with what she said . Its just her opinion and everyone has an opinion Luddley . I posted that video of 8 year old Ahmed from Syria that was helping Syrian rebels fight WAR . Sure , he wasn't a great fighter but he was learning weapons handling as he saw explosians and death , blood and guts , beheadings as he gained experience . Heck , these kids [so called] that are flooding the USA borders have made their way over hundreds , thousands of miles [supposedly] all by themselves while learning to deal with very difficult circumstance while traveling and while in their home countries . Claimed examples of difficulties for these so called children are rapes , sex trafficking , hunger , violence , death , drug trafficking as mules , torture and other terrible circumstances . For the reasons I just stated I don't think that I'd want any of these experienced kids going to school with your generic little miss American cheerleader or Bobby the American nerd and geek . By the way , young soldiers , child warriors have been around for most of human history .
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oh noes , ahmed is smoking cigarettes in this video . --- ---
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luddy proves he hates the truth, again.

many are membes of ms-13
some are islamist trying to get in

these truths hurt luddy so much, that he needs them gone so he can kill, I mean, change America
don't know about Jesus Old School , I'm just interested in showing little tykes and little children being groomed to fight infidels and maybe Gringo's .
Iowa Republican Immigrant Children May Be Highly Trained Muslim Terrorists Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum
Even as the right wing is taking great pains to remind the black community why no black person should ever vote for Republicans, Tamara Scott, a committeewoman of the Iowa RNC also wants to remind the Latino community that Republicans hate them just as much as they hate blacks.

During her weekly radio show, Scott took a few minutes to plop this gem on her no doubt aging, white and very angry audience:

“When we see these kids, you and I think young kids, we think maybe 12-year-olds, maybe even homeschoolers — excuse me, middle-schoolers. But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution. And for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.”

Before anyone says that this idiot can't possibly have said something this stooopid and that they don't trust the source, there's video. Yes, she really did say it.

Be sure to read the entire article.
sounds like Katz N Dogs.....
Iowa Republican Immigrant Children May Be Highly Trained Muslim Terrorists Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum
Even as the right wing is taking great pains to remind the black community why no black person should ever vote for Republicans, Tamara Scott, a committeewoman of the Iowa RNC also wants to remind the Latino community that Republicans hate them just as much as they hate blacks.

During her weekly radio show, Scott took a few minutes to plop this gem on her no doubt aging, white and very angry audience:

“When we see these kids, you and I think young kids, we think maybe 12-year-olds, maybe even homeschoolers — excuse me, middle-schoolers. But we know back in our revolution, we had 12-year-olds fighting in our revolution. And for many of these kids, depending on where they’re coming from, they could be coming from other countries and be highly trained as warriors who will meet up with their group here and actually rise up against us as Americans.”

Before anyone says that this idiot can't possibly have said something this stooopid and that they don't trust the source, there's video. Yes, she really did say it.

Be sure to read the entire article.
sounds like Katz N Dogs.....

Or Stephanie.
Or half of the nutter RWs here.

Meanwhile, several of the refugee kids we sent back have been murdered.

But, hey, its not like they were fetuses, right?
Hey , Luddley : Yer last post is silly emotion . That dummy holding the sign probably has a ' CO EXIST ' bumper sticker on her/ his / its car !!

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