Imihigo: Put citizens first, says Kagame


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Kagame cautioned local leaders and other government officials who fail to address citizens’ problems, urging them to focus on addressing the issues affecting communities.
President Paul Kagame yesterday cautioned local leaders and other government officials who fail to address citizens’ problems, urging them to focus on addressing the issues affecting communities.

He delivered the message in Kigali while presiding over the dissolution of the outgoing Lower House, which also involved the presentation of the 2017/18 performance contract (Imihigo) report and the signing of the Imihigo for the 2018/19 fiscal year.

The Head of State said that some leaders often seem to understand the issues at hand while taking on responsibilities but then fail to implement programmes often out of lack of ability to cooperate and work together.

Explaining that nobody is asking the leaders to do the impossible, the President reminded them that citizens expect them to fulfil their promises.

Kagame said that, for those leaders who performed poorly, it’s often an issue of leadership, warning them against spending their time on unnecessary wrangles instead of fulfilling their responsibilities.

“You must learn to separate your personal conflicts from that of the office you are appointed to and focus your attention on resolving issues that affect your communities. Using your position to solve personal issues and for personal gain is wrong,” he said.
Imihigo: Put citizens first, says Kagame

And it's sad that someone has to tell them this.

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