Imagine a Civil War in our future, like Iraq's: RW vs LW

Imagine a Civil War in our future, like Iraq's: RW vs LW

The more I watch the brewing Civil War in Iraq between the Sunni forces and the Shia forces the more I can imagine an American Civil War in our future pitting LW'ers against RW'ers.

And it distresses me greatly.

What do you think the likelihood of this to be?

What can we do to prevent it?

There'll be no "civil war," the notion is rightist idiocy.
Imagine a Civil War in our future, like Iraq's: RW vs LW

The more I watch the brewing Civil War in Iraq between the Sunni forces and the Shia forces the more I can imagine an American Civil War in our future pitting LW'ers against RW'ers.

And it distresses me greatly.

What do you think the likelihood of this to be?

What can we do to prevent it?

Did you fail American History? Been there and done that. The Left and the Right are too wimpy. IF we had left Saddam in charge there would not be a problem in Iraq. Thank Bush for the unrest now and in the future because Iraq will never have another Saddam. Yeah, he killed a few Iraqis but Bush killed more. Iraq and it's many groups need a dictator.
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Gun-toting rednecks against a bunch of vegans and emos. I can imagine how this would end.

This leftist, marxist, socialist, white-guilt ridden, fag-lovin', pinko, commie, peace-nik served four years in the Marine Corps, 4th award rifle expert. I hiked the PCT from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, climbed big walls in Yosemite National Park, and have been hiking in the high Rockies since I was able to walk.

I have very liberal friends who've served: one in the 10th Mountain division who owns several weapons. And I know more than a few liberals who hunt, are experienced wilderness travelers, mountaineers, and who are all around very fit and live very simple lives in small mountain towns.

Don't assume every liberal is a hipster college kid from white suburban families. We know how to fight a counter-insurgency, urban warfare, interlocking fields of fire, small unit tactics, how to lob grenades, how to make bombs, how to call in mortar fire, and how to fire Mk19s.

So keep on with your twisted little fantasies about some "patriotic" rebellion against a "tyrannical" government that is taking away your freedom to do what? Nobody knows... To get ripped off by insurance companies and not have to go through a background check to buy firearms at a gunshow, I guess. To not have a black POTUS.
Gun-toting rednecks against a bunch of vegans and emos. I can imagine how this would end.

This leftist, marxist, socialist, white-guilt ridden, fag-lovin', pinko, commie, peace-nik served four years in the Marine Corps, 4th award rifle expert. I hiked the PCT from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, climbed big walls in Yosemite National Park, and have been hiking in the high Rockies since I was able to walk.

I have very liberal friends who've served: one in the 10th Mountain division who owns several weapons. And I know more than a few liberals who hunt, are experienced wilderness travelers, mountaineers, and who are all around very fit and live very simple lives in small mountain towns.

Don't assume every liberal is a hipster college kid from white suburban families. We know how to fight a counter-insurgency, urban warfare, interlocking fields of fire, small unit tactics, how to lob grenades, how to make bombs, how to call in mortar fire, and how to fire Mk19s.

So keep on with your twisted little fantasies about some "patriotic" rebellion against a "tyrannical" government that is taking away your freedom to do what? Nobody knows... To get ripped off by insurance companies and not have to go through a background check to buy firearms at a gunshow, I guess. To not have a black POTUS.

Amen! I salute you, Sir.
All we can do is eliminate corruption and dishonesty from our hearts and sincerely and boldly speak the truth.
I admire your heart, Avatar, but . . . you are dealing with crazies on your far side of the fence.
I'm going with a real class war will be the next civil war. It actually could be a world type war, just that it'd be working class versus the wealthy. The US isn't the only country with wealth inequality, it's basically world wide and there's anger out there. There are countries already worried about such a war.
I'm going with a real class war will be the next civil war. It actually could be a world type war, just that it'd be working class versus the wealthy. The US isn't the only country with wealth inequality, it's basically world wide and there's anger out there. There are countries already worried about such a war.

If true, it would be a shame, especially since there are no classes.

There is no reason to hate my brother because he makes more or less money than i do.
Son, the only end for the far right, I suspect, would be unmarked graves and lye spread over the bodies.

No one sane in America would ever tolerate your nonsense put into action.

The "far right" that you speak is the only political group that doesn't seek to disarm the population. The only ones seeking mass genocide are those looking to confiscate firearms -YOU --- because it's only possible when the population is disarmed.

I own weapons, my friend. My whole family does. Our friends do. And you should see the armory down at unified leo.

No one is worried about your fantasies in the slightes.

Did you mean, "slightest"?

I care enough to want to make it clear to any future students of the idiom the correct word and spelling.
Gun-toting rednecks against a bunch of vegans and emos. I can imagine how this would end.

This leftist, marxist, socialist, white-guilt ridden, fag-lovin', pinko, commie, peace-nik served four years in the Marine Corps, 4th award rifle expert. I hiked the PCT from Mexico to Lake Tahoe, climbed big walls in Yosemite National Park, and have been hiking in the high Rockies since I was able to walk.

I have very liberal friends who've served: one in the 10th Mountain division who owns several weapons. And I know more than a few liberals who hunt, are experienced wilderness travelers, mountaineers, and who are all around very fit and live very simple lives in small mountain towns.

Don't assume every liberal is a hipster college kid from white suburban families. We know how to fight a counter-insurgency, urban warfare, interlocking fields of fire, small unit tactics, how to lob grenades, how to make bombs, how to call in mortar fire, and how to fire Mk19s.

So keep on with your twisted little fantasies about some "patriotic" rebellion against a "tyrannical" government that is taking away your freedom to do what? Nobody knows... To get ripped off by insurance companies and not have to go through a background check to buy firearms at a gunshow, I guess. To not have a black POTUS.


He's not "black".
Hadn't you heard? He's half black.
It's been in all the news. :)

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