I'm Sick Of Racism, Passed Off As Diversity


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
While Obama & Co are the worst in my opinion, the 'right' isn't far behind. I don't care about skin color, sex, religion or operations or exorcisms to change any or all. I'm looking for smaller government and a modicum of truth when they speak.

An example:

President Obama’s Disturbing Pattern of Bullying and Stereotyping - By Greg Pollowitz - Media Blog - National Review Online

President Obama’s Disturbing Pattern of Bullying and Stereotyping
By Greg Pollowitz
May 10, 2012 6:12 P.M.

In light of the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-worthy piece today on Mitt Romney’s time in high school, conservatives decided to reciprocate and dig a little into the president’s past.

Turns out the young Barack bullied a little girl named Coretta while in elementary school! He even called her “plump.” What a jerk!

But the president’s bad behavior doesn’t end there. I went out and ordered Dreams from My Father on Kindle and discovered young Barack’s horrific treatment of his fellow college student Tim.

The future president wrote that Tim wasn’t a “conscious brother.” He “talked like Beaver Cleaver” and had a white girlfriend who, Obama guessed, listened to “country music.” What’s worse, Obama thought Tim’s real name should be “Tom.” As in Uncle. Shameful!

The good news is that young Barack learned from his bullying of blacks and stereotyping of women. You see, at the heart of his behavior was his “fear” — “the constant, crippling fear that I didn’t belong somehow.”

Too bad Romney didn’t think to say his behavior was motivated by his being an out-of-place Mormon. Surely then his treatment from the Washington Post in its big story would have been much kinder.
Why can't you fence sitters just say the left is wrong about something without dragging the right down? That's just bullshit.
I'm Sick Of Racism, Passed Off As Diversity

Couldn't agree more. I just left a thread because of some jerk here calling the First Lady of The United States a "dog" and I've seen assholes here call her much worse.

Best if I just ignore them because they revel in their stupidity and ignorance.
I'm sick of a political party that's 90% white complaining about "diversity", something they know nothing about.
I have to say that I was really naive when President Obama was elected. I foolishly thought we were entering an era of peace.

He has actually done more FOR the US than almost any other prez in recent times but many cannot get past his color. If he were white, he would be universally loved and admired. Half black and looking black - they hate him for that and ignore what he actually does.

One of the more racist posters here actually called him "mulatto" in a post today.

Disgusting to see the beliefs of the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Aryan jugheads etc - all alive and well.

Is it any wonder that the same people hate gays? Women? Children? Elderly? And everyone else who is not a WASP.
I have to say that I was really naive when President Obama was elected. I foolishly thought we were entering an era of peace.

He has actually done more FOR the US than almost any other prez in recent times but many cannot get past his color. If he were white, he would be universally loved and admired. Half black and looking black - they hate him for that and ignore what he actually does.

One of the more racist posters here actually called him "mulatto" in a post today.

Disgusting to see the beliefs of the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Aryan jugheads etc - all alive and well.

Is it any wonder that the same people hate gays? Women? Children? Elderly? And everyone else who is not a WASP.

add "playing the race card" to things we're fucking sick of..
I have to say that I was really naive when President Obama was elected. I foolishly thought we were entering an era of peace.

He has actually done more FOR the US than almost any other prez in recent times but many cannot get past his color. If he were white, he would be universally loved and admired. Half black and looking black - they hate him for that and ignore what he actually does.

One of the more racist posters here actually called him "mulatto" in a post today.

Disgusting to see the beliefs of the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Aryan jugheads etc - all alive and well.

Is it any wonder that the same people hate gays? Women? Children? Elderly? And everyone else who is not a WASP.

You are absolutely wrong. You should never assume to know the opinion of another person, you do not see through their eyes. I dislike our current POTUS due to policies and ideology alone. Race has nothing to do with it.

I do not hate any of the groups you've posted. I've married a woman, I have children, and I adore the elderly. What you've done is typical, to the letter, liberal. You've added hyperbole and reached so far to make your point. Because we think welfare is abused we hate children. Because we don't want to fund contraceptives we hate women. What a joke!
I'm Sick Of Racism, Passed Off As Diversity
I don't remember too-many people accusing Republicans of being diverse.

While Obama & Co are the worst in my opinion, the 'right' isn't far behind. I don't care about skin color, sex, religion or operations or exorcisms to change any or all. I'm looking for smaller government and a modicum of truth when they speak.

An example:

President Obama’s Disturbing Pattern of Bullying and Stereotyping - By Greg Pollowitz - Media Blog - National Review Online

President Obama’s Disturbing Pattern of Bullying and Stereotyping
By Greg Pollowitz
May 10, 2012 6:12 P.M.

In light of the Washington Post’s Pulitzer-worthy piece today on Mitt Romney’s time in high school, conservatives decided to reciprocate and dig a little into the president’s past.

Turns out the young Barack bullied a little girl named Coretta while in elementary school! He even called her “plump.” What a jerk!

But the president’s bad behavior doesn’t end there. I went out and ordered Dreams from My Father on Kindle and discovered young Barack’s horrific treatment of his fellow college student Tim.

The future president wrote that Tim wasn’t a “conscious brother.” He “talked like Beaver Cleaver” and had a white girlfriend who, Obama guessed, listened to “country music.” What’s worse, Obama thought Tim’s real name should be “Tom.” As in Uncle. Shameful!

The good news is that young Barack learned from his bullying of blacks and stereotyping of women. You see, at the heart of his behavior was his “fear” — “the constant, crippling fear that I didn’t belong somehow.”

Too bad Romney didn’t think to say his behavior was motivated by his being an out-of-place Mormon. Surely then his treatment from the Washington Post in its big story would have been much kinder.

i couldn't agree more
I have to say that I was really naive when President Obama was elected. I foolishly thought we were entering an era of peace.

He has actually done more FOR the US than almost any other prez in recent times but many cannot get past his color. If he were white, he would be universally loved and admired. Half black and looking black - they hate him for that and ignore what he actually does.

One of the more racist posters here actually called him "mulatto" in a post today.

Disgusting to see the beliefs of the KKK, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Aryan jugheads etc - all alive and well.

Is it any wonder that the same people hate gays? Women? Children? Elderly? And everyone else who is not a WASP.

This is a real load of horse shit here... Think I'll go puke. I can't believe any sane person would believe the crap you just posted about Obama. If you truly believe this crap you are one in need of some serious medications.
North Carolina Rocks!

Mr Obama took NC last presidential election.

"Took" Past tense.
And as with the stock market, race horses and political elections, Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
NC is going to be close because the large population centers in the state are heavily democrat.
What is missing is the wave of support from college students in the Raleigh and Charlotte areas. Also, the white suburban moderate vote which swept NC into Obama's corner is fed up with job loss, high gas prices and foreclosed homes. These people voted for Obama because they though it was the "right" thing to do or they were fearful their yuppie lib neighbors would not talk to them at their kid's soccer games. Obama will NOT get the white suburban vote this time. In fact democrat turnout is expected to be lower due to lack of enthusiasm for another 4 years of Obama.

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