I'm puzzled. Has the Act of Congress embargoing Cuba been repealed?

It is within the President's power through the dept of state to determine the diplomatic status of the various countries of the world. The trade embargo still stands but taking steps towards diplomatic normalization is entirely within presidential power.

Where does the constitution say that..?
Are you somehow unaware that diplomatic matters are entirely within the purview of the executive branch? You must be because you started this ignorant thread. As has already been mentioned, economic sanctions are still in place as they are the responsibility of congress but steps are being taken to normalize diplomatic relations. We have an embassy in China, being communist is not a valid excuse to keep this last shred of the cold war going for nostalgia's sake. Things change, get over it.
And the President has no power to change our position in regards Cuba. Any treaty he proposes has to be approved by the Senate. Any attempt to change the embargo, sanctions or restrictions has to be passed by both houses of Congress.
"I'm puzzled. Has the Act of Congress embargoing Cuba been repealed?"

You're ignorant as well as puzzled. See post #10.
The President claimed or his mouth piece claimed that the embargo and the sanctions would be lifted or eased. He does not have that authority. If the Senate agrees to any treaty he might make that might over rule those provisions depending on what is in the treaty. Failing that the Congress must ease or repel those acts not the President.
It is within the President's power through the dept of state to determine the diplomatic status of the various countries of the world. The trade embargo still stands but taking steps towards diplomatic normalization is entirely within presidential power.

Where does the constitution say that..?
Are you somehow unaware that diplomatic matters are entirely within the purview of the executive branch? You must be because you started this ignorant thread. As has already been mentioned, economic sanctions are still in place as they are the responsibility of congress but steps are being taken to normalize diplomatic relations. We have an embassy in China, being communist is not a valid excuse to keep this last shred of the cold war going for nostalgia's sake. Things change, get over it.
And the President has no power to change our position in regards Cuba. Any treaty he proposes has to be approved by the Senate. Any attempt to change the embargo, sanctions or restrictions has to be passed by both houses of Congress.
Yeah, that is not what has actually occurred, normalizing relations involves none of that.
The embargo wasn't affect at all. The two countries released prisoners, opened embassies, slightly reduced travel restrictions, and the US won't prevent Cuba from attending the "Summit of the Americas" meetings anymore (whatever the hell that is...).

There is still no large scale trading going on between the two countries and likely won't be for quite some time.

It's mostly a political ploy both to peeve Russia and also to appeal to Cubans living in the US.
Its actually a means to "change the subject" since Obama has been getting his ass handed to him repeatedly these past 5 months.

This is just brave noises being made by an out of ideas President. Nothing he does here will be permanent, and can easily be readjusted when he is out of office.

Unless, of course, Cuba is willing to give us back the 1.8 billion dollars in property they stole.
President Obama is just giving conservatives another chance to remind America which century they're living in.

What a wonderful post. You hit all cylinders on that one.

What it shows is that Obama is nothing like a good democrat JFK. Nothing has changed in Cuba except Obama trying to cement some sort of legacy. Me thinks he really wants to piss off the Russians and or the Chinese, not sure why.

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