Im not smart enough to come up with my owe ideas


Jul 14, 2009
I depend of facts and history to reach my own conclusions, I do what I can to keep my opinions in line with what can be documented.

That means I know we didnt invade Iraq over 9/11 or that Obamacair has any chance or coming in under budget
I know that the founders put the governance of our nation here
in the middle


I have been at this interweb game long enough to now begin to worry what the fuck is going to happen?
There are according to this site a shit load of people whose opinions are based entirely on shit they imagine or just invent.
These people in general are pretty young or are drug addled fools ( you know who you are or your care taker does)

How will the USA retain liberty and freedom when everything is based on arguing over the GOP turd and the DNC shit sammich?

Who will protect your progeny from the tyranny of todays political excess?
If you cannot come up with your own ideas why do you post anything? I can easily read anything you want to say for myself, and prefer to think for myself also. Since I am actually smart enough to have an original idea occasionally, I can now safely ignore everything you post, even the stuff I disagree wit, because you cannot possibly teach me anything I cannot learn on my own.
I came up with an original idea once, I joined USMB, and now I am free, free from what, I don't have a clue, I just ran out of original ideas, WAIT, I will have some shortly, need some meds. :D

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