I'm going to make a dog septic system this weekend!

Unfortunately, no garden. I have a black thumb...we also have a really short growing season, nuisance deer, digging dogs, and oh yeah I have a black thumb, lol.

I'm on the prowl for a holy trash can. I threw away 2-3 last year that started out as water receptacles for my horses...then they sprung leaks so they were relegated to feed bins...and eventually didn't work for that, either. I remember thinking, gosh, it's too bad I don't have a use for them as I tossed them into the truck bed at the transfer station...

The Freecycle Network
I'm still reeling that a trash can is $38. Fucking highway robbery.
Gee! $38! For a garbage can! I guess it is what it is. There has to be a solution, because there is a solution for every problem.

steal one from a neighbor a few blocks away.

A side note: Daisy's deposits are about the same size and appearance as a Perodi cigar. Stealth turds.
My pup is about 5 months old, probably 40 lbs, already bigger than most dogs. But I've been feeding high quality food, small feedings throughout the day, along with cottage cheese once or twice a day. His poop isn't too bad so far. It's really important not to feed crap food; it just comes out in almost the same volume.

The dogs like the cottage cheese, which is painfully expensive (I give him a cup or so a day). I tried buttermilk, which is a LOT cheaper, but neither of the dogs like it!
My pup is about 5 months old, probably 40 lbs, already bigger than most dogs. But I've been feeding high quality food, small feedings throughout the day, along with cottage cheese once or twice a day. His poop isn't too bad so far. It's really important not to feed crap food; it just comes out in almost the same volume.

The dogs like the cottage cheese, which is painfully expensive (I give him a cup or so a day). I tried buttermilk, which is a LOT cheaper, but neither of the dogs like it!
As a six month old pup, Daisy turned her nose up at cottage cheese. The one thing she has done that has actually SAVED me money!
I haven't picked up poop yet out of the yard so I know it's time, lol...haven't had dog crap tracked in yet but I know it will happen if I don't get on the ball.

I remembered that an elderly lady down the street from where I grew up had two dogs and a fenced, landscaped yard...and she used a system called "Doggie Dooley". I remembered seeing the top of it.

So I googled it, and sure enough, it still exists! And it's cheap! But what is even better...I continued to research and I can make my own out of a garbage can and some Rid-X! I'm kind of excited, but I will probably need a pickaxe to dig the hole...I think our soil (what there is) drains well enough...but it's full of rock. I mean full. Not like solid rock, but rock and soil...which is really great for septic but not so fun for digging by hand.

Thankfully I have a stout 7 year old boy who would like nothing better than to be given a shovel and a pickaxe and told "Dig a big hole".

Kids are great.

YouTube - ‪DIY Backyard Pet Waste Digester‬‏

Too much information. :lol:
Because saints grow so incredibly fast, it's super important to make sure they get plenty of calcium..and because they are subject to bloat, the culture is supposed to be good for them. I wish I had a goat! We had goats when I was a girl, and we milked them and fed the milk to the dogs, cats and chickens; we just fed a tiny amount of food to the dogs (none to the cats) and they were all fat, sassy, and incredibly SHINY.

I want a nanny goat so bad...that will probably be the next addition to the compound.

Why such a big container (other than the potential size of the dog)? I looked at the Doggy Dooley system and it looks more like a wastepaper basket than a garbage can. Maybe a 13 gallon trash bin would be A) cheaper and B) easier to install.
Everything I've read from people with big dogs said that they bought the doggie dooley and it wasn't big enough to cope...it filled up too fast.

I think I probably could get away with a smaller one, but I'm not going to sink it all the way in. I checked out a lot of stuff and people who have more than one dog use the big size trash can.

It seems that this size is equipped to handle up to 5 kennels; but those aren't giant dogs, they're normal dogs, and that's a system that has a drain at the bottom of the *tank* and gets pumped out every year. I don't want to do any pumping. So I think this is probably about what I need; particularly since I occasionally have my sons here with their big dogs, and mom with her two little dogs. Just long enough to crap all over the yard where my dogs don't crap...everybody else's dogs poop right by the front...my dogs go over to the side and strategically hide theirs in the tall grass.
And yes we pick it all up; I have a high tolerance for mess and dirt, but not for dog poop.
Why not just blast it with the garden hose?
St. Bernard, my man! I think you mean "fire hose"!

We had a golden retriever that used to leave some good sized bombs around. Granted, not as big as St Bernard's, but still sizeable and a good blast from the hose got rid of them just fine.

Regardless of the size, dog shit is afterall very water soluable.
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Yeah, the hose isn't going to get it..and it would take a long time to turn white and hard. I was feeling quite pleased with myself and my dog poop picking up adventures; well I hit the motherload (literally). The stuff I was picking up before was just Mylo's, I suppose...Klaus goes a little further afield and there was a LOT. I will continue to patrol over the next 24 hours and keep everyone posted, lololololol....

And Mylo was rolling on something...I went over there to see what it was and there was nothing; I thought she'd just found a nice bit of smelly dirt (she's a terrier, she reacts to things under the ground as well as on top of the ground) but when I saw her pick something up I ran over there pronto and she had a TEENY TINY NEWLY HATCHED BABY CHICK. It was disgusting, and (thankfully) dead...I grabbed it and flung it out into the road. I know, but it's tiny and I wasn't carrying that nasty thing anywhere.
Yeah, the hose isn't going to get it..and it would take a long time to turn white and hard. I was feeling quite pleased with myself and my dog poop picking up adventures; well I hit the motherload (literally). The stuff I was picking up before was just Mylo's, I suppose...Klaus goes a little further afield and there was a LOT. I will continue to patrol over the next 24 hours and keep everyone posted, lololololol....

And Mylo was rolling on something...I went over there to see what it was and there was nothing; I thought she'd just found a nice bit of smelly dirt (she's a terrier, she reacts to things under the ground as well as on top of the ground) but when I saw her pick something up I ran over there pronto and she had a TEENY TINY NEWLY HATCHED BABY CHICK. It was disgusting, and (thankfully) dead...I grabbed it and flung it out into the road. I know, but it's tiny and I wasn't carrying that nasty thing anywhere.

One time I caught my dog (now deceased) walking around, drooling, with his mouth half open. I thought WTF? and looked inside after about 20 minutes of him coming to me, drooling, then walking around in circles. Inside was a baby rat. A pinky. Very much alive. I tried to pull it out of his mouth but he wouldnt let me. Finally he laid down and nuzzled it. It was so small and pink, and he had long white hair. That baby rat would nuzzle into his fur and he would gently lick it. Then pick it up again in his mouth and walk around with it. Finally I cajoled him in to letting me have it. I put it back in with its mother. Must've fallen our of the nest she made. My son had two rats. One just had babies. 12 of them. :eek:
Yeah, the hose isn't going to get it..and it would take a long time to turn white and hard. I was feeling quite pleased with myself and my dog poop picking up adventures; well I hit the motherload (literally). The stuff I was picking up before was just Mylo's, I suppose...Klaus goes a little further afield and there was a LOT. I will continue to patrol over the next 24 hours and keep everyone posted, lololololol....

And Mylo was rolling on something...I went over there to see what it was and there was nothing; I thought she'd just found a nice bit of smelly dirt (she's a terrier, she reacts to things under the ground as well as on top of the ground) but when I saw her pick something up I ran over there pronto and she had a TEENY TINY NEWLY HATCHED BABY CHICK. It was disgusting, and (thankfully) dead...I grabbed it and flung it out into the road. I know, but it's tiny and I wasn't carrying that nasty thing anywhere.

One time I caught my dog (now deceased) walking around, drooling, with his mouth half open. I thought WTF? and looked inside after about 20 minutes of him coming to me, drooling, then walking around in circles. Inside was a baby rat. A pinky. Very much alive. I tried to pull it out of his mouth but he wouldnt let me. Finally he laid down and nuzzled it. It was so small and pink, and he had long white hair. That baby rat would nuzzle into his fur and he would gently lick it. Then pick it up again in his mouth and walk around with it. Finally I cajoled him in to letting me have it. I put it back in with its mother. Must've fallen our of the nest she made. My son had two rats. One just had babies. 12 of them. :eek:

The extraordinary scene was captured by photography
student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire.
The 19-year-old, from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, who was photographing the leopard for a course project, was
astounded by the mouse's behavior.

He said: 'I have no idea where the mouse came from - he just
appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the
meat for the leopard.

'He didn't take any notice of the leopard, just went straight
over to the meat and started feeding himself.
'But the leopard was pretty surprised - she bent down and
sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared.

'In the meantime the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened..

..but even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature
from getting his fill...
'It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat
into the enclosure was shocked - he said he'd never seen
anything like it before.'
Project owner Jackie James added: 'It was so funny to see -
Sheena batted the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food.
'But the determined little thing took no notice and just carried on.'
Sheena was brought in to the Santago Rare Leopard Project
from a UK zoo when she was just four months old.
She is one of 14 big cats in the private collection started by
Jackie 's late husband Peter in 1989.
The African Leopard can be found in the continent's forests, grasslands, savannas, and rainforests.
.....so the mouse continued to eat the leopard's lunch and show the leopard

who was the boss. Just proves no one can push you around without

your permission.


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    $One Hungry Little Mouse.jpg
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  • $African Lepord sniffing a mouse.jpg
    $African Lepord sniffing a mouse.jpg
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