I'm going to go out on a limb here...

Saw a talking head on Fox this morning say the aircraft is either in Pakistan or Iran and they're packing the thing with explosives to take out "a target". He said the USA but with those 2 countries in mind, seems that Israel would be a likely target.
The airplane has overhead circuit breakers that need to be manually pulled in order to power off the transponders. There are two related circuit breakers, one for each transponder.

Someone definitely disabled both transponders manually. Someone with a knowledge of avionics equipment. Could be terrorism related or maybe one of the pilots ...?

Unless the black box is recovered, we'll never know what really happened. I have a strange feeling that someone or some people is/are deliberately trying to keep us from locating the airplane, and subsequently the black box.
We are assuming that the plane has crashed, but I say that is to be determined. Many unanswered questions exist. Was there someone on this plane, or could this be part of a multi stage terrorist attack where the plane is loaded with WMD then used as a delivery system? The perpetrators seem to have a certain level of sophistication it appears. Most world govt's are on high alert now.
I tend to agree, we can't conclude 100% if the plane has crashed into the water, or landed someplace. However, I believe investigators tried calling some of the iphones on board, and they determined that the iphones were either all turned off, or destroyed. I am 99% convinced that the plane is in the water.
No phone service in these remote islands and secondly you're assuming that A-the passengers are still alive and B- the hijackers haven't collected all the iPhones, that's assuming the plane hasn't crashed. As far as fuel, obviously there would be reloading capacity wherever they planned for it to land. I have a friend who travels to those countries a lot he says the airport security in Malaysia is virtually non existent. Never underestimate these terrorists. Remember how coordinated and sophisticated the 9-11 attack was. All these planes hijacked simultaneously and flown into buildings at the same time.
We are assuming that the plane has crashed, but I say that is to be determined. Many unanswered questions exist. Was there someone on this plane, or could this be part of a multi stage terrorist attack where the plane is loaded with WMD then used as a delivery system? The perpetrators seem to have a certain level of sophistication it appears. Most world govt's are on high alert now.
I tend to agree, we can't conclude 100% if the plane has crashed into the water, or landed someplace. However, I believe investigators tried calling some of the iphones on board, and they determined that the iphones were either all turned off, or destroyed. I am 99% convinced that the plane is in the water.
No phone service in these remote islands and secondly you're assuming that A-the passengers are still alive and B- the hijackers haven't collected all the iPhones, that's assuming the plane hasn't crashed. As far as fuel, obviously there would be reloading capacity wherever they planned for it to land. I have a friend who travels to those countries a lot he says the airport security in Malaysia is virtually non existent. Never underestimate these terrorists. Remember how coordinated and sophisticated the 9-11 attack was. All these planes hijacked simultaneously and flown into buildings at the same time.
I somehow still doubt that the plane made it to land. I'll bet investigators are going through and conducting extensive background checks on all names on the passenger list, including flight attendants and especially the pilot and co-pilot.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

Before you make a further fool of yourself, revisit that statement.

Why bother to wait until the investigation is complete.

Fully how the radical left immediately defends the Islamic jihad. One interesting side story is how a forged stolen passport could be used in a major airport. They have screening for the names of known terrorists but they don't flag stolen passports?
Passports are usually scanned for fraud detection, Malaysians probably don't have the capacity to identify stolen passports from other countries, and they probably don't even have a good enough internal system. We are talking about keeping track of hundreds of millions of passport holders, issued by 200 countries worldwide.

Let's remember that Malaysia is a Muslim country, so being a target of terrorism is not at the top of their security risks. Plus the airline is a Malaysian airline and not a Western one, which makes security even more lax.

Why bother to wait until the investigation is complete.
That's why I'm going out on a limb. All the arrows are pointing to one direction. Islamic terrorism.

I could of course be wrong. However, the possibility that this jet crashed due to technical malfunction is incredibly remote. The transponders were intentionally turned off and it traveled at least four hours off course. Sounds like somebody wanted to secretly steal the plane.

What arrows?
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

Before you make a further fool of yourself, revisit that statement.
Which part of that statement is untrue? From my understanding someone physically turned the transponders off and the plane continued traveling for another four hours afterwards.
I tend to agree, we can't conclude 100% if the plane has crashed into the water, or landed someplace. However, I believe investigators tried calling some of the iphones on board, and they determined that the iphones were either all turned off, or destroyed. I am 99% convinced that the plane is in the water.
No phone service in these remote islands and secondly you're assuming that A-the passengers are still alive and B- the hijackers haven't collected all the iPhones, that's assuming the plane hasn't crashed. As far as fuel, obviously there would be reloading capacity wherever they planned for it to land. I have a friend who travels to those countries a lot he says the airport security in Malaysia is virtually non existent. Never underestimate these terrorists. Remember how coordinated and sophisticated the 9-11 attack was. All these planes hijacked simultaneously and flown into buildings at the same time.
I somehow still doubt that the plane made it to land. I'll bet investigators are going through and conducting extensive background checks on all names on the passenger list, including flight attendants and especially the pilot and co-pilot.
There are many unused airstrips all over the world used by various air forces for training purposes, did you know that? Not to mention a wide and long enough strip of highway would do just fine as well.
"What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards," said that source, a senior Malaysian police official."

Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources | Reuters
Yup, at this point a hijacking is a possibility. What's ironic here is that had the Transponders not been turned off, the pilot (assuming he was still flying the plane) could have entered the hijack code, 7500 on the ATC panel.

Is that ironic? Or...did you think we would think you were cool for knowing the hijack code?

Why bother to wait until the investigation is complete.
That's why I'm going out on a limb. All the arrows are pointing to one direction. Islamic terrorism.

I could of course be wrong. However, the possibility that this jet crashed due to technical malfunction is incredibly remote. The transponders were intentionally turned off and it traveled at least four hours off course. Sounds like somebody wanted to secretly steal the plane.

What arrows?
I am speculating that if foul play or terrorism is involved, what the identity and cause of the perpetrators might be.
That's why I'm going out on a limb. All the arrows are pointing to one direction. Islamic terrorism.

I could of course be wrong. However, the possibility that this jet crashed due to technical malfunction is incredibly remote. The transponders were intentionally turned off and it traveled at least four hours off course. Sounds like somebody wanted to secretly steal the plane.

What arrows?
I am speculating that if foul play or terrorism is involved, what the identity and cause of the perpetrators might be.

No. You said arrows are all pointing in one direction. What arrows? How about at least a little info to support your bullshit.
Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.

Mechanical malfunction would require me to believe that the transponder failed, and that other systems on the plane that independently maintain contact with the ground kept working for 40 minutes, then they spontaneously failed. Meanwhile, the plane went off course and flew generally westward at normal cruising speed for 4 hours while simultaneously avoiding every known RADAR tracking facility in the area.

Sorry, the odds aren't in your favor on this one.
I tend to agree, we can't conclude 100% if the plane has crashed into the water, or landed someplace. However, I believe investigators tried calling some of the iphones on board, and they determined that the iphones were either all turned off, or destroyed. I am 99% convinced that the plane is in the water.
No phone service in these remote islands and secondly you're assuming that A-the passengers are still alive and B- the hijackers haven't collected all the iPhones, that's assuming the plane hasn't crashed. As far as fuel, obviously there would be reloading capacity wherever they planned for it to land. I have a friend who travels to those countries a lot he says the airport security in Malaysia is virtually non existent. Never underestimate these terrorists. Remember how coordinated and sophisticated the 9-11 attack was. All these planes hijacked simultaneously and flown into buildings at the same time.
I somehow still doubt that the plane made it to land. I'll bet investigators are going through and conducting extensive background checks on all names on the passenger list, including flight attendants and especially the pilot and co-pilot.
Let's say a big group of terrorists boarded this plane, like 20, and two or three of them were pilots. They take control of the cockpit, incapacitate the pilots, take control of the plane and destroy all on board communication capability including all cellphones. The new pilots then turn off the transponders and fly the plane to a predetermined landing area. Phase one of the plan is complete.

I truly hope that I'm wrong, but then again I feel for the passengers and their families if its a crash. For the record, my cousin died on Pan Am flight 103. I was very close to him. So I am a relative of a crash victim. His body was found still in the chair stuck on a tree. Very sad.
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They didn't do it by themselves. I think it is a country. Probably Russia. The Chinese wait two weeks to report they have something on radar that looks as if it could be the plane. I saw nothing but a white spot. Who are they kidding? It was an obvious false report.

Why would the Chinese go to the trouble of relaying that information now? Because someone picked up the phone and asked them to. Who is in the position to ask favors of this sort from China? Putin. Who are the Iranians closest allies? Who is in the spotlight right now and needs a diversion so they can take the rest of the Ukraine here shortly? Putin/Russia

Russia would be delighted to hide a plane for Al Qaeda knowing it was going to be used against an American city. If the plane had bio weapons aboard it could wipe out millions. Imagine the headlines on that story. Ukraine would be on back page of every newspaper while the final death blow was being delivered.

Two hijackers didn't roll into town and decide to steal a 777 jumbo jet. This is a communist nation working in tandem with the Iranians as a reward for the help they'll get later on from them. Like an EMP launch. One hand washes the other in their world... China and Russia are thick as thieves right now. Look at it from that viewpoint and see what you get.
What arrows?
I am speculating that if foul play or terrorism is involved, what the identity and cause of the perpetrators might be.

No. You said arrows are all pointing in one direction. What arrows? How about at least a little info to support your bullshit.
Considering that the plane took off from Malaysia, if there is foul play involved, who do you think did it. Islamic terrorists would take advantage of the fact that A- Muslim sounding names wouldn't raise any alarms and B- security being very relaxed would allow them easy clearance and entry into the plane including carrying concealed weapons. Those are your arrows. There aren't any other possibilities to even eliminate, in case it's foul play.
They didn't do it by themselves. I think it is a country. Probably Russia. The Chinese wait two weeks to report they have something on radar that looks as if it could be the plane. I saw nothing but a white spot. Who are they kidding? It was an obvious false report.

Why would the Chinese go to the trouble of relaying that information now? Because someone picked up the phone and asked them to. Who is in the position to ask favors of this sort from China? Putin. Who are the Iranians closest allies? Who is in the spotlight right now and needs a diversion so they can take the rest of the Ukraine here shortly? Putin/Russia

Russia would be delighted to hide a plane for Al Qaeda knowing it was going to be used against an American city. If the plane had bio weapons aboard it could wipe out millions. Imagine the headlines on that story. Ukraine would be on back page of every newspaper while the final death blow was being delivered.

Two hijackers didn't roll into town and decide to steal a 777 jumbo jet. This is a communist nation working in tandem with the Iranians as a reward for the help they'll get later on from them. Like an EMP launch. One hand washes the other in their world... China and Russia are thick as thieves right now. Look at it from that viewpoint and see what you get.
You are assuming its two. Even 9-11 had five per plane. Two pilots and three to control the passengers and crew. How do you know it wasn't 10 or 20 this time. I don't think it's the Russians, it's not their style. At all.
No phone service in these remote islands and secondly you're assuming that A-the passengers are still alive and B- the hijackers haven't collected all the iPhones, that's assuming the plane hasn't crashed. As far as fuel, obviously there would be reloading capacity wherever they planned for it to land. I have a friend who travels to those countries a lot he says the airport security in Malaysia is virtually non existent. Never underestimate these terrorists. Remember how coordinated and sophisticated the 9-11 attack was. All these planes hijacked simultaneously and flown into buildings at the same time.
I somehow still doubt that the plane made it to land. I'll bet investigators are going through and conducting extensive background checks on all names on the passenger list, including flight attendants and especially the pilot and co-pilot.
Let's say a big group of terrorists boarded this plane, like 20, and two or three of them were pilots. They take control of the cockpit, incapacitate the pilots, take control of the plane and destroy all on board communication capability including all cellphones. The new pilots then turn off the transponders and fly the plane to a predetermined landing area. Phase one of the plan is complete.

I truly hope that I'm wrong, but then again I feel for the passengers and their families if its a crash. For the record, my cousin died on Pan Am flight 103. No was very close to him. So I am a relative of a crash victim. His body was found still in the chair stuck on a tree. Very sad.
Sorry to hear about your cousin. I agree that it is possible for several terrorists to have boarded the plane. Some of them could indeed have been pilots. However unless they had guns, the passengers would very likely have tried to fight these guys, especially after 9/11. These guys would have been outnumbered. Nowadays it's almost impossible to sneak a gun onto an airplane. Of course Malaysia might be one airport where the chances might be better.
You have to keep in mind motive for killing millions of civilians with a weapon such as a 777 jumbo jet loaded up with some bio weapon. Who would want to do that? Al Qaeda? They need a country to help them for something this big. Which country? The country with the greatest motive to harm the USA.

Who is determined to defeat America - planning for our demise decades ago? The Soviets! This is right up their alley. Deception is their game. The closest ally the Islamists have is Russia. If you don't believe it go to the Hebrew prophets who prophesied of a Russian led Islamic army marching against Israel in the latter days. If any country helped Al Qaeda in the hiding of this plane? It's Russia. Israel is on the precipice of a massive invasion by her enemies but they will not do this until America is out of the way. Once again... who is the nation that is showing alliance with Syria? With Iran? With Israels enemies? RUSSIA.

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