I'm Amelia. I'm 35years old and I live in one of the US state. I will not be VOTING for BIDEN 🙅‍♀️❌

What Conservatives object to is; The only solution dimocrap scum ever seem to have for foreign relations seems to be War.

WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam followed by RINOs like Bush I and Bush II in the Mideast. Trump hates War. So do I. I fought in one and I know how nasty they are. Nothing like what you see on TV. I think it's the music. We didn't have any background music when the fighting was going on. No Wagner, no Jim Morrison. Nothing. Just screaming and yelling in the dust, dirt, mud, explosions, the roar of small arms and smoke. And the smells. You don't get the smells on your TV.

Even our Civil War was the fault of dimocrap scum. They were the slavers, they were the party in power in the South that started it. Funny how that happens, huh? But I guess it's okay, I'm sure you're happy with your 30 pieces of silver.

I had direct family that died trying to free your people. You're welcome. Truth is, we didn't do it for you so much as we did it because slavery is an abomination. Great job you've done with your freedom. Siding now with the political party that enslaved you? How ironic

Sad that you're always so wrong about so much, so often.
There's so much lies and incorrect information here I don't know where to start.
There's so much lies and incorrect information here I don't know where to start.
There's so much lies and incorrect information here I don't know where to start.
You mean, like this part??

What lies will you tell in order to soothe the hurt of your apostasy??

Maybe your 30 pieces of silver will comfort you. I sure as Hell won't.

Dante's 9th Circle awaits

The Democrats and Whigs were evenly balanced in the 1830s and 1840s. However, by the 1850s, the Whigs disintegrated. Other opposition parties emerged but the Democrats were dominant. Northern Democrats were in serious opposition to Southern Democrats on the issue of slavery; Northern Democrats, led by Stephen Douglas, believed in Popular Sovereignty—letting the people of the territories vote on slavery. The Southern Democrats, reflecting the views of the late John C. Calhoun, insisted slavery was national.

The Democrats controlled the national government from 1853 until 1861, and presidents Pierce and Buchanan were friendly to Southern interests. In the North, the newly formed anti-slavery Republican Party came to power and dominated the electoral college. In the 1860 presidential election, the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln, but the divide among Democrats led to the nomination of two candidates: John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky represented Southern Democrats, and Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois represented Northern Democrats. Nevertheless, the Republicans had a majority of the electoral vote regardless of how the opposition split or joined and Abraham Lincoln was elected.
What Conservatives object to is; The only solution dimocrap scum ever seem to have for foreign relations seems to be War.

WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam followed by RINOs like Bush I and Bush II in the Mideast. Trump hates War. So do I. I fought in one and I know how nasty they are. Nothing like what you see on TV. I think it's the music. We didn't have any background music when the fighting was going on. No Wagner, no Jim Morrison. Nothing. Just screaming and yelling in the dust, dirt, mud, explosions, the roar of small arms and smoke. And the smells. You don't get the smells on your TV.

Even our Civil War was the fault of dimocrap scum. They were the slavers, they were the party in power in the South that started it. Funny how that happens, huh? But I guess it's okay, I'm sure you're happy with your 30 pieces of silver.

I had direct family that died trying to free your people. You're welcome. Truth is, we didn't do it for you so much as we did it because slavery is an abomination. Great job you've done with your freedom. Siding now with the political party that enslaved you? How ironic

Sad that you're always so wrong about so much, so often.

That's a lovely rant you've got going on there, except that it's ALL bullshit.

Let's start with slavery - which began in 1619 in the USA, and was enshrined in your Constitution in 1776. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. So no, the Democrats did not "enslave" anyone.

So lets start with the false notion that the Democrats are "warmongers".

Civil War: The Civil War was not a war between Democrats and Republicans, it was a battle between the North and the South. There were Republicans and Democrats fighting on BOTH sides in this war. And last but not least, it was President Lincoln who declared war on the Confederacy, not the other way around.

WWI: This war was started in Europe with the Assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, leading to a war to break up the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with Germany leading the aggression.

Kindly explain how the Democrats are responsible for starting the First World War? There was no CIA in 1914 doing wet ops, so it's unlike they arranged for the Arch Duke to be assassinated.

Woodrow Wilson was elected in 1912 and was an isolationist who was quite happy to let the USA profit by supplying weapons and supplies to the Allies, but German submarines were sinking both merchant and passenger ships on the Atlantic and "American interests" were threatened. So the USA declared war on Germany in 1917, and the war ended 18 months later.

WWII: Wash, rinse and repeat for WWII. Hitler "annexed" Austria on the grounds the Austrians speak German. GB's Chamberlain did NOTHING, and let him do it, saying he'd go no further - See "Appeasement of Hitler". This emboldened Hitler to invade Poland, and the rest of Europe declared war on Germany in 1939.

FDR was elected in 1932 and was an isolationist who was quite happy to let the USA profit by supplying weapons and supplies to the Allies, until Japan bombed Pearl Harbour in 1941. And as in WWI, German submarines were sinking both merchant and passenger ships on the Atlantic and "American interests" were threatened.

Yes, Johnson started that one, but Goldwater wanted to NUKE the Vietnamese. Stupid mistake.

Learn HISTORY, not Republican talking points.
There's so much lies and incorrect information here I don't know where to start.
Especially given that the author of the post voted for all of the great middle eastern mis-adventures we’ve seen since the 1990’s and is actively campaigning against the one President who brought an end to it in Afghanistan, President Biden.

So yeah, he’s completely full of shit on this matter.
You mean, like this part??

What lies will you tell in order to soothe the hurt of your apostasy??

Maybe your 30 pieces of silver will comfort you. I sure as Hell won't.

Dante's 9th Circle awaits

The Democrats and Whigs were evenly balanced in the 1830s and 1840s. However, by the 1850s, the Whigs disintegrated. Other opposition parties emerged but the Democrats were dominant. Northern Democrats were in serious opposition to Southern Democrats on the issue of slavery; Northern Democrats, led by Stephen Douglas, believed in Popular Sovereignty—letting the people of the territories vote on slavery. The Southern Democrats, reflecting the views of the late John C. Calhoun, insisted slavery was national.

The Democrats controlled the national government from 1853 until 1861, and presidents Pierce and Buchanan were friendly to Southern interests. In the North, the newly formed anti-slavery Republican Party came to power and dominated the electoral college. In the 1860 presidential election, the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln, but the divide among Democrats led to the nomination of two candidates: John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky represented Southern Democrats, and Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois represented Northern Democrats. Nevertheless, the Republicans had a majority of the electoral vote regardless of how the opposition split or joined and Abraham Lincoln was elected.

Wikipedia is not a source.
That's a lovely rant you've got going on there, except that it's ALL bullshit.

Let's start with slavery - which began in 1619 in the USA, and was enshrined in your Constitution in 1776. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. So no, the Democrats did not "enslave" anyone.

So lets start with the false notion that the Democrats are "warmongers".

Civil War: The Civil War was not a war between Democrats and Republicans, it was a battle between the North and the South. There were Republicans and Democrats fighting on BOTH sides in this war. And last but not least, it was President Lincoln who declared war on the Confederacy, not the other way around.

WWI: This war was started in Europe with the Assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria, leading to a war to break up the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with Germany leading the aggression.

Kindly explain how the Democrats are responsible for starting the First World War? There was no CIA in 1914 doing wet ops, so it's unlike they arranged for the Arch Duke to be assassinated.

Woodrow Wilson was elected in 1912 and was an isolationist who was quite happy to let the USA profit by supplying weapons and supplies to the Allies, but German submarines were sinking both merchant and passenger ships on the Atlantic and "American interests" were threatened. So the USA declared war on Germany in 1917, and the war ended 18 months later.

WWII: Wash, rinse and repeat for WWII. Hitler "annexed" Austria on the grounds the Austrians speak German. GB's Chamberlain did NOTHING, and let him do it, saying he'd go no further - See "Appeasement of Hitler". This emboldened Hitler to invade Poland, and the rest of Europe declared war on Germany in 1939.

FDR was elected in 1932 and was an isolationist who was quite happy to let the USA profit by supplying weapons and supplies to the Allies, until Japan bombed Pearl Harbour in 1941. And as in WWI, German submarines were sinking both merchant and passenger ships on the Atlantic and "American interests" were threatened.

Yes, Johnson started that one, but Goldwater wanted to NUKE the Vietnamese. Stupid mistake.

Learn HISTORY, not Republican talking points.
Democrats were slavers. They used to be the Conservative party. They corrected course. The GOP went for the easy votes they could now find in the south and put on the conservative armor.

Vietnam started with Eisenhower if you want to get technical. It enlarged under Kennedy and went full scale under Johnson. Nixon escalated for a while too but did what Biden did, swallowed the bitter pill of having to pull the plug.
a new 🇷🇺hybrid attack on US electoral system is on the way, and one for sure. putler desperately needs trumpet

ps Also possibly an Indian male :auiqs.jpg: ...

Putin endorsed Biden, not Trump.

Maybe its not political. Maybe its a catfish trying to scam stoopid men outta money. LOL lots of them fall for it. :) I watch this you tube channel called catfished . Its a riot.
It seems like all the Russian trolling propaganda emerges from the left these days. Democrats seem more focused on Russia than the U.S. under a doddering old fool. Maybe that's the plan.

What Russian trolling would that be? Elections are stolen? Deep State? Biden is senile? Southern Border? MSM is biased? Coming to take your guns? Hunter Biden???

Which of these Russian propaganda themes are the Democrats promoting?????
What Russian trolling would that be? Elections are stolen? Deep State? Biden is senile? Southern Border? MSM is biased? Coming to take your guns? Hunter Biden???

Which of these Russian propaganda themes are the Democrats promoting?????

MAGA 🇷🇺- man , you find here many options :

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