I'm Afraid Obama will win 400 elv if the republicans run Palin


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
This is how a election would kind of look if it occurred today...It should be noted I made most of them toss up in favor of the republican in the first half within 10 points of Obama, but gave up and become honest half way down.

Obama/Palin, Alaska 6 points, Obama

Az 11 electral
Obama/newt, az 7 points, tossup
Obama/Palin, az 11 points, Obama win
Obama/Mitt, az 4 points, Mitt win

Califorina 55 for Obama


Obama/bach, 12 points, Obama
Obama/Cain, 16 points, Obama
Obama/Palin 16 points, Obama
Obama/Perry 13 points, Obama
Obama/Mitt 7 points, toss up
Obama/newt 14, obama
Obama/Palin 19, Obama, stolid Obama
Obama/Mitt 6, toss up

Florida 29
Obama/Bach 12, obama
Obama/palin 19, obama
Obama/perry, 5, toss up
Obama/Mitt, toss up tie

Georgia 16
Obama/newt 1, toss up
Obama/Palin 5, Obama
Obama/mitt 3, mitt
Obama/cain 5, Obama

Iowa 6
Obama/Bach 1, toss up
Obama/mitt 3, mitt
Obama/cain 18, OBAMA
Obama/Newt 21, OBAMA
Obama/Palin 20, OBAMA

Lousiana 8
Obama/Palin 7, Palin

Maine 4
Obama/newt 16, OBAMA
Obama/Palin 22, OBAMA!
Obama/Mitt 8, toss up

Massachutts 11
Obama/Cain 33, OBAMA!
Obama/Newt 36, OBAMA!!
Obama/Palin 36, Obama!!

I think it is safe to assume this is for Obama

Mitchigan 16

The only one that gets within 10 points of Obama is Mitt 5 down, Sarah Palin is down 18 points.

Minnesota 10
palin is 20 points down
The only one that would of even had a change in a election against Obongo is Pawlenty at 8 points.

Mississppi 6
Sarah Palin only beats Obama 4 points...Everyone else does better.

Missouri 10
Republicans don't lose this, but with
Newt they lose it by 2 points against Obama...A toss up.
Sarah Palin they lose it by 5,

Montana 3
Sarah Palin gets only a 4 point spread against Obama...Pretty close,

Nebraska 5
Sarah Palin wins it by 1 point...Huge toss up in a state that is normally republican. Mitt wins it by 12

Nevada 6
Palin loses this one to Obama by 12 points.
Mitt loses only by 1 point and Perry by 9.

New hemisphere 4
Palin loses this one by 15 points
Mitt wins it by 2

New Jersey is for obama for 14 elv

New mexico 5
Palin loses it by 20 points,
Mitt loses it by 7 points
Everyone in between thoses extremes

North Carolina 15
Palin loses it by 13 points
Rick perry 8 points
Mitt loses by 3 points and Bachmann losses by 3 points

Ohio 18
Bachmann loses by 7
Cain loses by 8
Palin loses by 13
Perry loses by 4
Mitt loses it 2

Oregon 7 is for Obama

Pennsylvania 20
Bachmann loses by 8
Perry loses by 6
Mitt wins by 2
Santorum loses by 2
From a earlier poll Palin losed by 14 points

Rhode Island 4
Palin loses by 41 points, Obama elv

South Carolina 9
Cain loses by 3
Newt loses by 2
Palin loses by 5
Mitt wins by 9

Yes Repubicans stand to lose this one if they run Palin...

South Dakota 3
Newt loses by 2
Palin loses by 8
Mitt wins by 6

Yes it stands to lose if you run Palin

Tennessee 11
Buchmann loses by 11
Newt Loses by 12
Palin loses by 14
Mitt loses by 2

Yes if these polls are correct then republicans could lose the 11 elv of this state.

Texas 38
Bachmann wins by 3
Palin loses by 2
Mitt wins by 8
RON PAUL wins by 5
Perry loses by 2

Utah 6
Bachmann wins by 14
Cain by 7
Huntsman by 40!!!
Palin only WINS by 2 points. A toss up in Utah.
Mitt wins by 32 points

Vermont 3
Obama's to lose

Virigina 13
Bachmann loses by 9
Cain loses by 11
Palin loses by 14
Perry loses by 9
Mitt loses by 4

Unless you run Mitt Virigina once again will go to Obama

Washington 12
Obama's to lose!

West Virigina 5
Newt wins by 10
Palin only wins by 4
Mitt wins by 13 points

Wisconsin 10
Palin loses by 19
Pretty Obama's to lose.

Statewide opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Virgina, South Carolina, Az, GA, Florida, even Utah and south Dakata are up to lose if you run Sarah Palin in 2012 against Obama. I don't like Obama, but lets be honest about this. He will win 400 elv if you run her.

Mitt or Perry is about what we have. This country is on its last leg and it is because of the people that puts idiots into power that we're, but these are the facts.:(:(:(:(

Yes I'm a republican and have voted straight republican for years.
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Obama will lose no matter who runs against him. So it's important to get Ron Paul the nomination.
Obama will lose no matter who runs against him. So it's important to get Ron Paul the nomination.

The religious right will hold their noses and vote for a man who wants to legalize pot?
The war mongers will vote for someone who wants to recall all of our troops?
Just possibly they pretty party before all else bunches.

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