I'm about 99% convinced that the CIA and not AQ perpetrated 911

We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"

I tell you; they never check for thermite...If they did, you'd probably find it on the grassy knoll, the USS maine, parting of the Red Sea, etc... It's the most ubitquitous (sp?) substance that is ignored by the lame stream media, the hacks who propagate the OCTA, occam's razor and the Emancipation Proclaimation as well.

I know what I wrote doesn't make a lot of sense but it's still head and shoulders above the OP.
I think it's strange that someone wouldn't at least question SOMETHING about the official explanation.

It's not exactly bulletproof.
There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Why are you having trouble believing it? Looking back, it isn't too difficult. You learn rudimentary flying abilities, you get a team on the plane with box cutters, take it over and fly it into the towers. Where's the difficulty in that? I'm relatively certain i could do it.
You have to follow the steps logically. IF OBL was really a terrorist mastermind behind 911, why execute him? We're supposed to believe that the terrorist mastermind planned and carried through on the most fiendishly clever terror attack in human history and then decided to retire and post on Facebook?

He came close to killing 30,000 Americans, shut the US Capital Markets down for a week and then went for Internet porn instead of continuing to plot.

Yeah, that's believeable

Why not? What else is the most wanted man in the world going to do?
I think it's strange that someone wouldn't at least question SOMETHING about the official explanation.

It's not exactly bulletproof.

That is exactly why I believe they had nothing to do with it.

Since the government didn't do it, they are trying to piece together what happened after the fact. There are holes in their theory because they do not know exactly what happened. If it was an inside job, the explanation would be iron clad tight.
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"
That's how Liberals live: In Denial.
I give to you, the official "Magic Bullet" as espoused by Warren Commission staffer Arlen Specter. Oh you didn't know HE was involved in all that? How else do think a loser like him gets the political positions he got? By being a nice guy? Anyway here it is:

Read all about it here:
Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • $Magic Bullet.jpg
    $Magic Bullet.jpg
    139.1 KB · Views: 60
Specifically the KGB Wing of the CIA.

911 was a modern Pearl Harbor. During WWII, the Russian spies in the USA and Japan set us on a collision course that resulted in Pearl Harbor, a horrible strategic blunder by the Japanese that only helped the Russians. In December 1941 the Germans had beaten the Russians all the way back to Moscow. I find it very curious that Zhukov's Counteroffensive began on or around Pearl Harbor. There's never any date attributed to when the Counteroffensive started, just "December 1941"

In 2000, the Russians needed help with their own Islamist problem. The Islamists weren't an issue for us at all. So the KBG Branch of the CIA cooked up another Pearl harbor that drew us into another war that bore no strategic interest or consequences for us.

I should add I'm a great admirer of these people. They have worked behind the scenes, no one can name them, yet they have altered the course of history at least twice.

And we thought some dopey Persian watching Internet goat porn in Pokey-staan was the "Mastermind" LOL
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"
That's how Liberals live: In Denial.
I give to you, the official "Magic Bullet" as espoused by Warren Commission staffer Arlen Specter. Oh you didn't know HE was involved in all that? How else do think a loser like him gets the political positions he got? By being a nice guy? Anyway here it is:

Read all about it here:
Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What, you don't think a single bullet can realistically change direction multiple times while somehow managing to kill two people?
OBL wasn't killed in that Operation. He was already dead or was captured. 9/11 was an inside job. I don't think Bush knew anything about it. He's just a puppet like every President.

Im sure glad your the new administrater.Gunny was such an idiot.He actually still thinks oswald was the lone assassin of kennedy.seriously.:lol::lol::lol::D He would never look at the evidence.He was completely in denial about how corrupt our government really is.

Yeah the president is just a puppet.If he doesnt do what the establishment tell them to do,he ends up like Kennedy. some people think that it could not have been an inside job because Bush is too stupid to pull something like this off which is true but the neocons in his administration-Cheney,Rumsfield,Wolferitz,Powell and others are not stupid and incompetent like him and were capable of pulling it off.
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

thats the logic of people like agent Candyass and Gunny when he was here that they all have.:lol::lol::lol::D

The Gulf of Tonkin incident, which the Govt used as justification to escalate the Vietnam war, happened EXACTLY as the Govt said!

That is until then Sec Def Robert McNamara admitted it was all made up and the North Vietnamese never shot at our Navy.

But see if I mention the facts I'm labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist".

Shhhhh, your making way too much sense for agent Candyass to grasp.:D

Can you imagine how much impact your opinion has on me?:clap2::clap2:


Frank,you've heard the old saying-Better late than Never.I had a feeling eventually you would see the light on this.There are many people like you and MS for instance who have crossed over to the other side however you never find people like Eots for instance who cross over from being an alleged conspiracy theorist the lable they have for people like us to being a COINCIDENCE theorist like agents candyass or Rightwinger and you wont because the truth always wins out in the end.
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There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Likely CIA and Mossad in conjunction

9/11 was simply a strategy to sacrifice a pawn to gain strategic squares on the world's chessboard..

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get support of your country and even the world to do almost anything
We all know Oswald was the lone shooter too because the 9/11 Commission, excuse me, The Warren Commission report said so.

Just look at the Magic Bullet theory, that proves it!

Our Gov't would NEVER lie or cover up ANYTHING!

There was no magic bullet

Just more misguided conspiracy theory "science"
That's how Liberals live: In Denial.
I give to you, the official "Magic Bullet" as espoused by Warren Commission staffer Arlen Specter. Oh you didn't know HE was involved in all that? How else do think a loser like him gets the political positions he got? By being a nice guy? Anyway here it is:

Read all about it here:
Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

as always,agents Rightwinger and candyass get their asses handed to them on a platter.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::eusa_clap:

agents Rightwinger and candyass also blatantly ignore the facts that many witnesses said the 9/11 commission,err warren commission, told independent researchers that they altered their witness testimonys which is a crime itself the warren commission members should have all gone to jail for.

or they'll all say that Rose Cheramie I think was her last name,that it was just a figment of her imiagination when she wound up in a Lousinana hospital after being found on the edge of a highway road a couple days before the assassination telling the doctors that there was a plot to kill kennedy in dallas.

The Doctors discovered she was on drugs and did not take her serious at the time but after the assassination they did take her serious and they called the police and of course she later convenintly died and wasnt around anymore for testimony.just another coincidence the coincidence theorists that agents Rightwinger and Candyass worship and defend to no end showing what retards they are.:lol:

whats really hysterical about agent Rightwinger is that he uses wikipedia as a source.They can type in ANYTHING that they want to there at that place and make anything up to suit their own version of events..

Agent Rightwinger and candyass also cant count for the multiple unnaccountable bullets found at the scene of the crime that were covered up and suppressed from the american people for over 30 years.:lol::lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:

the unnaccountable bullets they cant account for coming from oswalds rifle were the bullets as seen in photos like the one in the windshield that forensic scientists said was an entry bullet or the bullet lodged in the doorframe of the limo,not to mention the one on the grass which you see a plinclothes cop pick up and put in his pocket and carry off or the one on the street or the one on the curb which that piece was removed and then a new piece was added on or the one in the streetsign that you see in the zapruder film that witnesses including two police officers said they saw a bullet hole in which was ALSO removed.Those two trolls ignore how there was a removal and destruction of evidence just like in 9/11.
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There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Likely CIA and Mossad in conjunction

9/11 was simply a strategy to sacrifice a pawn to gain strategic squares on the world's chessboard..

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get support of your country and even the world to do almost anything

It was definetley a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD_vwzjdTi4]9/11 - Missing Links ( full movie ) - YouTube[/ame]

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There's no way a bunch of cave dwelling camel fuckers came up with the idea and executed it. It's just not possible.

There's no way that Osama bin Laden was the head of AQ and yet wound up dead and dumped in the ocean. It would be like the Allies capturing Erwin Rommel or Albert Speer during WWII and immediately killing them. Sorry, makes no fucking sense. Makes less sense the more I think about it.

I don't know necessarily that Bush was in on it, maybe. His Dad was one of the most evil people in the history of the USA and I remain convinced was intimately involved in the Reagan Assassination, so maybe the apple and tree thing applies.

Likely CIA and Mossad in conjunction

9/11 was simply a strategy to sacrifice a pawn to gain strategic squares on the world's chessboard..

Play with the emotions of the masses and you can get support of your country and even the world to do almost anything

Oh shut the fuck up already.

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