I'm a caffeine junky


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
I started to use caffeine-tablets about 3 years ago. For sports reasons.
At some point I also started to use them on days, when I did not do sports. That 'some point' is now about 1.5 years in the past.

In the package insert it says, not to use more then 1 tablet within 24 hours.
My apothecary already talked with me, that it is not good to take them over such a long period, but I usually counter her with a Tokyo University study, which says, that risk of circulation collapse steps in with about 1 to 1.2 grams of caffeine in bloodstream.
She already wanted to sell me different products like drinkable Vitamin-B6, but orally taken it has a poor efficiency factor. I would have to inject that Vitamin subcutaneous into the belly, which I don't want to.

1 caffeine Tablet has 0.2 grams caffeine, water-free. On sports day, I usually take 3-4 of them. It raises the pulse and makes you active, then I make sports and that activity also raises the pulse.

At one point, I suffered heavily from Caffeine-Overuse
Caffeine-Overuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My apothecary then gave me Iron-Tablets to counter it, which indeed did work.
I already achieved to abstain Caffeine for some weeks, but I always again end-up with buying it. :doubt:
I think, I am seriously addicted.

When I started to take higher-dose of the caffeine-tablets, usually some parts of my body cramped, often the muscles around the jawbone. By now, my body totally adopted to Caffeine, and I only witness light-weight activity.

I don't take any other stuff, except Creatine. The Caffeine tablets are pure caffeine in water-free form. I already have a bad conscience with that Caffeine use, but I don't really am able not to take them. That sucks.
Sometimes, I also eat a pure citron before making sports. Together with the caffeine it becomes the same substance as Aspirin. Which has a blood-thinning effect.
In the beginning I also had serious sleep-issues, but now, I can sleep no matter how much caffeine is in bloodstream. I started to take them when I reached a physical plateau, at that time it helped me to break-through that plateau.
When I go jogging or do jump roping, I take never more then 2 caffeine-tablets.
When I do strength, I take 3-4 caffeine-tablets, as my pulse during that activity is generally lower, but I don't take them anymore to activate performance, but out of habit.
I don't know :dunno: , I even carry 2 of them in my money-purse.

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