Illinois Senate Candidate: False Military Award Claim


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise

did he really think his opponent wouldn't check out his official bio?

llinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate

y R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 29, 2010; 5:41 PM

The Republican candidate for President Obama's old Senate seat has admitted to inaccurately claiming he received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award for his service during NATO's conflict with Serbia in the late 1990s.

Rep. Mark Kirk, a Navy reservist who was elected to Congress in 2001, acknowledged the error in his official biography after The Washington Post began looking into whether he had received the prestigious award, which is given by top Navy officials to a single individual annually.

The Post's inquiries were sparked by complaints from a representative of state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, Kirk's Democratic opponent in the Illinois Senate race.

Illinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate
Its not a lie....if you believe its true

George Costanza
In this reality, he lied, in the alternate Conservative Universe, he is a victim of a Democratic smear.
While we heard several days of Blumenthal, I doubt this will get coverage besides a few A17 stories.
Helloooooo, Illinois.

What part of dirty, graft ridden, corrupt, liars for politicians from Illinois aren't people getting?
In this reality, he lied, in the alternate Conservative Universe, he is a victim of a Democratic smear.

is this like Rep.Richard Blumenthal's Vietnam tales Dean?.....last week he was on the news saying he "misspoke".....yea right...for what 10 years.....hey Dean someday it will dawn on you that yes even the Democrats are as bad as the Republicans in the area of integrity.....but then what the fuck would you know about that....

did he really think his opponent wouldn't check out his official bio?

llinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate

y R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 29, 2010; 5:41 PM

The Republican candidate for President Obama's old Senate seat has admitted to inaccurately claiming he received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award for his service during NATO's conflict with Serbia in the late 1990s.

Rep. Mark Kirk, a Navy reservist who was elected to Congress in 2001, acknowledged the error in his official biography after The Washington Post began looking into whether he had received the prestigious award, which is given by top Navy officials to a single individual annually.

The Post's inquiries were sparked by complaints from a representative of state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, Kirk's Democratic opponent in the Illinois Senate race.

Illinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate

Good catch. :eusa_whistle:

did he really think his opponent wouldn't check out his official bio?

llinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate

y R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 29, 2010; 5:41 PM

The Republican candidate for President Obama's old Senate seat has admitted to inaccurately claiming he received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award for his service during NATO's conflict with Serbia in the late 1990s.

Rep. Mark Kirk, a Navy reservist who was elected to Congress in 2001, acknowledged the error in his official biography after The Washington Post began looking into whether he had received the prestigious award, which is given by top Navy officials to a single individual annually.

The Post's inquiries were sparked by complaints from a representative of state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, Kirk's Democratic opponent in the Illinois Senate race.

Illinois Senate candidate admits claim about military award was inaccurate

Good catch. :eusa_whistle:

would you think so if it was a dem being accused? Probably not.
would you think so if it was a dem being accused? Probably not.

i have seen Sarah and Jill critisize a Democrat for being less than honest before.... not to long ago actually in the same thread....but not Rdean....he doesnt have their character...just sayin....
We are talking about Illinois politics. Si'?

as opposed to politics anywhere else?


None of us are surprised that there is MORE corruption coming from IL. I don't care who it is. But of course, you conveniently picked the Republican candidate to focus on. Of which none of us are surprised either.

DUH! Should we change his party affiliation now that he has been found out? We can't help if he is a Republican.

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