Illinois governor signs bill mandating public schools teach Asian American history...1st state to do so

Asian American history ? Nothing wrong with that. They've been teaching African American history, and every other American history, so it shouldn't be a big deal at all.
The United States is a melting pot of people from all over the world who over the years shaped our nation. I don't see any issue with covering the multitude of cultural contributions throughout our national history, but this legislation sounds more like the brainchild of a guilty white leftist trying to patronize Asians because of the attacks that have occurred against us over the past year.
More division is what the goal is.
Otherwise what you think is going on here, is just more pandering by the left upon creating issues where none should exist to begin with ??? Putting it into context that the left is trying to put it in, they want us to believe that Asian's have been abused by white's forever in the USA, and that is a bald face lie......The leftist want to make it appear that all of a sudden hate crimes against Asian's were the result of Trump's words at any given time or rather it was caused by Trump calling the China virus what it was, and then it being looked at heavily afterwards all due to the origins of the COVID-19 virus that came from China.

American's aren't so dumb, that they would think that Asian American's are somehow their enemies because of the China virus. That is total political bullcrap, and the leftist know it, but hey they gotta hate ya know. That's all leftist do.

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