Illegal with suicide vest try’s 2 bomb U.S. Capital Bldg., sentenced.


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Illegal alien wore a suicide vest & was armed with a semi-automatic weapon tried to blow up the U.S. Capitol bldg., is sentenced

Sunday, September 16, 2012

In my view,

Alexandria, Virginia -- Amine El Khalifi, 29, an illegal alien from Morocco pled guilty in June to attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. Khalifi was sentenced on Friday, September 14, 2012 for trying to blow up the U.S. Capitol Building in June 2012. He originally faced a life sentence and he asked for 25 years. "U.S. District Judge James Cacheris gave him a 30-year prison term as part of a plea agreement."

Hopefully he'll serve his full term and then be deported to the ends of the earth. He’ll be 59 years old when he gets out that’s still young enough to do some real damage to the U.S.

Khalkfi was a radical Islamist and probably still is, he was hell bent on punishing America for some unknown reason probably because we’re all infidels in his eyes. He got his hands on a suicide bomber vest and a semi-automatic weapon. He told investigators that he planned on shooting Americans before he blew himself up in the Capitol Building. What is wrong with these people???

He was arrested in a parking garage kitty corner of the Capital building with his vest and weapon. The FBI had a lead on him and provided him an inoperable vest and semi-automatic. Isn’t it strange he didn’t test the weapon first? I think it is.

Luckily for us, “The illegal alien had been the subject of a lengthy undercover investigation by the FBI. They said he had become known to them in January 2011 when a confidential source told authorities that El Khalifi met with others in Virginia and agreed with statements that the group needed to be ready for war, according to court documents.”

“"Ironically, this man would have been eligible for Obama’s new deportation since El Khalifi is under 30-years-old and has no criminal record in the United States until now," said former NYPD detective and military intelligence officer Mike Snopes.”


Moroccan illegal alien sentenced for attempted terrorist bombing

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