Illegal impregnates child, he sodomized raped & made her put his penis in her mouth.

Obama wants more illegals here by the the truck load......


Only far right extremists who do not belong in the GOP and crazy libertarians would do such a thing.

Illegal impregnates girl, 12 he repeatedly sodomized and sexually abuse her

August 8, 2012

In my opinion:

SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI– Reymundo Hernandez, 25 is an illegal alien. He’s being charged with statutory sodomy in the first degree and statutory rape and deviate sexual intercourse with a child under 14 years of age. His bail was recommended to be set at $75,000.00 because he is deemed a flight risk.

Hernandez lured a 12-year-old girl on Facebook over the internet and arranged a meeting at a local park near where she lived. The foolish young girl snuck out of her home to meet him. Where he sodomized her and had sex with her and “forced the victim’s mouth to his penis.” Hernandez admitted that he talked to the girl on Facebook and in phone conversations. I wonder if she knew she was talking to a 25 year old man, probably not. He lured the girl to the park where he kissed her and then had sex with her without using a condom. He admitted to the police of raping the girl twice.

The young girl confessed to her mother what had happened and her mom took her to the hospital to do a Rape Test. The results came back positive that the 12-year-old girl was sadly pregnant and then the case was reported to the authorities. The police immediately intervened and Hernandez was found and arrested. It’s believed that if he was to be released on bail he’ll bolt and he may seek revenge. The court said, “The defendant is a risk to the victim, the victim's family, and the community.”

History of Violence:

Reymundo Hernandez, 25,
130 pounds
Black hair,
Brown eyes

Hernandez was previously deported but came back to America. He admitted to the police at the time of the arrest that he was an illegal alien.

He’s no stranger to the law in California he was convicted of driving while intoxicated. He also has a pending case in CA. where he’s accused of assault and property damages. He allegedly tried to run over his victims with a vehicle and then he rammed their vehicle with his vehicle.

Hernandez who has previously been deported came back to America and committed more crimes and worse crimes! This is a familiar pattern and very typical of illegal aliens being deported and then coming back to America seeking revenge or committing new heinous crimes against Americans as in this case.

Many problems like this could be solved by simply closing the Southern border with Mexico and deporting all illegal aliens. What is an American’s life worth? Is an illegal alien laborer, who works cheap, is his life worth more? It's time for things to change and the first thing we need to do is "Throw the Bums Out!"


Previously deported illegal alien impregnates 12-year-old girl in Missouri

Court Documents, State of Missouri Country of Greene

Man Charged with Having Sex with 12-Year-Old, Causing Pregnancy

Seems the OP is a overly enthusiastic about using 'shock jock' titles... which I find more than a tad creepy.

IMO, I think if someone doesn’t like the title to a story then they should not read the story because it will only upset them. The title to this story, told the whole story in a nutshell.

People have the right to make the decision what to read and what not to read. We don’t ban books in the library just because some group or person doesn’t like it content. We are a society of information and each individual can pick and choose what information they want to read and learn about.

Please don’t read the court documents because they’re atrocious and filled the horrid details of the crimes that these illegal aliens are committing against American citizens. Stephen King would be envious because you just can’t make that stuff up. It’s rare to get to see the court documents and I think they should be available for the public to read with every crime. We should especially get to see the documents if the crime is committed against men, women and children or animals by illegal aliens. We the public pay for the system with our tax money and we should have the right to read the documents and find out what’s really going on.

It is kind of creepy that our government and the liberal media are white washing and candy coating illegal alien’s crime stories. They're coddling the illegal alien cheap labor force. In over half of the time in newspaper articles and T.V. news stories they don’t say if it was an illegal alien that has committed the crimes. When in fact it was and we later find out it was.

The Hispanic organizations hire Public Relation companies to bury the negative stories about illegal aliens. There are Hispanic internet organizations that go to the most popular illegal immigrant website to counter act the negative things said about illegal aliens. Most of the time, the best they can do is the insult posters and start fights.

I think it’s time for America to Wake Up and smell the 800 pound gorilla in the room called, the illegal aliens!

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Seems the OP is a overly enthusiastic about using 'shock jock' titles... which I find more than a tad creepy.

IMO, I think if someone doesn’t like the title to a story then they should not read the story because it will only upset them. The title to this story, told the whole story in a nutshell.

Snipped for crap.

I haven't read the story. I don't do hysterical hyperbole. I leave that to idiots.
Isn't it amazing that the Springfield Police Department Probable Cause statement, dated 08/03/2012, recorded that Hernandez had no social security number and they recorded him as “WHITE”.

In the same report they stated that through department resources they learn that he had previously been deported from the United States in the past.

They noted that Hernandez had told them at the time of his arrest that he was an illegal alien, and they still recorded in their document that he was “WHITE”.

This is something that the government has been doing since the early 80’s they put the illegal alien’s crime reports with the white crime reports so that the illegal aliens don’t looks so bad. When the White crime stats come out it’s a combination of both illegal alien crime and white crime combined. It’s an accelerated inaccurate number. That’s a creepy-sneaky government!

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Wolfie, latinos are generally considered Caucasian, and have been reported as such in our censuses.
Isn't that convenient for the government to record Hispanic and illegal alien crimes as “WHITE” crime. It makes you wonder why they separate other races into separate divisions when they’re tallying up the crime stats to report to the nation.

That's why the Hispanic pro-immigration crowd says, it's Whites who have the most rapist and pedophiles. Could it be because their combined with the illegal aliens and Hispanic crimes? Why, yes I think it is and that's playing dirty pool. Thank You government at every turn they're trying to screw us.

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It amazes me how society has raised a crop of brainless over sexed children. They want to grow up to fast, most of the time these kids have no idea what the word Sex means. They don't know what kind of trouble their headed for. I'm thinking he told her he was a youth near her own age that’s usually the way they lure children. Nevertheless, she’s damaged goods now and I hope she can overcome the rapes and grow up normal. I wonder what’s going to happen to the baby that’s on the way. The family must be devastated!

If you ask Noomi and Franco, she is a whore and asking for it, she is scum, he should not be charged with anything, he is the next Polanski.
If they’re so proud to be Hispanic why are they dying their hair blond?

Census: More Latinos List Themselves as White

“More Hispanics are listing their race as white, according to the U.S. Census.”

“The result: a 6 percent increase in white Americans as tallied by the census, even though there was little change among non-Hispanic whites. In all, the number of people in the "white alone" category jumped by 12.1 million over the last decade to 223.6 million.”
It amazes me how society has raised a crop of brainless over sexed children. They want to grow up to fast, most of the time these kids have no idea what the word Sex means. They don't know what kind of trouble their headed for. I'm thinking he told her he was a youth near her own age that’s usually the way they lure children. Nevertheless, she’s damaged goods now and I hope she can overcome the rapes and grow up normal. I wonder what’s going to happen to the baby that’s on the way. The family must be devastated!

What part of "willing" do you not understand. She had consensual sex with the man multiple times. She's hardly traumatized. She's probably more traumatized by the authorities taking her boyfriend away.

Most of this is likely cultural.

I beg to differ with you.

“What part of "willing" do you not understand.”

In my opinion, at the age of 12-years-old she's probably still Trick or Treating and has dolls in her room. The law states that she is a child and incapable of making adult decisions and must be protected whether she was willing or not. At the age of 12, I don’t think she pined for anal sex or to suck a man’s penis.

“She had consensual sex with the man multiple times.”

The defendant said that they had sex two times and he began their relationship with kissing. After he sodomized her and pushed her head to his penis, she told her mother. I don’t think she was expecting a triple X relationship with a grown man.

“She's hardly traumatized. She's probably more traumatized by the authorities taking her boyfriend away.”

I don’t agree she’s only 12-years-old and pregnant; the trauma in her life hasn’t begun. If he truly was her boyfriend then she wouldn’t have told her mother the despicable things he did to her. I don’t think any pre-teen on a first date wants to go from DATE ONE: kissing and hugging to DATE TWO: Being flipped over and sodomized and have your head shoved into a man’s crotch.

Most of this is likely cultural.

This is a scape goat phrase or an excuse. In the Middle East they can legally burry a woman up to her neck in sand and then the public gets to stone her to death for disobeying her husband or for adultery or other ridiculous other crimes. In India they sew little girls vaginas closed to reassure that they are virgins when they marry OR if the mother-in-law doesn’t like her daughter-in-law she can beat her or set her on fire. It’s all perfectly legal in their countries but do we allow their cultural differences to be legal in our country? Are we as a nation willing to accept their cultural differences without penalty?

The U.S. laws say “No” and ignorance to the law is NO EXCUSE! Besides these people are ILLEGALLY in the United States and should be deported they’re already criminals for breaking the immigration laws that are already on the books. Any new crimes that they commit just adds to the amount of laws that they have broken.

In this case the child is the victim and we don't blame the victim.

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