Illegal aliens voting in US


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
There is a bill in Washington DC that allows illegal aliens to vote in local elections supported by the Demos. That is just plain stupid. Republicans in congress must stop this stupidity

Mod Edit, Link removed from title, added to OP:

Rep. Jim Jordan criticized online after saying 'only Americans should vote in American elections'​

Last edited by a moderator:
There is a bill in Washington DC that allows illegal aliens to vote in local elections supported by the Demos. That is just plain stupid. Republicans in congress must stop this stupidity

Those are done at the local level and applies to non-citizens not illegals

You are a legal resident, you work, pay taxes and send your kids to local schools.
You should be able to vote on who runs those schools
I believe that there is shit-all the fed. .gov can do about illegals voting in local elections. Their purview only extends to state wide/national elections.
the bill as submitted, as it is written allows the federal government to disapprove it. Republicans must stop it. I suspect dementia joe is all for it
if you are a legal resident and you want to have the same rights as US citizens then become a US citizen.

Many of them are working towards citizenship.
In the mean time, they work, pay taxes, start businesses and live in the community.

They send their kids to local schools which they pay taxes for

They should have a voice in how that school is run regardless of citizenship
Many of them are working towards citizenship.
In the mean time, they work, pay taxes, start businesses and live in the community.

They send their kids to local schools which they pay taxes for

They should have a voice in how that school is run regardless of citizenship
when they become citizens they will have the same rights as citizens.
Since the OP can't or won't include a link for discussion, here is the best I can find. And it looks like the story isn't over yet.

Original article from last October

Follow up
allows illegal aliens to vote
This is a lie.

The measure concerns non-citizens residents, not those ‘illegal.’

“The first resolution took aim at D.C.’s Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act, which allows noncitizen residents to vote in local elections. The D.C. Council approved the measure in October.”


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