Illegal aliens are not immigrants.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If they had entered this country a hundred years ago they would be immigrants before there were immigration laws and Ellis Island. But they entered after and that make them illegal aliens or illegal immigrants but not immigrants. “Undocumented immigrant” is not a word in the English dictionary but a made up word made up by pro-illegal aliens to clean up the word “illegal aliens” because it give the connotation that they are “illegal” and ACLU like to say “no human is illegal.” Yes there is. If you are not a legal resident you are an illegal resident. S*** by any other name still smells the same.

Americans are sick to death of hearing our leaders make lame excuses for illegal aliens and illegal immigrations. Illegal immigration and being in this country is a crime and make you an illegal alien and a criminal. The legal punishment for illegal immigration is deportation and not amnesty.

If our leaders don’t want to enforce our immigration laws and don’t be cowards and do nothing. Change the law. Until then illegal immigration is a crime and so is being in the country.

Because our government has ignored illegal immigration it has led to anger and racism against Hispanics who are the largest group of illegal aliens in this country. It bring out the worst in hard working law abiding Americans who have to bear the expense of 20 million illegal aliens who do not have to obey our laws. When they illegal cross the border a host of other laws have to be broken for them to live and work here and their children become accomplices to their crimes and lies. That is too much a burden for children to have to bear. Exactly what are they teaching their children. We should not be attacking them but our government who has been turning blind eyes and deaf ears to a problem that has become the biggest tragedy in America’s recent years and cancels out all the hard work immigrants has sacrificed and contributed to building this country. Calling illegal aliens “ immigrants” is a slap in the face of every hard working immigrant. We are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Illegal immigration should be first and foremost on our mind when we go to the polls because our very existence depend on it.

What if left handed people were allowed to drive on the life side of the road just because they were left handed they did not have to obey the law of driving on the right side? We cannot have one set of laws for one group of people. Our deportation laws applies to three group of people. Those that are caught immediate after crossing our border, those that commit serious crimes and rarely apply to those already here. 20 million living and working here is proof of that.
Illegal aliens unlike immigrants of a hundred years ago did not use the system. They did not collect free medical care in hospital emergency rooms. Did not collect welfare, food stamps and WIC, public housing or government subsidized housing. Did not receive public documents in their language or a translator. Their children did not get free English classes.Illegal aliens fall far below any comparison to immigrants who built this country and is an insult to every immigrant.
How come when I started posting on this board five years ago there were 5 million illegal aliens in the US. Two years ago it was 10, then last year 12, now 20. Do people just pull numbers out of their arses...
How come when I started posting on this board five years ago there were 5 million illegal aliens in the US. Two years ago it was 10, then last year 12, now 20. Do people just pull numbers out of their arses...

Don't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. They are coming each year adding to the already here number.:cuckoo:
20 million is an estimate and pro-illegal aliens post a lower number.

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