I'll be danged - Republicans may have it right on a health system!

Guy, the federal government can also adjust rates according what State one lives in..

Okay, restating the question: What purpose does having healthcare tied to a State serve as opposed to allowing the federal government to handle it all? (one bureaucracy beats at least fifty, right?)

You're not making any sense at all. Companies file rate increases based on claims paid, why would you turn control over to the Gov? With ACA plans if the increase asked for is 9.9% or less the State can make that approval, if the rate increase is 10% or above HHS has to approve it. With the ACA companies must pay 80 cents of every dollar for claims by law.

In the case of MAPD plans the Companies get a monthly stipend for each insured and then said company assumes all of the risk. Part A and Part B pay nothing.
All resulting from corporate lobbying (corruption) by private interests; Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big employers, Big Doctors too -- for fun and profit -- all at our expense. Blaming "government" is just stupid.
And your evidence of that is?

Our government reps can and must be held to account. Can't do that with corporate big shots. It's illegal. Our mass media is supposedly there to help. Hold them to account too.

LOL. Sure. Because that happens every election, right? Congress has a 20% approval rating, but 95% of them get reelected.
Guy, the federal government can also adjust rates according what State one lives in..

Okay, restating the question: What purpose does having healthcare tied to a State serve as opposed to allowing the federal government to handle it all? (one bureaucracy beats at least fifty, right?)

You already had that explained to you, you just didn't like the explanation. You don't seem to grasp the complexity of the issue. So tell me, if the Gov sets the rates at a lower rate than the actual cost need to make sure everyone up and down food get what they need from the transaction. Let's examine MAPD's, in this case the Gov gives a monthly stipend to the Private companies who then in turn assume all of the risk meaning Parts A and B pay nothing. If the stipend doesn't cover the cost at the end of the year that means the plan either dissolves or the Gov must give more in the next fiscal year.

As for the ACA plans rate increases are either approved at the State level (9.9%) or less, or HHS (10% or more). The ACA also stipulates that 80 cents of every Prem dollar collected must be spent on claims. That leaves 20 cents on the dollar to pay ALL of the administrative costs. Pretty skinny margin there pop.
agree our health care system is FUBAR, but handing it all over to the government is utterly stupid. They can't manage what they have now.
Ha ha
The only healthcare handed over to the govt. is the VA and military direct hospitals.

I guess you never heard of Medicare. It uses not for profit private hospitals. The republican congress which gets their care at govt run facilities like Bethesda naval hospital doesn't mind. The quality of healthcare has never been the issue. It just isn’t available to everyone…
Government doesn't manage Obamacare. Big Insurance does, thanks to Obama. Government still manages Medicare just fine. Government corruption requires scheming, private profiteers. Health care does not.
When Obamacare was being instituted as a compromise, it was all that could get bipartisan support. At NO TIME did Obama ever prefer it over universal healthcare, the tried and true, cheaper and more effective healthcare system of othe democracies and developed nations. Out universal sucking healthcare compromise still exists for one reason and one reason only. REPUBLICANS. They are totally responsible for the high drug prices, the copays to private insurance and the number of medical bankruptcies.
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Ha ha
The only healthcare handed over to the govt. is the VA and military direct hospitals.

I guess you never heard of Medicare. It uses not for profit private hospitals. Dah. The republican congress who get their care at

When Obamacare was being instituted as a compromise, it was Al, that could get bipartisan support. At NO TIME did Obama ever prefer it over universal healthcare, the tried and true, cheaper and more effective healthcare system of othe democracies and developed nations. Out universal sucking healthcare compromise still exists for one reason and one reason only. REPUBLICANS. They are totally responsible for the high drug prices, the copays to private insurance and the number of medical bankruptcies.

You don't seem to grasp the complexity of the issue. So tell me, if the Gov sets the rates at a lower rate than the actual cost need to make sure everyone up and down food get what they need from the transaction. Let's examine MAPD's, in this case the Gov gives a monthly stipend to the Private companies who then in turn assume all of the risk meaning Parts A and B pay nothing. If the stipend doesn't cover the cost at the end of the year that means the plan either dissolves or the Gov must give more in the next fiscal year.

As for the ACA plans rate increases are either approved at the State level (9.9%) or less, or HHS (10% or more). The ACA also stipulates that 80 cents of every Prem dollar collected must be spent on claims. That leaves 20 cents on the dollar to pay ALL of the administrative costs. Pretty skinny margin there pop.
So tell me, if the Gov sets the rates at a lower rate than the actual cost need to make sure everyone up and down food get what they need from the transaction.
Wrong. The government sets the rates for Medicare enrollees , not private insurance.
Another important fact you fail to understand. Medicare payments are consistent, on time and seldom if ever refuse treatment. You can go to any participating doctor in the united states. Under Medicare, you can go to Johns Hopkins, Mass General or UCLA med to get the best care available, all self referral.

Private insurance needs a a specialist available exception and referral to go elsewhere. Private insurance payments are erratic, often late and many doctors do a mix of patients. It’s like the guy who owns a reliable Toyota for dependability and a BMW just for show. Overall, Medicare only servers do very well and often better then any private insurance only participants. The services available maybe lower payouts, but are almost never refused. Private insurance, you could die before you get an OK for treatment.

ACA is not Medicare. It’s a privately managed set of minimum standards set by the govt. It’s a fking compromise for republicans so all those middle class recession job losses under Bush, could get help.

The ACA was an emergency measure required because so many people lost their employer based healthcare during a repugnant recession and were going through medical bankruptcy. The gop created the compromises.
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You don't seem to grasp the complexity of the issue. So tell me, if the Gov sets the rates at a lower rate than the actual cost need to make sure everyone up and down food get what they need from the transaction. Let's examine MAPD's, in this case the Gov gives a monthly stipend to the Private companies who then in turn assume all of the risk meaning Parts A and B pay nothing. If the stipend doesn't cover the cost at the end of the year that means the plan either dissolves or the Gov must give more in the next fiscal year.

As for the ACA plans rate increases are either approved at the State level (9.9%) or less, or HHS (10% or more). The ACA also stipulates that 80 cents of every Prem dollar collected must be spent on claims. That leaves 20 cents on the dollar to pay ALL of the administrative costs. Pretty skinny margin there pop.
STILL WAITING FOR A BETTER REPUGNANT PROPOSAL to improve medical insurance overall …
Just like they promised us infrastructure bill and did nothing.
Government doesn't manage Obamacare. Big Insurance does, thanks to Obama. Government still manages Medicare just fine. Government corruption requires scheming, private profiteers. Health care does not.
Obama preferred Medicare for all. The only reason we have a less then ideal medical insurance set of standards, was the emergency nature of the gop lead recession which put millions out of work and were left without employer based healthcare coverage.
The insurance company donors of the gop required private insurance participation and compromises. Without the gop, we would have cheaper and more effective Medicare for all.
Wrong. The government sets the rates for Medicare enrollees , not private insurance.
Another important fact you fail to understand. Medicare payments are consistent, on time and seldom if ever refuse treatment. You can go to any participating doctor in the united states. Under Medicare, you can go to Johns Hopkins, Mass General or UCLA med to get the best care available, all self referral.

Private insurance needs a a specialist available exception and referral to go elsewhere. Private insurance payments are erratic, often late and many doctors do a mix of patients. It’s like the guy who owns a reliable Toyota for dependability and a BMW just for show. Overall, Medicare only servers do very well and often better then any private insurance only participants. The services available maybe lower payouts, but are almost never refused. Private insurance, you could die before you get an OK for treatment.

ACA is not Medicare. It’s a privately managed set of minimum standards set by the govt. It’s a fking compromise for republicans so all those middle class recession job losses under Bush, could get help.

The ACA was an emergency measure required because so many people lost their employer based healthcare during a repugnant recession and were going through medical bankruptcy. The gop created the compromises.

Oh look, you're in kindergarten ;) I do ACA and Medicare everyday spanky, there iss nothing you can teach me.

Wrong. The government sets the rates for Medicare enrollees , not private insurance
Nope, rates are filed in the state the company is doing business in.

You can go to any participating doctor in the united states

Only with the Medicare Supplements, not the other plans.

Under Medicare, you can go to Johns Hopkins, Mass General or UCLA med to get the best care available, all self referral.

Nope. ONLY with Medicare Supplemental plans, not the other coverages.

ACA is not Medicare.

Never said it was. The ACA is Bammy's baby.
As for the ACA plans rate increases are either approved at the State level (9.9%) or less, or HHS (10% or more). The ACA also stipulates that 80 cents of every Prem dollar collected must be spent on claims. That leaves 20 cents on the dollar to pay ALL of the administrative costs. Pretty skinny margin there pop.
When Obamacare was being instituted as a compromise, it was all that could get bipartisan support. At NO TIME did Obama ever prefer it over universal healthcare, the tried and true, cheaper and more effective healthcare system of othe democracies and developed nations. Out universal sucking healthcare compromise still exists for one reason and one reason only. REPUBLICANS. They are totally responsible for the high drug prices, the copays to private insurance and the number of medical bankruptcies.
Gotta disagree there, boss. Obama was President. Sure he promised lot's of hopey changey stuff, then delivered crap. He campaigned on single payer then never did anything to support it, for christsakes.
Read that whole paragraph, particularly the fearful, pre-emptive excuses offered, anticipating not having enough power to do what he "wanted".. then read this:
In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers (including - when factoring in the two Democratic caucusing independents - a brief filibuster-proof 60-40 supermajority in the Senate), and with Barack Obama being sworn in as President on January 20, 2009, this gave a Democrats an overall federal government trifecta for the first time since the 103rd Congress in 1993.
Right after being elected,
To say it as plainly as I can, health care reform is the single most important thing we can do for America’s long-term fiscal health. That is a fact.

And yet, as clear as it is that our system badly needs reform, reform is not inevitable. There’s a sense out there among some that, as bad as our current system may be, the devil we know is better than the devil we don’t. There is a fear of change – a worry that we may lose what works about our health care system while trying to fix what doesn’t.
And thus began his duplicitous shenanigans. He never really wanted single-payer. Certainly never any "universal" (Medicare for All) type. He didn't even insist upon a true "public option" that one could simply opt in or out of it at any time, without penalty, independent of State, employer, employer size, "network" etc. He sold us out so deftly and quick he made your head spin.

It was both the Democrats and the Republicans. The first thing that needs to go are the corporate lobbyists.
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He campaigned on single payer then never did anything to support it, for christsakes.
Ha ha
That’s pretty uninformed. Single payer Medicare for all takes both parties. It’s a much bigger undertaking including the time to pass through the SC. . The ACA is within the framework of Medicaid already established. You were sleeping weren’t you ? The Bush recession left millions out of work, 80% were middle class with employer based healthcare was GONE. You talk like there was not an emergency to save lives. How long have you lived under a rock ?
He didn't even insist upon a true "public option" that one could simply opt in or out of it at any time, without penalty, independent of State, employer, employer size, "network" etc. He sold us out so deftly and quick he made your head spin.
Nope…. He could not and delay while the constitutionality had to pass through the courts. The public option is universal govt controlled healthcare. There is not one republican vote for it. The simple majority of Dems could easily do the ACA without it. . The gop offered no sensible alternative……none, that would have left millions without insurance. Get grip and stop listening to Fix News.

The gop is the biggest opponent of universal healthcare. You talk like Obama was the senate, president and house all rolled into one. Had there been any majority for public option, he would have signed it.
Gotta disagree there, boss. Obama was President. Sure he promised lot's of hopey changey stuff, then delivered crap. He campaigned on single payer then never did anything to support it, for christsakes.

Read that whole paragraph, particularly the fearful, pre-emptive excuses offered, anticipating not having enough power to do what he "wanted".. then read this:

Right after being elected,

And thus began his duplicitous shenanigans. He never really wanted single-payer. Certainly never any "universal" (Medicare for All) type. He didn't even insist upon a true "public option" that one could simply opt in or out of it at any time, without penalty, independent of State, employer, employer size, "network" etc. He sold us out so deftly and quick he made your head spin.

It was both the Democrats and the Republicans. The first thing that needs to go are the corporate lobbyists.
Your own link shows he didn't campaign on single payer, dude.
That's right it is, in this case. Like, a LOT better. More people will be covered, fewer medical bankruptcies. Will be a boon to our economy.

Sometimes your truck stop bumper stickers just don't quite cut it.
Nearly all of the opposition to universal healthcare comes from the repugnant white trailer trash mentality of refusing to support healthcare to minorities, even at the expense of they getting it themselves. Universal healthcare
Gotta disagree there, boss. Obama was President. Sure he promised lot's of hopey changey stuff, then delivered crap. He campaigned on single payer then never did anything to support it, for christsakes.

Read that whole paragraph, particularly the fearful, pre-emptive excuses offered, anticipating not having enough power to do what he "wanted".. then read this:

Right after being elected,

And thus began his duplicitous shenanigans. He never really wanted single-payer. Certainly never any "universal" (Medicare for All) type. He didn't even insist upon a true "public option" that one could simply opt in or out of it at any time, without penalty, independent of State, employer, employer size, "network" etc. He sold us out so deftly and quick he made your head spin.

It was both the Democrats and the Republicans. The first thing that needs to go are the corporate lobbyists.
You obviously aren’t reading your own reference.
Your own link shows he didn't campaign on single payer, dude.
Now, I know there’s some concern about a public option. In particular, I understand that you are concerned that today’s Medicare rates will be applied broadly in a way that means our cost savings are coming off your backs. These are legitimate concerns, but ones, I believe, that can be overcome. As I stated earlier, the reforms we propose are to reward best practices, focus on patient care, not the current piece-work reimbursement. What we seek is more stability and a health care system on a sound financial footing. And these reforms need to take place regardless of what happens with a public option.
All he cared about was passing a bill that he could claim as "Health Care Reform." Beating Bill Clinton at his own game of out-Republicaning the Republicans. His desire was to "triangulate" and "compromise" away everything just to claim he accomplished a ton of shit.
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RepugnNts are hilarious. Blaming Obama for the lack of a public option which was initially in but “The ACA (ObamaCare) didn’t include a Public Option because Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a former Nebraska insurance commissioner, refused to vote for any bill with…it “

The GOP didn’t support it and one vote from senate could have cancelled Nelson’s opposition.
Hilarious….we don’t have the universal healthcare because of the GOP Dah.

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