If you're white and support Planned Parenthood that makes you a racist.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The whole point of Planned Parenthood when it started, and that's still their main mission, is to keep down the population of minorities.

Margaret Sanger was an unabashed racist.
If you're a minority and support Planned Parenthood then you're a self-hater and should just go kill yourself because Planned Parenthood would kill you if they could get away with it.
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want

I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
That's still an abortion.

Maybe, but better than some unwanted person that shoot up cops one day...
You're fucking Nazi killing people in case they commit a crime later.

Did you know I discovered my grandfather was SS?

Anymore stupid comments?

It is sometimes better to let the person make the choice and live with the sin...
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want

I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
I do too. Any kind of sexual responsibility

A woman body is her body and who am I to say she can not abort?

It is her choice and even though we may disagree on religious aspects of life the fact is I am not a Divine being ( alright, some women have called me that named while cursing ) the fact remains I will not live with the sin...
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want

I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
I do too. Any kind of sexual responsibility

A woman body is her body and who am I to say she can not abort?

It is her choice and even though we may disagree on religious aspects of life the fact is I am not a Divine being ( alright, some women have called me that named while cursing ) the fact remains I will not live with the sin...
Go abort yourself, moron.
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want

I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
I do too. Any kind of sexual responsibility

A woman body is her body and who am I to say she can not abort?

It is her choice and even though we may disagree on religious aspects of life the fact is I am not a Divine being ( alright, some women have called me that named while cursing ) the fact remains I will not live with the sin...
Go abort yourself, moron.

Why thank you for the wonderful Christian comment and you made my soul feel the holy spirit in your beautifully worded response...

May Jesus judge you the same way...
I dont like abortions but I support a woman to choose to have one.
You can call me a racist in your warped pea brain if you want

I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
I do too. Any kind of sexual responsibility

A woman body is her body and who am I to say she can not abort?

It is her choice and even though we may disagree on religious aspects of life the fact is I am not a Divine being ( alright, some women have called me that named while cursing ) the fact remains I will not live with the sin...
Go abort yourself, moron.

Why thank you for the wonderful Christian comment and you made my soul feel the holy spirit in your beautifully worded response...

May Jesus judge you the same way...
You'll get into hell a lot faster than me, moron.

You're killing babies and I'm against killing babies.
I wish more women would just use the morning after pill instead...
I do too. Any kind of sexual responsibility

A woman body is her body and who am I to say she can not abort?

It is her choice and even though we may disagree on religious aspects of life the fact is I am not a Divine being ( alright, some women have called me that named while cursing ) the fact remains I will not live with the sin...
Go abort yourself, moron.

Why thank you for the wonderful Christian comment and you made my soul feel the holy spirit in your beautifully worded response...

May Jesus judge you the same way...
You'll get into hell a lot faster than me, moron.

You're killing babies and I'm against killing babies.

Judging tis a sin!

I am not killing anything and will thy father judge and not me...

Oh, did you know I thought I was Jewish all this time?

I was adopted by a Jewish woman because my grandfather was a Nazi!

I wish my mother had aborted me and not be that good Catholic girl...
The whole point of Planned Parenthood when it started, and that's still their main mission, is to keep down the population of minorities.

Margaret Sanger was an unabashed racist.

Sanger died in 1963. Planned Parenthood did not start performing abortions until the mid 70s. Sanger was anti abortion.

"[a]lthough abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious" ~ Margaret Sanger

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