If you're a right wing "maker", but fell on hard times, would you be a "taker"? YES.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The right wing arrogance is hitting all time levels. The new effort to divide and label us is the "makers vs takers" nonsense. "Takers" are a new class of people I guess, to be equated to gypsies and transients by the right wing.

BUT...I ask all the proud, snobbish "makers" of the right wing a few questions. Would you become a "taker" if your home depended on it? Your wife? Your KIDS?

What if something happened and you lost your job and/or your house. Maybe you have some money saved up and can live on it til the next job. But what if, like many Americans, that next job never comes. Or you got hurt and disabled, but had an insurance problem and got caught in a loophole.

Now, Im sure you'd say "Im self reliant, I'd find a way, I'd start a business, etc, etc".

Im sure you would. BUT...what if it didn't happen quick enough? What if unemployment ran out, yet, no new job? What if your kids started getting hungry. And the money started running out.

What would you do? Would you take the drastic step of asking friends and family for help? Sure. But..what if they couldn't? Or you dont have that many of them? Or THEY are struggling too?

Kids need school supplies and clothes. The house you had is foreclosed and you are in a low rent apartment. Kids are hungry.

Almost worst case scenario is playing out for you. And then someone says...."Hey man, go down to the county offices. They have a place you can sign up for food stamps and welfare for a while."

Do you do it? Do you become a......TAKER??? Or do you stick to your believes, go hungry, let your family go without what they need, and keep sinking further into the hole?

We know the answer. But will you give it honestly?
Ten years ago, I would have sucked my shotgun before going on the dole. Twice, I lost a job (laid off once due to cutbacks, another closed when the building burned)...both times, I could have collected unemployment. Both times, I didn't.

Now...I'm seriously considering going on every form of welfare I can manage to get. I give up.
They don't give a shit dude....they only speak in rhetoric and talking points that are fucking spoon fed to them by their right wing, corporate fellating pundits.

They refuse to think in those terms....that kind of critical thinking isn't allowed....because it's not directed towards....."libruls".

Should the Makers Take? Sure, They made so they can take. It's the damn do nothing takers who should not take.

as if MOST people wouldn't go to their family before they go suck off taxpayers..

for some people they JUST CAN'T seem to figure out any other way but to go to daddy guberment (TAXPAYERS), that is what is wrong with our country today
It's not the people who use government assistance as a leg up that are the problem, that's its purpose; it's the ones who use it as a leg to stand on. Especially those fat-assed WalMart shopping bastards permanently on welfare.
They don't give a shit dude....they only speak in rhetoric and talking points that are fucking spoon fed to them by their right wing, corporate fellating pundits.

They refuse to think in those terms....that kind of critical thinking isn't allowed....because it's not directed towards....."libruls".
Wow, good thing you don't project.....Much. :rolleyes:
All good Republicans are one good recession and a corporate downsizing away from becoming a Democrat.

Some people are born to a single mom who doesn't give a shit about them. With no dad. In a shitty neighborhood. They grow up without anyone giving a damn about them, family, friends, govt, and sure as hell not the rich folks in the burbs. But even if they do well enough to get out on their own, and find a job and live well........if they fall on hard times, do they magically have a family appear that cares about them and willing to help them? Are the rich folks in the burbs gonna offer them a job instantly?

No. Not everyone has those resources. Thats the definition of the safety net.

And for all the rhetoric and tough guy talk from the right wingers............EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF THEM would take that govt handout if it prevented them and their family from going hungry and homeless. ANYONE who puts ideology over taking care of their family is a disgusting human being.
They don't give a shit dude....they only speak in rhetoric and talking points that are fucking spoon fed to them by their right wing, corporate fellating pundits.

They refuse to think in those terms....that kind of critical thinking isn't allowed....because it's not directed towards....."libruls".

lol, you should be one talking about talking points, what did you just post?:lol:
Good grief. No one on the right ever suggested not having a safety net. What is bad are those who seek the easy way out from the beginning. People quit school, break the law and know that no matter how bad they screw up, there are politicians trying to steal money on their behalf and those are the ones overloading the system. Obama and the Mexican government have fucking commercials running in Mexico telling people about the assistance they'll get once they sneak in. It's totally against our rules that say people need to be self-supporting in order to be considered for citizenship. Others are encouraged to ignore the system entirely and just come and demand.

It's all about attitude. Many have no choice but to accept charity, but they fight like hell to get off of it and they actually have qualifications and skills that will enable them to find employment again. Some just have nothing going for them, which is their own damn fault, and whine because the freebies aren't enough. Who wants to pay a nice salary to someone who quit school and did time for selling drugs, stealing or committing violent crimes? And who wants to work their ass off only to have government take a big chunk and give to people who would rob you in the street?

Just because some expect a person to actually try to improve their life instead of making every stupid decision there is and expecting others to lift them, doesn't mean welfare is bad.

Like I said, it's all in the attitude. I cannot stand those who arrogantly say they are entitled and they demand more.
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The right wing arrogance is hitting all time levels. The new effort to divide and label us is the "makers vs takers" nonsense. "Takers" are a new class of people I guess, to be equated to gypsies and transients by the right wing.
As opposed to what the left wing arrogance of dividing and labeling us into groups of haves and have not's, rich vs poor 1% and 99%, blacks against whites, whites against Hispanics, straight vs gay. There was more hypocrisy in that opening statement than most people post in a week.

Should the Makers Take? Sure, They made so they can take. It's the damn do nothing takers who should not take.

Changed your tune a little? I said the same thing about when I collected, and you just attacked me for it. So in your opinion since I worked for many years and only collected for a few months it is okay. Or is it not okay because I am a liberal?
It's not the people who use government assistance as a leg up that are the problem, that's its purpose; it's the ones who use it as a leg to stand on. Especially those fat-assed WalMart shopping bastards permanently on welfare.

You mean the people who work there?

And if one is living off a TANF would you rather they shop somewhere more expensive?

Oh! And you can't permanently be on Welfare or TANF which is actually it's real name now.
The OP is condescending horses ass, go check out his thread about walmart and the people who go there..

a real loser, nothing more
Since when did the right wing define the takers?
They defined themselves.
The correct term for them is parasitic leech moocher.
It's not the people who use government assistance as a leg up that are the problem, that's its purpose; it's the ones who use it as a leg to stand on. Especially those fat-assed WalMart shopping bastards permanently on welfare.

You mean the people who work there?

And if one is living off a TANF would you rather they shop somewhere more expensive?

Oh! And you can't permanently be on Welfare or TANF which is actually it's real name now.

lol, no was jabbing at bucs from his other thread.

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