If You Oppose Nuclear Power No One Should Take Your Concerns Of Climate Change Seriously


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
More nukes now. To save the planet, and the children.

Climate change is the No. 1 issue for Democrats, with a recent poll showing 82 percent of Democratic voters listed it as their top priority. To appeal to those voters, contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination routinely call climate change an “existential threat” to the nation and the world. But amid all their rhetoric and promises of massively expensive plans to tackle the problem, these same Democrats — with the notable exception of Senator Cory Booker — steadfastly refuse to utter two critical words: nuclear power.

The Democrats’ disdain for nuclear energy deserves attention, because there is no credible pathway toward large-scale decarbonization that doesn’t include lots of it. That fact was reinforced Tuesday, when the International Energy Agency published a report declaring that without more nuclear energy, global carbon dioxide emissions will surge and “efforts to transition to a cleaner energy system will become drastically harder and more costly.”

How costly? The IEA estimates that “$1.6 trillion in additional investment would be required in the electricity sector in advanced economies from 2018 to 2040” if the use of nuclear energy continued to decline. That, in turn, would mean higher prices, as “electricity supply costs would be close to $80 billion higher per year on average for advanced economies as a whole.”

The report makes it clear that solar and wind energy cannot fill the gap left by the decline of the nuclear sector.

2020 Democrats & Nuclear Power: Presidential Contenders Curious Disdain | National Review
I don't oppose nuclear energy ... but I prefer it to be portable.


and leash trained
Go back to the country's beginnings-there was no TV, so people took to the streets with signs. We have always been divided because our government ALLOWS it-and thank goodness it does. This "there was none of that in the good old days" just does not shake out-look at the CNN documentary called 1968. You'll see a death count from VietNam daily on the news over shadowing any shootings we have today. King and Kennedy assassinations, a true racist presidential candidate who actually won states, government opposition groups for real, Black Panthers and SDS, naked performances on stage and racial integration for the first time, no legal abortion, half the kids in college protesting on campuses and a Democrat Convention to beat all. We have good times now, we just have a potty mouth president.
Fusion power is the only long-term answer.

ITER - the way to new energy
Nice thought but more along the idea of unicorn farts. The brightest, most optimistic guess for usable fusion generation is 15 to twenty years in the future. So reality looks more like thirty or more. In the mean time things like more battery operated tools, electronics, cars and the rest keep growing. We are a junkie nation, we are addicted to electricity.

We hear everyone yelling rainbows and fairy dust are going to save the environment. The truth of the matter is with an increase of electric cars we place an increase on electric generation. The increase in generation can not be met with any other means then the creation of greenhouse gases. Some point to wind and solar as a growing sector. They are fun hobby industries only. They make people feel good.

Then you have the crazy part of the country yelling that we will all be dead in a short period of time because of climate change. The really funny part is the biggest names yelling about climate change are usually the ones making money off it and doing the least to reduce carbon emissions. It is extremely hard to take someone serious about climate change and the need to change when they run around in private jets, live in large houses, drive gas guzzling SUVs.

Nuclear power creates waste that is not safe for thousands of years.
Maxdeath writes this misleading and ultimately incorrect statement:

"Nuclear power creates waste that is not safe for thousands of years."

Most of it can be reprocessed and "burned" in a reactor, greatly reducing the amount of spent waste. It was that idiot Carter who banned reprocessing of waste, is why we have much waste accumulated for reprocessing, despite that it was lifted by Reagan, by then the damage was done.

This has been known for decades now.

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