If you can handle the swearing, the Dave Chappelle standup attack on Jussie Smollett is hilarious


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I found it on youtube but didn't want to post. He uses the N word and other language, but I found it hilarious. Really, looking back at it the entire fake story was pathetically and obviously staged. He adds some serious levity to the situation.

If you get to a chance to see it and can handle the language, you have to find it funny as it's so accurate a description. :iyfyus.jpg:
I watched that earlier today. It is a funny bit.

The best part about Dave Chappelle is that he can talk about anything. He's got fuck you money.
C'mon man, ain't no white guys walkin' the streets of Chicago @2AM wearing MAGA hats and carrying a noose and bleach when it's -17 out. :eusa_naughty:
C'mon man, ain't no white guys walkin' the streets of Chicago @2AM wearing MAGA hats and carrying a noose and bleach when it's -17 out. :eusa_naughty:

Odd that he, a Hollywood Snowflake with gobs of money in the bank and an elitist mentality, would be walking ANY street at 2am. At worst, he'd be in his Mercedes and drive to his destination, more likely order delivery.

Funny how a comedian can bring out some questions that I didn't really think of. I thought the story was outlandish, but considering the lifestyle and persona of the "victim", it's even less likely that he would be in such a place at that hour.

Really, these two guys would have to have hunted him and tracked him for hours, with the expectation they would get his chance once he does a late night walk somewhere. It was flimsy at best right from the start. He should be charged for creating this story.
And funny how that ADA drops all charges, and this goes away.

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The SJW “critics” initially gave him a 0% , audience score was 99%.

Professional critics judge heavily on whether material carries the leftist narrative forward. There is next to nothing in this day, and age; that has not been politicized.

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