If you are a "Christian" that does not make you a "conservative"


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Far from it.

Indeed, the way in which Jesus lived with his "followers" was the epitome of communism.

You gave Jesus "everything" (worse than the Beatles "Taxman" one for you 19 for me).

You got a spartan-eque "dwelling," Jesus was your boss and master and ruler and dictator. There were no checks and balances. There was no democracy. There was no questioning of the liar-leader.

Being a "Christian," in the strict interpretation of the Bible, means....


Indeed, Fraud Jesus himself acted very much like a liberal Democrat, lying to his "followers," stealing all their wealth and spending it on himself etc...

When "loaves and fishes" arrives, we find the "Son of God" with no money, no food, and an obligation to feed 5000. That's the end of the "pyramid scheme." The "Last Supper" was added in decades later. Everyone bolts. Jesus is tried and found guilty. His Disciples survive by BOLTING and HIDING...

The only thing "conservative" and "American" about Jesus was his trial, an open trial for all to see. The Biblical "God" is a fucking COWARD who never shows himself when there are more than 3 Jewish liars present. Jesus couldn't heal a hangnail. He wasn't very "Christian" when he failed to heal those brought to the trial. Everyone saw that. Everyone knew Jesus was given a fair chance to show SOMETHING other than what everyone with a brain already knew = he was a TOTAL FRAUD.

So being Christian doesn't make you conservative.

It just proves you are an unimaginable DUMBSHIT.
A person can be a born again christian and not be a total conservative, but a conservative christian is the kind that is going to commit adultry and sodomy and just about any other un christian thing. Whereas a true christain can separate religion from his daily life in the crowds. He does not do unchristian things on purpose.
Far from it.

Indeed, the way in which Jesus lived with his "followers" was the epitome of communism.

You gave Jesus "everything" (worse than the Beatles "Taxman" one for you 19 for me).

You got a spartan-eque "dwelling," Jesus was your boss and master and ruler and dictator. There were no checks and balances. There was no democracy. There was no questioning of the liar-leader.

Being a "Christian," in the strict interpretation of the Bible, means....


Indeed, Fraud Jesus himself acted very much like a liberal Democrat, lying to his "followers," stealing all their wealth and spending it on himself etc...

When "loaves and fishes" arrives, we find the "Son of God" with no money, no food, and an obligation to feed 5000. That's the end of the "pyramid scheme." The "Last Supper" was added in decades later. Everyone bolts. Jesus is tried and found guilty. His Disciples survive by BOLTING and HIDING...

The only thing "conservative" and "American" about Jesus was his trial, an open trial for all to see. The Biblical "God" is a fucking COWARD who never shows himself when there are more than 3 Jewish liars present. Jesus couldn't heal a hangnail. He wasn't very "Christian" when he failed to heal those brought to the trial. Everyone saw that. Everyone knew Jesus was given a fair chance to show SOMETHING other than what everyone with a brain already knew = he was a TOTAL FRAUD.

So being Christian doesn't make you conservative.

It just proves you are an unimaginable DUMBSHIT.
/----/ it's so amusing when pagans preach religious values to others.
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Was W a "conservative christian?"


What did W do that was "conservative?"

Start the Jeopardy! music.....

W, of course, was a total favorite of "conservative Christians..." who cannot even define the word "conservative..."
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it's so amusing when pagans preach religious values to others

The words of the Bible are quite clear, even as the part about the Sun orbiting the Earth has long since been deleted.

To be a "Christian," you must believe the following

"soon" means MORE THAN 1800 years from now

A "star" is about the same size as a "fig leaf"

Given today's science has stated that there are at least 100 billion galaxies with more than 100 billion stars in each, the odds of "God" putting his "one son" on our star system is


divided by 100 billion SQUARED



which is about the average IQ of the "pro Israel christian" in America
What a stupid thread, I know Christians that are not conservative and I know conservatives that are not Christians...I also know Christians that are conservatives

Lame attempt at a troll thread
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There are plenty of idiots here who attempt to equate

christian = conservative


non-believer = liberal

Such SUB HUMANS should be ignored...
Far from it.

Indeed, the way in which Jesus lived with his "followers" was the epitome of communism.

You gave Jesus "everything" (worse than the Beatles "Taxman" one for you 19 for me).

You got a spartan-eque "dwelling," Jesus was your boss and master and ruler and dictator. There were no checks and balances. There was no democracy. There was no questioning of the liar-leader.

Being a "Christian," in the strict interpretation of the Bible, means....


Indeed, Fraud Jesus himself acted very much like a liberal Democrat, lying to his "followers," stealing all their wealth and spending it on himself etc...

When "loaves and fishes" arrives, we find the "Son of God" with no money, no food, and an obligation to feed 5000. That's the end of the "pyramid scheme." The "Last Supper" was added in decades later. Everyone bolts. Jesus is tried and found guilty. His Disciples survive by BOLTING and HIDING...

The only thing "conservative" and "American" about Jesus was his trial, an open trial for all to see. The Biblical "God" is a fucking COWARD who never shows himself when there are more than 3 Jewish liars present. Jesus couldn't heal a hangnail. He wasn't very "Christian" when he failed to heal those brought to the trial. Everyone saw that. Everyone knew Jesus was given a fair chance to show SOMETHING other than what everyone with a brain already knew = he was a TOTAL FRAUD.

So being Christian doesn't make you conservative.

It just proves you are an unimaginable DUMBSHIT.

Yes. Early Christians were hard core communist. That’s made crystal clear in the book of Acts. The Levitical Law required participation in an “ancient food stamp program”. The corners of the fields were not to be harvested but were instead left for the poor and the illegal immigrants. The prophet books God becomes very angry with Israel for failing to take care of the poor.

African/Middle Eastern thought produced the Bible. Conservative values are derived from European/Germanic thought which is where Anglo Saxons originated. I can elaborate on that but conservative thought in no way comes from the Bible, Judaism or Christianity. It is pure lunacy to attempt to connect the two. Conservative values come from ancient Europe.
Far from it.

Indeed, the way in which Jesus lived with his "followers" was the epitome of communism.

You gave Jesus "everything" (worse than the Beatles "Taxman" one for you 19 for me).

You got a spartan-eque "dwelling," Jesus was your boss and master and ruler and dictator. There were no checks and balances. There was no democracy. There was no questioning of the liar-leader.

Being a "Christian," in the strict interpretation of the Bible, means....


Indeed, Fraud Jesus himself acted very much like a liberal Democrat, lying to his "followers," stealing all their wealth and spending it on himself etc...

When "loaves and fishes" arrives, we find the "Son of God" with no money, no food, and an obligation to feed 5000. That's the end of the "pyramid scheme." The "Last Supper" was added in decades later. Everyone bolts. Jesus is tried and found guilty. His Disciples survive by BOLTING and HIDING...

The only thing "conservative" and "American" about Jesus was his trial, an open trial for all to see. The Biblical "God" is a fucking COWARD who never shows himself when there are more than 3 Jewish liars present. Jesus couldn't heal a hangnail. He wasn't very "Christian" when he failed to heal those brought to the trial. Everyone saw that. Everyone knew Jesus was given a fair chance to show SOMETHING other than what everyone with a brain already knew = he was a TOTAL FRAUD.

So being Christian doesn't make you conservative.

It just proves you are an unimaginable DUMBSHIT.

LefTard Logic:
“Conservative Christians are ‘dumbshits’ and people who look down at a penis and call themselves a woman are not dumbshits.”
I can elaborate on that but conservative thought in no way comes from the Bible, Judaism or Christianity. It is pure lunacy to attempt to connect the two.

Which is why the FOUNDING FATHERS went out of their way to SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE....
Conservative Christians are ‘dumbshits’ and people who look down at a penis and call themselves a woman are not dumbshits.


Apparently this idiot has not read my posts about QUEER-O and Michelle (Michael Robinson) Obama....

One thing is clear. Ladexter is into labels.

I wonder if Ladexter knows that most Christians are more concerned with following Jesus than whether some leftist ninny thinks they are qualified to be called conservative.

most Christians are more concerned with following Jesus

which is pretty funny....

Being a "christian" means BELIEVING THE DISCIPLES....

and when the "authorities" showed up, the Disciples BOLTED...

You would probably have stayed with Jesus and ended up on a cross right next to him....

"Come on Jesus, there's a lepper. Heal him, and we can both go home..."

"Ruh roooooo"
most Christians are more concerned with following Jesus

which is pretty funny....

Being a "christian" means BELIEVING THE DISCIPLES....

and when the "authorities" showed up, the Disciples BOLTED...

You would probably have stayed with Jesus and ended up on a cross right next to him....

"Come on Jesus, there's a lepper. Heal him, and we can both go home..."

"Ruh roooooo"

There's nothing funny about someone like you who has turned his back on God and points a finger at those who follow Him. I'm embarrassed for you. I pray that someday you let the love of Jesus Christ into your heart.
There's nothing funny about someone like you who has turned his back on God and points a finger at those who follow Him

Your "God" is too CHICKENSHIT to show up any time there are more than 3 people present.

This is better than the Beatles replacing Paul McCartney with a stand-in double

Truth is truth.

Another truth about "Christians."

In 980, the Catholic faith was #2 in membership. #1 was a branch that stated for certain that JESUS WOULD RETURN IN THE YEAR 1000....

jesus return 1000ad - Google Search

and that lead to the Crusades....

Unimaginable DUMBSHITS starting wars over some phony pyramid scheming liar who got a fair trial and BIT IT.

Who was voting for Barabbas????

A: Jesus' followers who lost "everything" and were not getting anything back from the liar on the stand
There's nothing funny about someone like you who has turned his back on God and points a finger at those who follow Him

Your "God" is too CHICKENSHIT to show up any time there are more than 3 people present.

Wow. What a bitter little creature you are. Chin up, though. In spite of that, God does love you. So what's your deal, anyway? You too CHICKENSHIT to seek Him?
There's nothing funny about someone like you who has turned his back on God and points a finger at those who follow Him

Your "God" is too CHICKENSHIT to show up any time there are more than 3 people present.

Wow. What a bitter little creature you are. Chin up, though. In spite of that, God does love you. So what's your deal, anyway? You too CHICKENSHIT to seek Him?

He's baiting....like every thread he starts

Time for iggy
Your "God" does not exist.

You live with a paper bag over your head, and hence you do not perceive reality correctly at all...

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