If video games and mental illness is the cause of mass shootings, why don’t other first world...

The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
A democrat congressman could put a gun in his face, and he'd still try to blame Republicans for it.
I blame the GOP for all the stress and Insanity and misinformation propaganda in this country. The country is dying for real Democratic rule....
Great job GOP, America is a disaster.
The Democrats have spent the last 3 years attempting to undermine and affect a coup against the President of the United States . Even after the DISASTER that was Mueller testifying about the WEISMANN report, Democrats refuse to give up on zero-based Impeachment that will only succeed in wasting millions more tax dollars and further piss voters off...

The 2016 Democratic Party candidate hired a foreign spy, bought Russian Counter-Intel, and tried to use it to alter election results.

Snowflakes were conned by a Russian Counter-Intel campaign using social media into organizing and marching for them.

The Russians PAID 3 US organization tied to the DNC - including Antifa - to spread racial division and violence throughout the US.
-- For the last 3 years the DNC and Democrats have been helping the Russians do this for 'NO CHARGE'.

The 2016 DNC candidate paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies.

Violent Democratic Party rhetoric incited an attempted political assassination of GOP politicians by an insane snowflake.

Democrat-supported Antifa has openly bragged about initiating violence at events like Charlottesville. Busloads of members were brought into Baltimore to intimidate and incite violence ... They burn business down. They beat up reporters. They attacked a federal detention center, during which one of them was killed.
-- Democrats have appropriately called for white supremacists to be labeled as 'terrorists' but defend Antifa against the same fate.

Democrats have ignored MASSIVE record-setting violence in liberal-run cities like Chicago and Baltimore (who just hit the 200 murder mark for the year) because THOSE gun ccrimes are mostly black-on-black and committed using hand guns, neither of which helps their anti-gun / anti-2nd amendment / anti-Trump narratives / plan.

3 (Three) mass shootings happened in the last few days - you heard about 2, 1 was downplayed by libs and fake news media. The 3rd was almost unreported / wasn't highlighted like the other 2.

- The 1st was a 'rifht wing nut' who was frustrated at how Democrats have openly facilitated the on-going illegal invasion, declared they want to eliminate illegally entering the country as a crime, and have promised to reward illegal criminals with Middle Class tax payer and deficit dollar-funded *free medical care, housing, education, etc...

- The 2nd mass shooting was perpetrated by a Satan-worshipping Antifa-associated Elizabeth Warren supporter

- The 3rd was ANOTHER 'usual' violent weekend in Chicago...

Democrats & Fake Liberal Media declared Trump, a white supremacist racist, caused the 1st....Warren did NOT cause the 2nd (the same logic applied to Trump does not apply to Democrats), & the 3rd almost 'just didn't happen' because, again, this violence is so common and does not fit the liberal false narrative that it virtually goes unreported unnoticed.

While the President denounced hate, denounced white supremacists, and called for the country to come together, Democrats continued to spew hate and division while fund raising off of the dead bodies of Americans killed in the mass shootings, fund raising for their own personal / party benefit - not for the families affected.

'Way to go, GOP'?

I hate to tell you, but Americans aren't stupid enough to buy that bullshit anymore!

...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.

Bullshit stats. Do your homework.

You know this is the biggest piece of bullshit on the web...

The guy is trying to discredit a study of 171 byt saying there was a possible mass shooting in a third world country... One of the reasons that this single study is wrong is because other countries don't speak English...

Seriouly is this the best you got because it is pathetic
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good menta health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
A democrat congressman could put a gun in his face, and he'd still try to blame Republicans for it.
I blame the GOP for all the stress and Insanity and misinformation propaganda in this country. The country is dying for real Democratic rule....
And that's exactly what your overlords want you to do. They have you so thoroughly steeped in their propaganda that you actually believe they will give you what you want if you just give them enough power, even though they've had numerous chances to do just that over the years and didn't. You've been duped and are loving it.
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Lol and yet your dumbass still can’t explain why the US leads in mass shootings to other developed nations.

Um he just explained it to you

No, he didn't. He ducked and spewed. But here's your chance - you can explain why other developed countries don't have our gun death statistics.
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good menta health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
A democrat congressman could put a gun in his face, and he'd still try to blame Republicans for it.
I blame the GOP for all the stress and Insanity and misinformation propaganda in this country. The country is dying for real Democratic rule....
And that's exactly what your overlords want you to do. They have you so thoroughly steeped in their propaganda that you actually believe they will give you what you want if you just give them enough power, even though they've had numerous chances to do just that over the years and didn't. You've been duped and are loving it.
The hell they have been able to do it, brainwashed functional moron. Well if they want to go nuclear and now it's about time. Yes they are pussies and civilized people. While your heroes are greedy idiot lying thieving brainwashing assholes...
because other first world nations don't have to deal with the ethnic tensions we do
Pohahahaha what a dumb statement.

Name one country as ethnically diverse as the US
Most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the gulf countries (UAE 70% of the population are non locals )
Have you ever been to France for example? Or the UK?
DIVERSITY has nothing to do with it, gun availability is the major difference why the US has an epidemic of mass shootings and gun violence.
because other first world nations don't have to deal with the ethnic tensions we do
Pohahahaha what a dumb statement.

Name one country as ethnically diverse as the US
Most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the gulf countries (UAE 70% of the population are non locals )
Have you ever been to France for example? Or the UK?
DIVERSITY has nothing to do with it, gun availability is the major difference why the US has an epidemic of mass shootings and gun violence.

Somewhere around 88% of france's population is white. Europe's fetish for brown immigrants is a relatively new phenomenon and it's already starting to cause problems. Instead of mass shootings, Europe has child-rape epidemics and truck attacks... not to mention the fact that their laws on free expression and guns tends to be much more repressive than here.

The US has had to deal with a large African minority for a couple centuries and a media and a political movement that thrives on antagonizing ethnic divides certainly doesn't help matters.
because other first world nations don't have to deal with the ethnic tensions we do
Pohahahaha what a dumb statement.

Name one country as ethnically diverse as the US
Most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the gulf countries (UAE 70% of the population are non locals )
Have you ever been to France for example? Or the UK?
DIVERSITY has nothing to do with it, gun availability is the major difference why the US has an epidemic of mass shootings and gun violence.

Somewhere around 88% of france's population is white. Europe's fetish for brown immigrants is a relatively new phenomenon and it's already starting to cause problems. Instead of mass shootings, Europe has child-rape epidemics and truck attacks... not to mention the fact that their laws on free expression and guns tends to be much more repressive than here.

The US has had to deal with a large African minority for a couple centuries and a media and a political movement that thrives on antagonizing ethnic divides certainly doesn't help matters.
I'm sorry I know both Europe and the US like the back of my hands , the US is by far the least safe of the two and I say by far.
Let's compare us to France for example:
You can twist it as much as you want.
because other first world nations don't have to deal with the ethnic tensions we do
Pohahahaha what a dumb statement.

Name one country as ethnically diverse as the US
Most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the gulf countries (UAE 70% of the population are non locals )
Have you ever been to France for example? Or the UK?
DIVERSITY has nothing to do with it, gun availability is the major difference why the US has an epidemic of mass shootings and gun violence.

Somewhere around 88% of france's population is white. Europe's fetish for brown immigrants is a relatively new phenomenon and it's already starting to cause problems. Instead of mass shootings, Europe has child-rape epidemics and truck attacks... not to mention the fact that their laws on free expression and guns tends to be much more repressive than here.

The US has had to deal with a large African minority for a couple centuries and a media and a political movement that thrives on antagonizing ethnic divides certainly doesn't help matters.
I'm sorry I know both Europe and the US like the back of my hands , the US is by far the least safe of the two and I say by far.
Let's compare us to France for example:
You can twist it as much as you want.

Europe is on the fast track to ending up like us, ironically because of their zeal to be different from us. Most european govts have bought into the lie of multiculturalism and are busy trying to cram it down their people's throats. They think it will turn out better for them than it has for us because they envision themselves so much more enlightened on matters of race when the truth is they're just naive.
...countries have our gun death statistics? I mean sure it’s reasonable to assume a mass shooter is mentally ill, but in terms of an actual diagnosis, the statistics don’t support it. It also doesn’t explain how the US leads the developed world in mass shootings specifically.

Also, video games? Lol what I find funny about this bullshit claim is that must really confuse many Trump supporters. On the one hand, they love violent video games but on the other they know they must buy into whatever bullshit Trump says.
No one said they cause mass shootings. They are PART of the gun culture, just like the violent movies produced by the Hollywood hypocrites who make their fortune making these movies while declaring they are anti-gun.

But thank you for proving 1) this issue is too complex for you to comprehend, & 2) Democrats reject any solutions / ideas that aren't gun confiscation / outlawing gun ownership and / or repeal of the 2nd Amendment.
Lol and yet your dumbass still can’t explain why the US leads in mass shootings to other developed nations.

Um he just explained it to you
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good mental health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far. Experts say we have 26% mental illness and the worst stress anywhere and half the guns in the world, including military style that seems to drive people insane. Great job GOP, America is a disaster. Not to mention the never ending War on Drugs where we now have 85,000 people die in a year from overdoses and a fake crisis at the border since every country south of us is a War on Drugs gangland s*******....

And you think just throwing money at the problem is going to solve everything. New flash: we’re the most advanced nation in the world in psychiatry, and mental illnesses are still by far and away the least understood illnesses out there.
The problem is the GOP has cut taxes on the rich so many times that we have a flat tax system that doesn't allow for investment in a good menta health system, 5 week vacations, good infrastructure, cheap college and the training, so after 35 years of GOP rule oh, we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and anywhere in the modern world by far.
You think the shootings in El Paso or Dayton had something to do with investments and tax cuts that contributed to the strongest economyin decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, & most # of Americans working ever...?!

:wtf:?! :lmao:BWUHAHAHAHAHA!
A democrat congressman could put a gun in his face, and he'd still try to blame Republicans for it.
I blame the GOP for all the stress and Insanity and misinformation propaganda in this country. The country is dying for real Democratic rule....
And that's exactly what your overlords want you to do. They have you so thoroughly steeped in their propaganda that you actually believe they will give you what you want if you just give them enough power, even though they've had numerous chances to do just that over the years and didn't. You've been duped and are loving it.
The hell they have been able to do it, brainwashed functional moron. Well if they want to go nuclear and now it's about time. Yes they are pussies and civilized people. While your heroes are greedy idiot lying thieving brainwashing assholes...
What do you mean just now go nuclear? Harry Reid did that years ago and it backfired on him. You're so brainwashed and duped you don't even realize that.

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