If Trump Never Planned For A Putin Summit,Would The Left Demand He Should Still Meet With Vladimir?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
But of course the Dem's would be throwing a fit if Trump decided that he did not want to meet with Vladimir. Just like with the pattern from the start, no matter what Trump decides what he wants to do, the left complains and demands or prefers that Trump do the opposite.
Who are they kidding? It was OK for Obama and Hillary to meet up with Putin, but if Trump wants to meet with Putin, that would be like our President having a beer with Hilter!
Whats going to happen when Trump wants to meet with the next Governor of Florida or California? Odds are the left will throw another fit and deem Trump a racist, bigot, homo-phobe, anti-semi, and every other racial slur they can think of. :tongue-44:
But of course the Dem's would be throwing a fit if Trump decided that he did not want to meet with Vladimir. Just like with the pattern from the start, no matter what Trump decides what he wants to do, the left complains and demands or prefers that Trump do the opposite.
Who are they kidding? It was OK for Obama and Hillary to meet up with Putin, but if Trump wants to meet with Putin, that would be like our President having a beer with Hilter!
Whats going to happen when Trump wants to meet with the next Governor of Florida or California? Odds are the left will throw another fit and deem Trump a racist, bigot, homo-phobe, anti-semi, and every other racial slur they can think of. :tongue-44:

Trump is a racist, bigot, homo-phobe, anti-semi, and every other slur you can think of.
Amazing timing of the indictment of those evil Russian hackers, too. The ink wasn't even dry on the court order before the deranged President Trump haters were stomping their hooves and braying that he should cancel his meeting with Putin. When it became obvious that their demands for a cancellation were not going to be met, they started screaming that President Trump shouldn't be permitted to meet Putin without having some deranged libtard hold his hand and record the whole meeting on their cell phone.
Gotta admire the haters of President Trump for their determination and tenacity if not for their honesty, integrity, and moral fiber.
Amazing timing of the indictment of those evil Russian hackers, too. The ink wasn't even dry on the court order before the deranged President Trump haters were stomping their hooves and braying that he should cancel his meeting with Putin. When it became obvious that their demands for a cancellation were not going to be met, they started screaming that President Trump shouldn't be permitted to meet Putin without having some deranged libtard hold his hand and record the whole meeting on their cell phone.
Gotta admire the haters of President Trump for their determination and tenacity if not for their honesty, integrity, and moral fiber.

He told Trump before he flew off, and now the world knows. Got to love it.
Maxine Waters would be calling for impeachment if Trump didnt sit down with Putin.
But of course the Dem's would be throwing a fit if Trump decided that he did not want to meet with Vladimir. Just like with the pattern from the start, no matter what Trump decides what he wants to do, the left complains and demands or prefers that Trump do the opposite.
Who are they kidding? It was OK for Obama and Hillary to meet up with Putin, but if Trump wants to meet with Putin, that would be like our President having a beer with Hilter!
Whats going to happen when Trump wants to meet with the next Governor of Florida or California? Odds are the left will throw another fit and deem Trump a racist, bigot, homo-phobe, anti-semi, and every other racial slur they can think of. :tongue-44:

Trump is a racist, bigot, homo-phobe, anti-semi, and every other slur you can think of.
/-----/ "every other slur you can think of" The other slurs are Liberal Democrat, Progressive, Socialist, Communist, Stalinist, Statist, Pro Choice, Gun Grabber, Enviro Wacko - but none apply to Donald Trump.
Trump will have alot more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the 2020 elections.
Nancy Pelosi would have thrown a fit and demanded that President Bush meet with Putin and put him in his place!

The difference is that everybody expects Trump will be put in his place.........bent over the couch.
LGBTQ people should love Trump if that's the case.
The left fears that it will be a successful summit and that Trump will jump to a 61% approval
Trump will have alot more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the 2020 elections.
Nancy Pelosi would have thrown a fit and demanded that President Bush meet with Putin and put him in his place!

The difference is that everybody expects Trump will be put in his place.........bent over the couch.
LGBTQ people should love Trump if that's the case.
The left fears that it will be a successful summit and that Trump will jump to a 61% approval

You bet. Get back with me when that happens.
Not in private.
Why not? Do you think they will be colluding if they meet in private?

Out of context and the room is full.

Nice dodge of the question. The point of the video is do you think Trump will be extending "flexibility" to Putin if they meet in private? The point is not that the meeting in the video was in private!

You probably don't even know what Obama was talking about , do you, if yes post it here. I am not going to tell you.

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