If Trump negotiates the release of 3 Americans held hostage in NK will da left/media give him credit

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

I think what we all might need to worry about is if it appears that NK is
being genuine and Kim just wants to ensure his regime and he will denuke
and bargain for sanctions to be lifted for the North Korean People, how
will the Left and MSM try to ruin the deal and get NK to not go thru with it.

Peace on the Korean Front is something that really scares the left.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

I'm not talking about the electoral college, I'm talking about Russian interference.
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If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

I'm not talking about the electoral college, I'm talking about Russian interference.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
How bout instead of hoping for the worst you wish for the best?

Baby steps

Because the left doesn't care what's good for the country, they only care about what's good for the Democrat party.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

No one has said they are disarmed. Kim is talking about giving up his nukes and disarming the country. Grandpa rightly pointed out that this could be another ploy for North Korea to get food and help and then screw America over again just like under Clinton and Obama.

His questions is will the left give Trump any credit if it actually gets done and N.Korea doesn’t screw us over, my guess is that liberals will give Trump credit, the left will not and make excuses.
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

I'm not talking about the electoral college, I'm talking about Russian interference.

Name one vote that was changed by Russian hacking!?!

If you can not show one damn vote being hacked to be changed for Trump then please stop with the Russian nonsense!

Jill Stein is what cost Hillary the Electoral College and if you do not believe me then study Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin!

Russian fake news did not influence anyone and is just another excuse to pass the buck on why Hillary lost!

She would have lost the popular vote to Bush and Kasich, so you know she was too weak and Stein and Sanders hurt her with the Green swing voter!

Also the hacking of the DNC and releasing of the information should have made you more angry at the DNC than anyone else, but alas loyalists are blinded fools!

Oh, I am against Trump but not foolish enough to believe Russia influence the American voter seeing Hillary was a weak candidate that lost to Obama in 2008 and could not shake Sanders in 2016.

So in the end if you have to use Russia as your excuse why Trump is illegitimate then you would never give him any damn credit for anything!
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

I'm not talking about the electoral college, I'm talking about Russian interference.

Don't cry, darlin'. Despite there being no mechanism to address a fraudulent election in this country like they do elsewhere, there is always impeachment...or criminal indictments...
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

The upcoming meeting will be the first of several. This isn't like pulling the wick out of an M-80. The can't disarm over night, over weeks or over a few months.
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If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

Constitutionally he is our legitimate President of the United States.
Name one vote that was changed by Russian hacking!?!

If you can not show one damn vote being hacked to be changed for Trump then please stop with the Russian nonsense!

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
At first, then they will turn after realizing that they CANNOT HAVE A SUCCESSFUL TRUMP PRESIDENCY.

It cannot happen.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

Who are the 3 Americans and why are they being held?

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If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

I'm not talking about the electoral college, I'm talking about Russian interference.

Don't cry, darlin'. Despite there being no mechanism to address a fraudulent election in this country like they do elsewhere, there is always impeachment...or criminal indictments...

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