If trayvon martin had been white.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

He would not have been seen as suspicious with walking home, talking on the phone with his girl friend while drinking an Arizona tea and he would not have been stalked and provoked into an altercation and got shot.
Zimmerman with a bloody broken nose do not mean he stood his ground and shot Trayvon in self defense. You cannot stalk someone, pick a fight and when you are getting your ass whooped pull out a gun and kill him and use self defense as a legal excuse. Deadly force was not necessary since Trayvon was only armed with his fist. Simply presenting a gun would have made the kid back off because no one argues with a gun in his face. IF Zimmerman had identified himself as a Neighborhood Watchman when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” instead of “what are you doing around here” Trayvon would have understood why he was being followed but Zimmerman chose not to identify himself causing an altercations. Zimmerman deliberately provoked Trayvon so Trayvon would attack him and he could shoot him and plead self defense. “They” always get away” “shit, he running” and his voice on the 911 call should get Zimmerman life without parole. He was stereotyping and racial profiling Trayvon. Picture show Zimmerman wrote a check he cash.
Zimmerman could have used equal force in defending himself but chose to use deadly force. Listen to what Zimmerman said and what he did not say because it will show it was premeditated first degree murder and he should burn.
It's true. If Trayvon Martin had been white he wouldn't be suspected of being a thug. However, because of the increase in black thug attacks, it was assumed he was a thug. As we now know, Martin really was a thug. Just another thug. Except he got put down.

He would not have been seen as suspicious with walking home, talking on the phone with his girl friend while drinking an Arizona tea and he would not have been stalked and provoked into an altercation and got shot.
Zimmerman with a bloody broken nose do not mean he stood his ground and shot Trayvon in self defense. You cannot stalk someone, pick a fight and when you are getting your ass whooped pull out a gun and kill him and use self defense as a legal excuse. Deadly force was not necessary since Trayvon was only armed with his fist. Simply presenting a gun would have made the kid back off because no one argues with a gun in his face. IF Zimmerman had identified himself as a Neighborhood Watchman when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” instead of “what are you doing around here” Trayvon would have understood why he was being followed but Zimmerman chose not to identify himself causing an altercations. Zimmerman deliberately provoked Trayvon so Trayvon would attack him and he could shoot him and plead self defense. “They” always get away” “shit, he running” and his voice on the 911 call should get Zimmerman life without parole. He was stereotyping and racial profiling Trayvon. Picture show Zimmerman wrote a check he cash.
Zimmerman could have used equal force in defending himself but chose to use deadly force. Listen to what Zimmerman said and what he did not say because it will show it was premeditated first degree murder and he should burn.

Indubitably. What kind of idiot thinks it is justified to end a fistfight with a gunshot thru your opponent's heart? Notice how nice, straight and smooth Zimmerman's nose is? So much for it being broken....our eyes don't lie. I don't think that it is a recent development that Zimmerman has been a liar.....I think he and his wife are chronic liars.

Police aren't allowed to profile. What makes some Dirty Harry style neighborhood watchman think HE can and to kill the 'suspect' to boot?

Zimmerman better get used to the idea of long incarceration. That is what the New Year will bring to him.

Regards from Rosie
It's true. If Trayvon Martin had been white he wouldn't be suspected of being a thug. However, because of the increase in black thug attacks, it was assumed he was a thug. As we now know, Martin really was a thug. Just another thug. Except he got put down.

Its not peoples faults that blacks walking around at night are stereo-typed. It's historys fault

He would not have been seen as suspicious with walking home, talking on the phone with his girl friend while drinking an Arizona tea and he would not have been stalked and provoked into an altercation and got shot.
Zimmerman with a bloody broken nose do not mean he stood his ground and shot Trayvon in self defense. You cannot stalk someone, pick a fight and when you are getting your ass whooped pull out a gun and kill him and use self defense as a legal excuse. Deadly force was not necessary since Trayvon was only armed with his fist. Simply presenting a gun would have made the kid back off because no one argues with a gun in his face. IF Zimmerman had identified himself as a Neighborhood Watchman when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” instead of “what are you doing around here” Trayvon would have understood why he was being followed but Zimmerman chose not to identify himself causing an altercations. Zimmerman deliberately provoked Trayvon so Trayvon would attack him and he could shoot him and plead self defense. “They” always get away” “shit, he running” and his voice on the 911 call should get Zimmerman life without parole. He was stereotyping and racial profiling Trayvon. Picture show Zimmerman wrote a check he cash.
Zimmerman could have used equal force in defending himself but chose to use deadly force. Listen to what Zimmerman said and what he did not say because it will show it was premeditated first degree murder and he should burn.

are you on bad yahoo?

He would not have been seen as suspicious with walking home, talking on the phone with his girl friend while drinking an Arizona tea and he would not have been stalked and provoked into an altercation and got shot. ..

And if he had been Latino you would have shot him yourself, right you dusty old hypocrite?
If Trayvon had been white, Obama would have described Zimmerman as an Heroic Hispanic who was exercising reasonable self-defense against a White Oppressor.

He would not have been seen as suspicious with walking home, talking on the phone with his girl friend while drinking an Arizona tea and he would not have been stalked and provoked into an altercation and got shot.
Zimmerman with a bloody broken nose do not mean he stood his ground and shot Trayvon in self defense. You cannot stalk someone, pick a fight and when you are getting your ass whooped pull out a gun and kill him and use self defense as a legal excuse. Deadly force was not necessary since Trayvon was only armed with his fist. Simply presenting a gun would have made the kid back off because no one argues with a gun in his face. IF Zimmerman had identified himself as a Neighborhood Watchman when Trayvon asked him “why are you following me” instead of “what are you doing around here” Trayvon would have understood why he was being followed but Zimmerman chose not to identify himself causing an altercations. Zimmerman deliberately provoked Trayvon so Trayvon would attack him and he could shoot him and plead self defense. “They” always get away” “shit, he running” and his voice on the 911 call should get Zimmerman life without parole. He was stereotyping and racial profiling Trayvon. Picture show Zimmerman wrote a check he cash.
Zimmerman could have used equal force in defending himself but chose to use deadly force. Listen to what Zimmerman said and what he did not say because it will show it was premeditated first degree murder and he should burn.

Yeah sure. A white kid on marijuana wandering around looking in windows wouldn't have worried Zimmerman. I believe you. Really, I do.

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