If the Great Reagan would stay longer Russia and USA would be friends today


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Through Perestroika Russians loved Reagan because he helped them to overturn satanic communism.

If he would stay in power in 1990s Russia and USA would be close friends today
Too sad, a row of idiots after him brought Russia and USA to almost mutual annihilation now.

Actually, this is what President Trump was after, peace with Russia and a working relationship against the ChiComms.

But as we saw the deep state was horrified over that, and started the 'muh, Russia' lie, and did everything they could to prevent that from coming about.

Finally, they stole the 2020 election and installed the doddering Biden. And here we are today.
Actually, this is what President Trump was after, peace with Russia and a working relationship against the ChiComms.

But as we saw the deep state was horrified over that, and started the 'muh, Russia' lie, and did everything they could to prevent that from coming about.

Finally, they stole the 2020 election and installed the doddering Biden. And here we are today.

Never underestimate the power of Democrats to fuck things up around the world.
Actually, this is what President Trump was after, peace with Russia and a working relationship against the ChiComms.

But as we saw the deep state was horrified over that, and started the 'muh, Russia' lie, and did everything they could to prevent that from coming about.

Finally, they stole the 2020 election and installed the doddering Biden. And here we are today.

Trump is a coward and pussy
Our enemies are communists aka democrats, socialists, woke, progressives etc.
Biden, Putin, EU leaders etc. are communists
And all of them are gonna kill our Great Western Civilization

We need guys like the Great Reagan as rulers
I believe sometimes his memorial will be erected in Moscow

Through Perestroika Russians loved Reagan because he helped them to overturn satanic communism.

If he would stay in power in 1990s Russia and USA would be close friends today
Too sad, a row of idiots after him brought Russia and USA to almost mutual annihilation now.


I met him in the early 80s. Got to shake his hand. Met Bush senior too. Super cool experience.
Actually, this is what President Trump was after, peace with Russia and a working relationship against the ChiComms.

But as we saw the deep state was horrified over that, and started the 'muh, Russia' lie, and did everything they could to prevent that from coming about.

Finally, they stole the 2020 election and installed the doddering Biden. And here we are today.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Best damn post on this thread.
I met him in the early 80s. Got to shake his hand. Met Bush senior too. Super cool experience.
The man who was former director of the CIA,an organization thst is always behind every major wars,murders Americans,and topples governments by assassinating their leaders where the people elect their leaders and the CIA then installs puppet regimes,you found being around thst mass murderer a cool experience.? Incredible.:wtf:beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligence life forms on this planet.
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Through Perestroika Russians loved Reagan because he helped them to overturn satanic communism.

If he would stay in power in 1990s Russia and USA would be close friends today
Too sad, a row of idiots after him brought Russia and USA to almost mutual annihilation now.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :no_text11:You been listening way too much to what the CIA controlled media whst they have told you over the years.:rofl: Reagan was a mass murderer,started wars for the CIA like the puppet fir the establishment he was running the most corrupt administration ever worse than any president before him.:abgg2q.jpg: There were more people indicted in the Reagan administration than any other previous president ever in the history of mankind.:abgg2q.jpg: He was so fucking corrupt going back to his days as a grade B actor.yeah there was an assassination attempt on his life but thst was because they wanted to speed up the new world order and they were not sure if Reagan would follow along their plan where they knew Bush being former CIA would do their bidding for sure.

Sense he had a history of corruption going all the way back to his days as an actor,unlike kennedy,they gave HIM the benefit of the doubt and let him off with a warning shot.Had they wanted him dead they would have made sure as they did kennedy..Reagan git the message loud and clear and became their puppet president giving them the wars they wanted and being a mass murderer.

you Reagan followers obviously are clueless and never heard of the October surprise or the Iran contra affair where he shipped out weapons to the contras in nicuragua in exchange for drugs the CIA smuggled in to get kids hooked and killed on crack.

traitorous actions Bush and Reagan were both involved in and should have been hung up by their balls for. Right Indeependent Hossfly gipper

It was Gorbachev thst saved Russia to overturn satanic communism,get your facts straight.:abgg2q.jpg:Reagan had nothing to do with it.the fall of communism didn’t even start till three years later after Reagan got out of office. Every American should be required to read the book Tearing down the myth.should be taught in our history classes in school,it’s not because our school system is as corrupt as our government is. Gorbachev was interviewed by a few reporters ten years later after communism ended in Russia and was asked the question if Reagan had something to do with the wall coming down and the collapse of communism and his response was Our You serious?:rofl:the reaganut lovers play dodgeball with all these points everytime unable to ever refute those facts.:abgg2q.jpg: Nobody has ever been able to disprove these facts of mine and get so angry about the truth being shattered over their hero,wit never fails that they always lash out in anger with name calling frustrated they are unable to refute any of these irrefutable facts.it never fails,they get angry and instead of trying to refute them,get into name calling andput a thumbs down in frustration,you been there before right Indeependent Hossfly gipper.? :abgg2q.jpg: :biggrin:
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:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :no_text11:You been listening way too much to what the CIA controlled media whst they have told you over the years.:rofl: Reagan was a mass murderer,started wars for the CIA like the puppet fir the establishment he was running the most corrupt administration ever worse than any president before him.:abgg2q.jpg: There were more people indicted in the Reagan administration than any other previous president ever in the history of mankind.:abgg2q.jpg: He was so fucking corrupt going back to his days as a grade B actor.yeah there was an assassination attempt on his life but thst was because they wanted to speed up the new world order and they were not sure if Reagan would follow along their plan where they knew Bush being former CIA would do their bidding for sure.

Sense he had a history of corruption going all the way back to his days as an actor,unlike kennedy,they gave HIM the benefit of the doubt and let him off with a warning shot.Had they wanted him dead they would have made sure as they did kennedy..Reagan git the message loud and clear and became their puppet president giving them the wars they wanted and being a mass murderer.

you Reagan followers obviously are clueless and never heard of the October surprise or the Iran contra affair where he shipped out weapons to the contras in nicuragua in exchange for drugs the CIA smuggled in to get kids hooked and killed on crack.

traitorous actions Bush and Reagan were both involved in and should have been hung up by their balls for. Right Indeependent Hossfly gipper

It was Gorbachev thst saved Russia to overturn satanic communism,get your facts straight.:abgg2q.jpg:Reagan had nothing to do with it.the fall of communism didn’t even start till three years later after Reagan got out of office. Every American should be required to read the book Tearing down the myth.should be taught in our history classes in school,it’s not because our school system is as corrupt as our government is. Gorbachev was interviewed by a few reporters ten years later after communism ended in Russia and was asked the question if Reagan had something to do with the wall coming down and the collapse of communism and his response was Our You serious?:rofl:the reaganut lovers play dodgeball with all these points everytime unable to ever refute those facts.:abgg2q.jpg: Nobody has ever been able to disprove these facts of mine and get so angry about the truth being shattered over their hero,wit never fails that they always lash out in anger with name calling frustrated they are unable to refute any of these irrefutable facts.it never fails,they get angry and instead of trying to refute them,get into name calling andput a thumbs down in frustration,you been there before right Indeependent Hossfly gipper.? :abgg2q.jpg: :biggrin:

You could be probably right, my point is he would have been much better for the Russia - USA relationship as morons after him.
That's all
The man who was former director of the CIA,an organization thst is always behind every major wars,murders Americans,and topples governments by assassinating their leaders where the people elect their leaders and the CIA then installs puppet regimes,you found being around thst mass murderer a cool experience.? Incredible.:wtf:beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligence life forms on this planet.
Yeah, Bush senior was AWESOME! Because you are a weirdo fuck conspiracy theorist, you wouldnt understand.
Reagan had Alzheimer's by this time and was incapable of anything. In the UK we could not understand why he took so long. I can't remember who it was who managed to get through to him and get him to do what was needed but he wasn't there.
Ill take the days of jimmy carter anyday of the year over bastard reagan. Carter got unfairly blamed for the long gas lines but that was not his fault it would have happened under any president because of mass murderer dick nixons policys were the result of that. Nixon and bastard Reagan were members of the santanic Behemain grove where child sacrifices take place. talk about a satanic president.

Under carter,no wars were started,carter came in and fired the evil santanic George Bush as CIA director who killed kennedy ,that was WHY reagan loved having him for his VP,reagan same as bush was rewarded for his involvement in the kennedy assassination,Reagan is involved as well in the fatc he participated in the coverup.

when Jim Garrison was doing an investigation into the jfk assassination,he tried to subpeona former CIA director kennedy fired,allen dulles,reagan blocked the subpeona,that was his reward for participating in the coverup.POTUS.

Carter came in and fired Reagans pal murderer Bush as CIA director and replaced him with stansfiled turner,turner caem in and instantly cleaned up the corruption of the CIA and firing all CIA covert operaters. Once carter was out of office,Regan came in and got the CIA back to its dirty covert operations firing turner and brining in william casey.

this is what reagans hero CIA director william casey said. some role model there.

Reagan got in and started the watr machine,he was a fucking santnic mass murderer as there ever was. It ALL gorbechev,that killed the demonic communism,Reagan had NOTHING to do with it.

you been listening to wayyy tooo much CIA propaganda news stories over the years on Reagan.

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planets.

here is what i was talking about earlier where william casey,the traiter CIA director that mass murderer santanic worshipper Reagan hired to replace Stansfield Turner whom Carter hired to be CIA director whom cleaned up the dirty operations of the CIA which resulted in no wars under carter,he spoke these famous words when becoming CIA director under Reagan.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

which is WHY after no wars under carter happened,the war machine got started again under Reagan a warmonger and mass murderer.

Casey,Bush and Reagan were all war crminals and mass murderers,you like Reagan,then you hate America same as Biden supporters do.

there is no black and white,you like reagan,you support criminals who start wars around the country and are a fan of the CIA which Reagan was as i just proved in spades.

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