If science discovers that Israeli Jews are not the Jews of the Bible

Alex jones...'If you want to kill jews you will have to kill me"

eots, you can post ten thousand videos. It doesn't mean that you are not the anti-Semite that many of us know you to be.


You are the one who sounds mentally ill in your Jew hatred. Why not stick to making lousy music with your band instead of showing the readers how anti-Semitic you are?

Hate Jews ?....why would I hate Jews...there are many Jews that are wonderful people..no Jewish person has ever wronged me personally..I do not hate Jews..thats just silly

eots is like the person who is a Jew hater, but when called that says some of his best friends are Jews.
Now I hope eots is going to start a thread with the heading of If science discovers that the so-called Palestinians are actually from the surrounding Middle East countries, should they go back to where they came from? He can even throw in Texe Marrs opinion about this.

No cant say I have any Jewish best friends but there are many Jewish people that I think are really cool...but I am beginning to think you may well be an agent from storefront sent here to make Jews seem ridiculous
Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

You mean I actually hate California ?..don't be scared homie Israel is not going anywhere..they are a wealthy country, a nuclear power a population of skilled well educated people..don't be afraid of change
it is just time for Israel to grow up deal with its own problems and play nice with the other kids
Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

You mean I actually hate California ?..don't be scared homie Israel is not going anywhere..they are a wealthy country, a nuclear power a population of skilled well educated people..don't be afraid of change
it is just time for Israel to grow up deal with its own problems and play nice with the other kids

I am going to leave it up to you to convince Fatah and Hamas to give up their idea of destroying Israel. A convincing guy like you should find this assignment a snap. Now how about that new thread I suggested to you? I think that Texe Marrs can help you with your initial statement. Until then there is nothing more to discuss here with you.

Alex jones...'If you want to kill jews you will have to kill me"

eots, you can post ten thousand videos. It doesn't mean that you are not the anti-Semite that many of us know you to be.


You are the one who sounds mentally ill in your Jew hatred. Why not stick to making lousy music with your band instead of showing the readers how anti-Semitic you are?

Hate Jews ?....why would I hate Jews...there are many Jews that are wonderful people..no Jewish person has ever wronged me personally..I do not hate Jews..thats just silly

Then why spout Jew hatred and anti semitic Nazism ?

Except the people here who recognize your hate - not that you try to hide it - aren't necessarily Jewish.

No, but I'll bet everyone who claims to is either a Zionist, Right-wing Christian fundo, or closet (or overt) Judeophile (aka Useful Idiot) or paid Hasbarist.

Why cant they be normal decent and intelligent people who don't subscribe to the lies and propaganda coming from islam and neo marism
Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

Back to reality...

Those idiots are from Californicate for Christ sakes. Nothing strange about them.

Now he hates Californians..is there no end to your hatred?

You're projecting again, Cupcake.

You mean I actually hate California ?..don't be scared homie Israel is not going anywhere..they are a wealthy country, a nuclear power a population of skilled well educated people..don't be afraid of change
it is just time for Israel to grow up deal with its own problems and play nice with the other kids

That is exactly what they are doing when they retaliate to islamonazi violence and terrorism, or would you prefer they all lined up alongside the mass grave they had just dug and waited for the arab muslims to shoot them in the back ?

Alex jones...'If you want to kill jews you will have to kill me"

eots, you can post ten thousand videos. It doesn't mean that you are not the anti-Semite that many of us know you to be.


You sound like a typical skinhead. Given that and your obvious pride in it I don't get your denials. I mean, you don't exactly try to hide your mindless hatred.

He's a skinhead with Palestinian friends. They must get along well.

IslamoNazism and Neo Nazism. Same shit.

Alex jones...'If you want to kill jews you will have to kill me"

eots, you can post ten thousand videos. It doesn't mean that you are not the anti-Semite that many of us know you to be.


You are the one who sounds mentally ill in your Jew hatred. Why not stick to making lousy music with your band instead of showing the readers how anti-Semitic you are?

Hate Jews ?....why would I hate Jews...there are many Jews that are wonderful people..no Jewish person has ever wronged me personally..I do not hate Jews..thats just silly

eots is like the person who is a Jew hater, but when called that says some of his best friends are Jews.
Now I hope eots is going to start a thread with the heading of If science discovers that the so-called Palestinians are actually from the surrounding Middle East countries, should they go back to where they came from? He can even throw in Texe Marrs opinion about this.

Yeah, and they all tell you how they don't hate blacks either. Just don't want to have anything to do with them. Ha ha ha.
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eots, you can post ten thousand videos. It doesn't mean that you are not the anti-Semite that many of us know you to be.
You are the one who sounds mentally ill in your Jew hatred. Why not stick to making lousy music with your band instead of showing the readers how anti-Semitic you are?
Hate Jews ?....why would I hate Jews...there are many Jews that are wonderful people..no Jewish person has ever wronged me personally..I do not hate Jews..thats just silly

eots is like the person who is a Jew hater, but when called that says some of his best friends are Jews.
Now I hope eots is going to start a thread with the heading of If science discovers that the so-called Palestinians are actually from the surrounding Middle East countries, should they go back to where they came from? He can even throw in Texe Marrs opinion about this.
No cant say I have any Jewish best friends but there are many Jewish people that I think are really cool...but I am beginning to think you may well be an agent from storefront sent here to make Jews seem ridiculous

Rrrrright. You know Jews who don't know (or are pretending they don't know) how much of a stinkin' antisemite you are. Wow. How unusual.

Poor eots, can't spam the board with his stupid, irrelevant youtube clips that no one clicks on any longer.

poor roudy is so narcissistic and delusional he feels he is....everyone...lol

And this is why Eots tries to only spam the board with youtube crap, and prefers not to write much. He shows what an illiterate, ignorant moron he truly is.

Take the premise of this OP, the ignoramus is assuming that Jewish ancestry hasn't been proven a million times before. Must be all those neo Nazi sites he frequents. Oh but he's got Jewish friends! Ha ha ha.

Poor eots, can't spam the board with his stupid, irrelevant youtube clips that no one clicks on any longer.

poor roudy is so narcissistic and delusional he feels he is....everyone...lol

And this is why Eots tries to only spam the board with youtube crap, and prefers not to write much. He shows what an illiterate, ignorant moron he truly is.

Take the premise of this OP, the ignoramus is assuming that Jewish ancestry hasn't been proven a million times before. Must be all those neo Nazi sites he frequents. Oh but he' s got Jewish friends! Ha ha ha.

if I was an illiterate I would not be able to read your inane postings..moron...the study referenced was done at john hopkins university and the geneticist was jewish...your neo nazi shtick is getting old and actually I have no close personal Jewish friends..but there are many I admire and I have never had a jewish person do me any personal wrong...no wait I take that back
My buddy hue is Jewish...he drops by fairly regular to smoke some herb and play chess..nice guy..very gracious winner...loser..not so much

Poor eots, can't spam the board with his stupid, irrelevant youtube clips that no one clicks on any longer.

poor roudy is so narcissistic and delusional he feels he is....everyone...lol

And this is why Eots tries to only spam the board with youtube crap, and prefers not to write much. He shows what an illiterate, ignorant moron he truly is.

Take the premise of this OP, the ignoramus is assuming that Jewish ancestry hasn't been proven a million times before. Must be all those neo Nazi sites he frequents. Oh but he's got Jewish friends! Ha ha ha.

if I was an illiterate I would not be able to read your inane postings..moron...the study referenced was
done at john hopkins university and the geneticist was jewish...your neo nazi shtick is getting old and actually I have no close personal Jewish friends..but there are many I admire and I have never had a a jewish person do me any personal wrong...no wait I take that back
My buddy hue is Jewish...he drops by fairly regular to smoke some herb and play chess..nice guy..very gracious winner...loser..not so much

Hey EOTs, "dude, what if science discovers that Jews aren't really Jews?! Awesome gnarly dude! Now pass the bong over!" Ha ha ha.

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