If Russia is our enemy, why did Hillary and Obama Admin and Congress approve Uranium deal?

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Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
20% of the entire US reserves of uranium was handed over to our greatest enemy by Hillary and the Obama admin and Congress?


Why would you give at kind of leverage to your enemy?

Is it stupidity or corruption?
20% of the entire US reserves of uranium was handed over to our greatest enemy by Hillary and the Obama admin and Congress?


Why would you give at kind of leverage to your enemy?

Is it stupidity or corruption?
You must remember, Congress was unaware of the deal.
20% of the entire US reserves of uranium was handed over to our greatest enemy by Hillary and the Obama admin and Congress?


Why would you give at kind of leverage to your enemy?

Is it stupidity or corruption?

$145,000,000 reasons
Looks like the real US/Russia collusion involved the Clintons/Democrats. Clinton's campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump. Now that's collusion. But hey, it is the Clintons. So go figure?
Looks like the real US/Russia collusion involved the Clintons/Democrats. Clinton's campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump. Now that's collusion. But hey, it is the Clintons. So go figure?
nothing new.
20% of the entire US reserves of uranium was handed over to our greatest enemy by Hillary and the Obama admin and Congress?


Why would you give at kind of leverage to your enemy?

Is it stupidity or corruption?
Hillary did not approve the Uranium deal. Your thread title is a lie:
Washington Post:
There is no evidence Clinton herself got involved in the deal personally, and it is highly questionable that this deal even rose to the level of the secretary of state. Theoretically, as Schweizer says, Clinton could have intervened. But even then, it ultimately would have been Obama’s decision whether to suspend or block the deal.

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal
And no, having Trumpkins rate "winner" is not a fact-check.
Looks like the real US/Russia collusion involved the Clintons/Democrats. Clinton's campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump. Now that's collusion. But hey, it is the Clintons. So go figure?
Hillary's campaign only took over the dossier funding after the republican opponents gave up on it after their primary. So you should be looking at the likes of Rubio/Cruz/Jeb
And about Uranium One, they were never a US company. They only owned mines and the uranium couldnt ever be exported. The whole thing doesnt make any sense. This is on the same level as Seth Rich and pizzagate.
If Russia is our enemy, why did Hillary and Obama Admin and Congress approve Uranium deal?

because they lined their pockets with gold
Looks like the real US/Russia collusion involved the Clintons/Democrats. Clinton's campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump. Now that's collusion. But hey, it is the Clintons. So go figure?
Hillary's campaign only took over the dossier funding after the republican opponents gave up on it after their primary. So you should be looking at the likes of Rubio/Cruz/Jeb
And about Uranium One, they were never a US company. They only owned mines and the uranium couldnt ever be exported. The whole thing doesnt make any sense. This is on the same level as Seth Rich and pizzagate.

It all needs to be seriously looked into. There were some Republicans involved too. But it is fact that her campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump.
cause they were not the enemy until trump won.
They're still not, anywhere the power structure can turn a dollar is fine. We sell arms to Wahabists for crying out loud.
i never have considered russia "the enemy". i feel the entire pity party the left is putting on makes us look worse than trump makes us look.

you may not like who wins the election. up to 1/2 the country may not like it at times.

but it's our system. there are ways to work with anyone in power to get things done for the good of the country, not just part of it. these days we have sectors fighting for their sector and we need to get back to fighting together for common goals.
The Clinton/Democrat 'Russia hacked the Election' meme is falling apart bigtime. It's clear the Clinton campaign paid for the phony Russian dossier on Trump. I mean the damn thing claimed Trump engaged in 'Golden Showers' with Hookers for God sake.

All Democrats should be ashamed of what Clinton did. But i'm guessing they aren't. They'll defend the indefensible to their dying day. It's what happens when you go all-in on 'Party before Country' ignorance.
20% of the entire US reserves of uranium was handed over to our greatest enemy by Hillary and the Obama admin and Congress?


Why would you give at kind of leverage to your enemy?

Is it stupidity or corruption?

here from wikipedia.

Hillary did not approve the Uranium deal. Your thread title is a lie:
Washington Post:
There is no evidence Clinton herself got involved in the deal personally, and it is highly questionable that this deal even rose to the level of the secretary of state. Theoretically, as Schweizer says, Clinton could have intervened. But even then, it ultimately would have been Obama’s decision whether to suspend or block the deal.

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal
And no, having Trumpkins rate "winner" is not a fact-check.
Uranium One - Wikipedia

"ARMZ took complete control of Uranium One in January 2013[2] in a transaction which was reviewed by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.[7] In December 2013 an internal reorganization of Rosatom extinguished the interest of ARMZ making Uranium One a direct subsidiary of Rosatom.[3]"

Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States - Wikipedia

In 1975, President Ford created the Committee by Executive Order 11858.[7][8] It was composed of the Secretary of the Treasury as the chairman, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Commerce, the Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs, and the Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy. The Executive Order also stipulated that the Committee would have "primary continuing responsibility within the Executive Branch for monitoring the impact of foreign investment in the United States, both direct and portfolio, and for coordinating the implementation of United States policy on such investment." In particular, CFIUS was directed to:[9]"
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