If Ron Paul wins Iowa--will Iowa lose it's credibility and it's 1st place status?

Will Iowa lose it's credibility if Ron Paul wins?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No

    Votes: 16 76.2%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Ron Paul is still leading in Iowa--but some of the talking heads are stating that if he actually comes in 1st place in Iowa--Iowa will lose it's credibility--and there will be others calling for Iowa to to lose their 1st place status in the primaries-- because of it.

Your opinions on this issue?
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I think like in the general election the nominees should be decided on the same day. It seems completely backwards to me for a handful of states to hold so much power.
Iowa shouldn't allow Registered Democrats to vote in a Republican Primary. I'ts pointless. Let's just hope and pray anyone but Paul wins. If Romney wins, we know it's gonna be 2 and 0 come New Hampshire.

Huckabee won Iowa.

Bachman won Ames.

It has virtually no predictive value for the election.

The only way it could benefit Paul (outside the votes) is that it might make the media start to pay attention to him and give him a bump in public opinion.
The winners of the 1996 and 2000 Iowa caucuses went on to become the GOP nominees.

I wouldn't totally discredit Iowa. The only reason Huckabee didn't become the nominee was because of the John McCain "Comeback Kid" momentum.

Besides, I'm sure you guys wouldn't be asking the same question if Mitt or Newt was poised to be the Iowa winner. This is just an attempt to spit in the face of the voters and their will...
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I think like in the general election the nominees should be decided on the same day. It seems completely backwards to me for a handful of states to hold so much power.

What's laughable is Iowa--doesn't even use a ballot. You go to someone's house stand in your preferred candidates corner for hours--and that's how they designate a winner--:badgrin:
My 6th sense tells me its gonna be Romney/Paul/Gingrich/Perry, but all within 2% of one another. And there doesn't seem to be any massive blizzards coming in the direction of Iowa.
Ron Paul is the only one running that's worth voting for as far as I'm concern. 10 years of worthless war and nation building for what? This is a man that will get us out of stupid policy and work to right our nation once again with taking care of the debt and the fed. Him telling the truth about the crime stats, ect shows that he is a honest man., We do need to work on that issue as a nation. No longer can we have a victim class of people in this country that expects to be treated differently! It is not equal to do such.

Ron Paul 2012! A man of courage!
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Many, though not all, see Paul as unelectable. However, the same was true of Huckabee, and his Iowa win hardly ended the importance of the caucuses. If someone like Bachmann wins Iowa, I expect it will be much as it was in 2008.

However, Paul might actually be *strong* enough that if he wins Iowa it could damage Iowa's prestige. A Paul win in Iowa could start a long and battering primary season that saddles the GOP with a weakened nominee. If so, Iowa could be seen not as irrelevant but as dangerous. If that were the case Iowa might be weakened, perhaps by pushing more primaries much closer to the caucuses, as was done with South Caroline and Nevada earlier. This would be complicated by the fact that Democrats probably wouldn't be as motivated to change the schedule, and most states try to keep the Democratic and GOP primaries on the same night.

Also, a point of clarification: Iowa caucuses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Iowa doesn't allow Democrats to caucus for Republicans, it just allows people to switch their party identification the same night. So it would be newly-minted Republicans, not registered Democrats, caucusing with Republicans. I'm sure though that many of them do still consider themselves Democrats (and Republicans, when the reverse occurs).
I think like in the general election the nominees should be decided on the same day. It seems completely backwards to me for a handful of states to hold so much power.

The primary system for the two major parties is so fucked up it's not even funny. It's just childish.
How about all caucus states have caucuses on the same day, and all primary states have their primaries on the same day, like let's say, 2 or 3 days after the caucuses?
Iowa shouldn't allow Registered Democrats to vote in a Republican Primary. I'ts pointless. Let's just hope and pray anyone but Paul wins. If Romney wins, we know it's gonna be 2 and 0 come New Hampshire.

They let registered DEMOCRATS vote in REPUBLICAN primaries. You're joking right?--:badgrin: That's like letting the fox guard the chicken shack.
At least it's safe to assume Romney will take Iowa and NH in the general election. It's how many Republicans come out to vote in Florida, VA,Indiana,Ohio,Penn and Wisconsin that can be an early indication of what will happen next November. What Bozo will have worry about is how many Republicans come out to vote. Hopefully close to 65% of registered voters show up.
Once Mitt's flip-flops are brought to full attention, not to mention the fact that he wouldn't repeal Obamacare, Obama will win because not enough Republicans and conservative-leaning Independents will come out to vote for him.
Once Mitt's flip-flops are brought to full attention, not to mention the fact that he wouldn't repeal Obamacare, Obama will win because not enough Republicans and conservative-leaning Independents will come out to vote for him.

Heck, newt was caught having agreed with Mittcare in 2006. Paul is the only real conseravative that will do the changes that we need.
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I like Ron Paul. The same way one likes a dotty old uncle. Would never vote for him to be President or any other position of authority. And am sure that a majority of American Citizens feel the same way.
Ron Paul is still leading in Iowa--but some of the talking heads are stating that if he actually comes in 1st place in Iowa--Iowa will lose it's credibility--and there will be others calling for Iowa to to lose their 1st place status in the primaries-- because of it.

Your opinions on this issue?

The people of Iowa are obviously free to vote for whomever they choose.

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