If romney really cared about americans………


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
He would bring his money back from Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Swiss banks and invest it into American businesses so they can hire and produce American. His money in foreign interest are creating wealth for foreign businesses.
Romney cashes in on foreign investments
Romney cashes in on foreign investments - US Election 2012 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies
Youku, like all Chinese Internet companies, has to obey China’s laws and regulations, which include censoring content and limiting free speech. In the op-ed Romney also emphasizes “the character of the Chinese government — one that marries aspects of the free market with suppression of political and personal freedom.” So tell us Mr. Romney, did you profit from Bain Capital’s investment in Youku?What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies | GlobalPost
TM and LilOLady

More money for the likes of robmoney will only increase his foreign bank accounts
Who cares where he invests his money? I am sure most politicians have invested money overseas. It's called being smart with your money. He has done did his time investing in American business.That's like all yall are worried about his returns. I'm pretty sure he would have had the IRS knocking on his door by now, if something was not right. Sorry yall odumbo supporters dont have a record to run on.
Who cares where he invests his money? I am sure most politicians have invested money overseas. It's called being smart with your money. He has done did his time investing in American business.That's like all yall are worried about his returns. I'm pretty sure he would have had the IRS knocking on his door by now, if something was not right. Sorry yall odumbo supporters dont have a record to run on.

See they want it taxed so it can be redistributed to deadbeats like the two of them. I said it 10 times here. If the man did anything illegal...the IRS would be like a fly on shit...all over him.
Don't you think he has already paid taxes on it? Like before it got put there? Seems like it would be, but i'm not a financiar
He would bring his money back from Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Swiss banks and invest it into American businesses so they can hire and produce American. His money in foreign interest are creating wealth for foreign businesses.
Romney cashes in on foreign investments
Romney cashes in on foreign investments - US Election 2012 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies
Youku, like all Chinese Internet companies, has to obey China’s laws and regulations, which include censoring content and limiting free speech. In the op-ed Romney also emphasizes “the character of the Chinese government — one that marries aspects of the free market with suppression of political and personal freedom.” So tell us Mr. Romney, did you profit from Bain Capital’s investment in Youku?What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies | GlobalPost
Obama has mutual funds that consist of companies that ship jobs overseas, so he too, is creating wealth for other countries with his money.
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Anyone who keeps their money in America is simply foolish. Didn't you learn anything from the bank seizures?

You take what money you have, exchange it into a more stable currency and keep it out the country. It's basic wisdom. This is a government that would find it fair to confiscate the first born of families.
this is the man the republicans want as president.

someone who keeps his profits elsewhere and kills companies for cash.
If Bain just killed every company it became involved with, Bain would not have lasted for more than a year.
Bain has been very successful. Is the animosity against Bain because Romney is white? After all Magic Johnson is a venture capitalist with a HUGE venture capital company who does the exact same thing that that Bain did. In fact, Guggenheim Partners just partnered with Chinese businessman, Patrick Soon-Shion, to seize property to start an NFL team in Los Angeles. There's property already in negotiations in Inglewood, but that's not good enough. Guggenheim wants the to be built stadium in Los Angeles, so clear away those slums where the poor people live.

Magic Johnson is black, so it's all good.
its yet more tape you fucking idiot.

Robmoney is on tape SAYING that is what Bain does.
He would bring his money back from Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Swiss banks and invest it into American businesses so they can hire and produce American. His money in foreign interest are creating wealth for foreign businesses.
Romney cashes in on foreign investments
Romney cashes in on foreign investments - US Election 2012 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies
Youku, like all Chinese Internet companies, has to obey China’s laws and regulations, which include censoring content and limiting free speech. In the op-ed Romney also emphasizes “the character of the Chinese government — one that marries aspects of the free market with suppression of political and personal freedom.” So tell us Mr. Romney, did you profit from Bain Capital’s investment in Youku?What Romney's tax returns say about his investments in Chinese companies | GlobalPost

Then Dem's who have offshore accounts should do the same thing.
Senators Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.), Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.), Frank Lautenberg (D., N.J.), and John Kerry (D., Mass.).


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