If Republicans won't do a complete investigation now on Flynn, the Democrats will later.




Mike Flynn said if he did a 10th of what Hillary did, he would be in prison.

Flynn was reprimanded when he gave away classified material to another country.

Flynn had a private and unsecure server.

Flynn just got busted for lying to the Vice president.

Flynn will now be eligible to be subpoenaed by the congress.

Flynn has to be very, very careful. He didn't know his conversations with Russia were being recorded. He doesn't know what they might have. If he gives testimony the Trump Campaign didn't work with Russia and there is evidence it did, he could go to prison. If he admits it and there is evidence to support that, it could force Trump to resign.

Remember, Flynn was paid to go to Russia before the election. His conversations were recorded before the election.

Perhaps Trump going to war against the Intelligence community wasn't such a "bright" idea from such a "brilliant" businessman?

The video I posted was deleted. He it is again.

This guy has a lot of nerve.
We could reopen Hillary's cases...
With the same results.


Flynn left transcripts and recordings.

Shit. If Hillary is nothing then this never happened. But hey, we know how the media works so it's cool. It only prove the media is more worthless with everyday that goes by.
Funny, all those GOP and FBI investigations and they couldn't find anything on Hillary.

But they refuse to investigate Trump? If there is nothing there, why not investigate? It's not like Republicans are thrifty when it comes to spending tax payer money on investigations.

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